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docs » hs.chooser

Graphical, interactive tool for choosing/searching data


API Overview

API Documentation


Signature -> hs.chooser object
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new chooser object
  • completionFn - A function that will be called when the chooser is dismissed. It should accept one parameter, which will be nil if the user dismissed the chooser window, otherwise it will be a table containing whatever information you supplied for the item the user chose.
  • An hs.chooser object


Signature hs.chooser:bgDark([beