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401 lines (315 loc) · 22.3 KB

v0.17.3 - Improved Stat Screen and Further Bugfixes

  • Implemented a new stat screen that breaks down secondary stats by primary stat and shows changes that will occur if you spend points in stats

v0.17.2 - Major Adjustments and Bugfixes

  • Enemy speed has been tripled to make the game more challenging
  • Enemy floating health bars have been replaced with a top-of-screen health bar that shows the last enemy you hit
  • Unequipped items now have a single icon to show general comparison with the item you have equipped in the appropriate slot
  • Potion icons will now disappear from the hotbar when you use the last potion of a given type
  • Bosses are now the same level as the base level for the dungeon they appear in
  • Equipment tooltips now show positive stat changes in green, followed by negative stat changes in red
  • Floating combat text will now always display when you hit an enemy, even if you deal less than 1% of their health in damage
  • You can no longer drag empty hotbar slots off the hotbar
  • Pressing the P key on your keyboard will now open the Soul Gems window
  • Pressing the escape key when there are no windows open now opens the system settings window
  • Leveling up will now restore your mana to full, not just your health

v0.17.1 - Bugfixes

  • Added a number in skill tree window showing how many skill points a gem has available to spend
  • Negative ability attributes should no longer appear as latent
  • Reduced brightness of physical ranged attacks by 50% to reduce the distraction they cause
  • Abilities can no longer be generated with two copies of the knockback attribute
  • There is now a back button on the character skill selection screen. Note that the skills will not change unless you cancel character creation entirely.
  • Monsters should no longer be visible on the minimap
  • Abilities with the damage shield attribute will now tell you how much damage it prevents
  • Boost stat, reduce elemental damage, and increase elemental damage skill tree nodes will now tell you what element they will affect
  • During character creation, abilities that cost more MP than the character will have to begin will no longer be generated
  • Fixed a bug where the player couldn't drag abilities to hotbar slots that hadn't been filled before
  • Fixed a bug where inactive passive abilities didn't level up
  • Charge attribute was not displaying its description correctly in skill trees
  • Grappling Hook attribute was not displaying its description correctly in skill trees
  • Burning Aura passive is now working as intended
  • Tooltips should now correctly update upon activating a skill tree node
  • Boss will now correctly reset back to the boss room if you kite them too far away
  • Reduce Mana Cost skill tree node should no longer cause MP usage to go up for certain edge cases
  • When abilities are leveled, damage should no longer go down for certain edge cases
  • The tooltip for the skill tree ability drop slot should now display correctly
  • Disabled and invisible UI elements should no longer block mouse clicks when clicking to use abilities
  • Attributes should no longer disappear upon leveling a skill
  • Fixed an issue where some hotbar buttons (2/5/-) could not be assigned to a mouse button
  • Tooltips for healing effects should now be accurate
  • Scaling for passive abilities upon leveling should be more reasonable now
  • Fixed an issue where the monster fade-out effect on death was not working properly in builds

v0.17 - Ability Updates

  • Abilities are now contained within "soul gems"
  • You can now fuse two soul gems together to create a new one in the soul gems menu
  • Soul gems now level and improve as the player gains experience
  • Soul gems each have a unique randomized skill tree, which you can spend points in as the soul gem levels
  • Double-clicking a soul gem in the soul gem window will switch to displaying its skill tree
  • Abilities can no longer be generated that paralyze enemies and have no cooldown
  • Ability attack power scaling based on having a cooldown or a radius effect has been rebalanced

Known Issues

  • You cannot fuse passive abilities yet
  • Fusing attack and utility abilities together may give you strange results
  • Older save files are not compatible with this version


Major Bugfix and Stability Update

  • Many bug fixes and stability updates

Known Issues

  • Overworld is very alpha, still not thoroughly tested and likely has performance issues


Overworld + dungeon variety

  • There is now an overworld for the player to explore!
  • The overworld has a number of dungeons for the player to explore (they look like trees with a skull cave on the front)
  • The overworld, and each dungeon, are saved after being generated, so you can re-visit any dungeon by walking back to it
  • Dungeons found on the overworld will generate with special qualities, including unique loot tables, monster abilities, and resistances
  • Added dissolve visual effect on monster death

Known issues

  • Potions will continue to display on your hotbar even after you have used them all.
  • Monster unit frames can be seen on your minimap and around corners
  • There is no way to tell except by observation what the unique qualities of a dungeon are. Later patches will add scrying abilities and townspeople who can tell you about nearby dungeons
  • You will always respawn in the temporary starting area after leaving a dungeon
  • Save files are most likely incompatible with previous versions due to a radical restructing of world save data -- you may have to delete your character and start over (sorry!)
  • May be some instability in this version -- will be fixed in minor patches


Minor improvements and bugfixes

  • Added loading progress bars for level loading
  • Floating combat text no longer displays unless the damage dealt exceeds 1% of the target's max HP
  • Gold gained now appears in the game log
  • Frames per second display should now be much more accurate
  • Boss teleport quality cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds
  • Effects of constitution on player health and health regen have been greatly reduced
  • Stealth no longer displays a countdown on duration -- duration is now infinite rather than 1 hour
  • Halved speed of charge, pull-in, and knockback effects
  • Mousing over equpment slots no longer turns the item color green on mouse exit
  • Abilities that boost elemental damage now say by how much and for how long
  • Enemy healthbars now always display above the other world elements
  • Boss and treasure chest drops should now always be guaranteed to be orange or better
  • Misc. internal cleanup and refactoring

Known Issues

  • Potions will continue to display on your hotbar even after you have used them all.
  • Monster unit frames can be seen on your minimap and around corners


Bugfixes, balance adjustments, and QoL updates

  • Rebalanced secondary ratings scaling. Should now be easier to obtain, for instance, boosted movement speed from Dexterity
  • Bosses are now 2 levels higher than the dungeon's stated difficulty, not 5 levels higher
  • Kobolds can no longer be bosses, as they are too easy to kill even with boss adjustments
  • Energy Wisplets can no longer be boss adds, as they do not attack
  • Bosses no longer reset due to "leaving the fight" when you hug the walls of the boss room.
  • You can now see the level of items in their tooltips. Level was not previously tracked during item generation, so all items generated previously to this update will show as "L0" unfortunately.
  • The camera position has been zoomed out greatly to provide the player with a larger field of view
  • When the shop window is overly full, the bottom row's costs will no longer be cut off
  • Dragging items across UI windows will no longer result in the character attacking repatedly while the mouse is over the game area
  • Bosses no longer gain back all health upon eating a minion... they instead gain 25% of max health
  • Inventory and shop items are now aligned to the upper left hand side of the window, not centered
  • The character creation ability selection panel now shows the character's selected stats
  • The character sheet now shows the character's average item level
  • Enemies can now rotate to hit the player more accurately with ranged attacks while using said ranged attacks at the same time
  • LEVEL UP text should now continue to work as intended after the player changes levels multiple times
  • Revamped visual effects for damage over time zones -- their physical boundaries should now be clearer as well as looking better
  • Added a teleport effect for boss teleports
  • Fixed a bug where all items would be named as if they were common items
  • You can now de-equip items by dragging them to your inventory (note: you cannot de-equip your weapon, as you must have a weapon to deal damage)
  • Inventory and shop items no longer block scroll events on their parent window
  • Homing projectiles now cannot last longer than 18 seconds
  • Weapon attack power displayed is now based off the player character's highest attack stat, not the weapon type
  • Deleting a character now asks for confirmation
  • Bracelets now auto-equip to any empty bracelet slot
  • Item drops will now refresh the player's inventory when inventory is open and item drops at the same time
  • Bosses that heal or change hit point totals due to enraging will no longer trigger boss phase loops due to their changed HP
  • Slots 9 and 0 on the ability hotbar can now properly hold abilities
  • The abilities window now has separate areas for passive and active abilities
  • Monster damage greatly increased
  • Boss health greatly reduced

Known Issues

  • Potions will continue to display on your hotbar even after you have used them all.
  • Monster unit frames can be seen on your minimap and around corners


Bugfixes and QoL updates

  • Completely revamped monster and encounter scaling balance
  • Massive balancing adjustments to secondary attribute scaling
  • Leveling is now accompanied by an obvious visual effect and sound
  • You can now see how much you are selling items for
  • Equipment buffs to attributes are now correctly shown on the character sheet
  • Bracers can now be properly swapped by dragging an equipped bracer onto another bracer slot
  • You can now see how much attack power and armor will be gained or lost on an item's tooltip
  • Visual effects now vanish correctly when a buff or debuff wears off
  • Item colors now more closely match their intended values
  • It is no longer possible to have 0/0 HP or MP
  • The XP bar no longer appears empty immediately after loading a game
  • If the player's inventory, character sheet, and shop window are all open, clicking items in inventory will now equip them, not sell them
  • Double-clicking on your character's button in the character selection screen will now start the game
  • When an enemy is immune to a type of damage, they will now display the "IMMUNE" floating text instead of "0"
  • Clicking an ability in the drops area in the upper-left-hand corner will no longer open the ability menu when the ability is on the player hotbar
  • Fixed several broken AOE visual effects
  • The {{mpOverTime}} variable is now properly interpolated by the tooltip system

Known Issues

  • Potions will continue to display on your hotbar even after you have used them all.


Equipment updates

  • Rehauled attribute system -- secondary attribute dependencies are now scaled completely differently
  • Equipment of Masterwork (orange) quality or better is now generated with secondary stats in addition to primary stats!
  • There is now a sample shop in the starting area at which you can buy and sell equipment
  • Tooltips now show the quality type of the item (Normal - white, High Quality - red, Masterwork - orange, Enchanted - yellow, Rare - green, Artifact - blue, Legendary - indigo, Transcendent - purple)
  • Equipment names now vary based on the item quality and the highest two stats of the item - there are more than 130 name modifiers!
  • Dropped gear is no longer necessarily tied to the player's primary stat. This is a test to see if I have made other stats valuable enough and may be reverted eventually.
  • Fixed a race condition with character loading

Known Issues

  • Attributes effects on character creation screen are vaguely correct regarding what they do, but the exact numerical results may vary from the displayed results. Once you start the game, the secondary stats on the character creation pane are accurate.
  • Potions will continue to display on your hotbar even after you have used them all.


Minor bug fixes

  • Character sheet and inventory windows no longer overlap by default when opened
  • Canceling character creation now properly resets the stat displays on the stat selection screen
  • Energy Wisplets have been disabled for now until I update the AI that used to make them flee the player
  • Scrolling the mouse wheel no longer zooms the minimap when the cursor is over UI elements
  • The drops panel in the upper-left hand corner now properly clears when the inventory or abilities windows are open
  • The Save & Exit button in the settings window now works as intended


Procedural boss fights

  • Fixed procedural boss fights so they work again with the new AI system
  • Fixed an error where the "delete character" button on the character creation screen didn't work.


Miscellaneous Refactoring

  • Released code in public repo!
  • Various bits of code cleanup and restructuing related to public release
  • Separated project into git submodules to avoid EULA violations
  • Updated to Unity 2019.3
  • Bosses no longer spawn old cube monsters as minions
  • Individual dungeon rooms are now smaller
  • Health bars have been updated to look nicer and provide better information - the color of the level badge now indicates monster quality, with black indicating normal, silver indicating strong, gold indicating elite, red indicating a miniboss, and purple indicating a boss
  • Fixed infinite loop in level generation
  • Update item tooltips
  • Started reimplementing networking (not complete)
  • Started working on goal-based AI system (not complete)
  • Added system for managing characters
  • Added in-game menu for managing game resolution and graphics settings
  • Numerous bugfixes

Known Issues

  • Bosses do not currently engage in boss behaviors
  • Network play is currently incomplete and not recommended


Bug fixes

  • Can no longer see torch fire through walls
  • Fixed some graphical artifacts with walls
  • Fixed exit game button that appears upon death
  • Fixed an issue with goblins and the new lighting that made them flash in a bright, strobing fashion


Beginnings of new map generation system

  • Game now generates enemy castles instead of generic block dungeons!
  • You will no longer get the same dungeon layout repeatedly when exiting and entering dungeons
  • The player HUD should run much better now, as it is persisted between scenes rather than re-initializing for each scene
  • Switching floors should be much faster, as the game no longer changes scenes to do so.
  • Minor details of floors will no longer be rerolled when going up/down stairs, as the random seeds used to store them are now saved and reused
  • Tripled size of HUD


Gameplay adjustments

  • Bosses now have 20x the health they did previously
  • Items now automatically add some amount of constitution if they have stats
  • Monster scaling adjusted
  • Adjust Fighter and Paladin ability balance
  • Abilities no longer generate with a description that indicates level 1 when they are of a higher level
  • Ability fusion results are now capped at your current level
  • You can no longer generate paralyzing attacks that have no cooldown
  • Fused ability MP costs should now be correct for the final level of the created ability



  • Bosses now always drop a piece of equipment that is Enchanted quality (yellow) or better
  • Bosses now spawn an exit portal when defeated
  • Bosses play a fanfare when they appear!
  • Minibosses play a smaller fanfare when they appear!
  • Bosses now have a full set of randomized mechanics!
  • Fixed an issue with going back downstairs after leaving a dungeon from the third floor


The Big Monster Revamp

  • Added many new monsters and rebalanced and changed levels on all the old ones!
  • Most monsters now have elemental strengths/weaknesses that affect damage taken
  • Knockback is much much less likely to knock you through a wall now
  • Fixed an issue where fused abilities would end up with a default AOE animation instead of the proper animation for the element
  • Fixed a ton (hopefully all) of the monster animations that were broken
  • Ranged enemies now properly run away or strafe while attacking you


Game breaking bug fixes & QoL improvements

  • You can now walk through fountains again
  • Ability crafting guide should display properly
  • Doors no longer push you as they open
  • Stat scaling is no longer based on equipment
  • Minimap should work properly across different levels now
  • Added a "Save & Exit" button to the Settings menu
  • You can now filter items by "primary stat upgrade"
  • You can now filter abilities by description text


Misc. fixes

  • Fixed a bug where monsters could only drop level 1 equipment. Prepare to be even more overpowered until I address scaling!
  • It is no longer possible to fuse an ability with itself
  • Dust now uses text list instead of icons
  • The same status effect should no longer stack, with the exception of DOTs, HOTs, and mp over time effects. If the new status effect has the same or greater degree of effect, it will replace the old one.
  • Settings menu has a basic guide to ability crafting
  • Fusion menu now lets you clear fusion slots by clicking them
  • Floating text will now move faster the longer it is on the screen (we'll see how sane this system looks in practice)
  • Trap floating text now displays in orange
  • There is now an in-game version number and changelog! (it looks sorta like this)
  • Pressing ESC now clears mouseover panes as well
  • Resist floating text will now tell you what kind of condition was resisted
  • Mimics and animated statues are now better at being sneaky. They don't look around or engage in idle behaviors until you close to a certain distance. However, they still currently investigate noises (this may change)
  • Mimic and animated statue healthbars now appear while they are in combat
  • You now choose when to exit after dying (instead of leaving the game after 5 seconds)
  • Knockback aoes now work correctly
  • Fixed an issue from the new world object usage system that made it so secret doors no longer disappeared
  • Made monster LOS and object hiding code LOS more consistent. Should fix a lot of "seeing things through walls" bugs.


Fixes from last update + world updates + monster fixes!

  • Fusion toggles should now reset properly after changing fusion circumstances
  • Radius now affects fusion output
  • Should now be able to enhance abilities from hotbar
  • Fixed issue where merged abilities always reset to level 1 (but didn't lose stats)
  • Changed how luck scales
  • Changed how items are used - they now use an action button, with a prompt when you're nearby
  • Fixed the occasional empty chest bug (probably)
  • Starting room now has a brief explanation of the game scenario in the form of a lore item
  • Added a system for reading in-game text
  • It should no longer be possible to start in an open room. Note that it is still possible for monsters to open the door to the starting room, however, so beware!
  • Spider hitbox size reduced by about half
  • Fixed issue where imp level/quality text would display above their health bars rather than on them
  • Doubled the physics calculations per frame (6 solver iterations -> 12 in physics settings) to try to prevent players from being knocked through walls. Note that this may cause a performance hit on slower systems. Needs some testing.


Ability fixes!

  • Fixed sneaky issue where melee attacks weren't using the attack's damage at all. They were using the character's base weapon damage (unused anywhere else in the game at this time). As a consequence, things like backstab multipliers also weren't working.
  • Toned down stealth visual effect
  • Attack abilities now scale with the level of the monster that dropped them or the level they dropped on
  • Most utility effects now scale based on the points the ability generation algorithm spent on them
  • Abilities with cooldowns are much better now
  • Upgraded the fusion system to allow player options during fusion
  • Added a "dusting" system that allows players to dust their abilities and apply that dust to other abilities


UI/UX fixes!

  • Fixed issue where an invisible box on the left side of the screen blocked ability clicks
  • Renamed Ochre Jellies to Slimes because the model being used isn't ochre
  • Fixed issue where Slimes didn't display their level/quality on their health bars
  • Improved UI scaling
  • Added a controls reference to the settings menu
  • Weapons should no longer show a green arrow when they are downgrades
  • Minimap mapping should be much improved!
  • Dragging abilities to/from ability menu no longer uses your active left-click ability constantly
  • Utility abilities should now display the numeric amounts that they heal/restore MP/shield for.
  • You can now swap bracelet slots by dragging them.
  • Intro menus should work so that you can keep playing after death without having to close and restart the game
  • Intro menus return you to the initial screen after death
  • World selection button text is now centered better


More critical bugs and new monster models

  • Gave savefile streaming its own dedicated network channel
  • Added new monster models/animations to the game
  • Removed placeholder LOS lines for cubes
  • Removed debug text above monsters


Critical bugs

  • Added game log notification when the game autosaves your character
  • Game now autosaves on death
  • Clicking on minimap elements should no longer block ability usage
  • Dragging to equip bracelets in slots where one is already equipped should now work properly
  • Fixed issue where monsters would stop spawning after going up and down stairs some number of times
  • Fixed issue where blank or useless utility abilities would spawn
  • Fixed issue where game log would get too long and glitch out
  • Fixed issues with Ochre Jellies - they will no longer split on dot or damage zone tick, they have a cooldown of 0.5s before they can split after spawning, and generated Ochre Jellies can no longer drop items or abilities.
  • Added stat box text to equipped items so they can be read more easily.
  • Teleport traps should no longer teleport you off the map
  • Pit traps should no longer drop you multiple floors, or to impossible floors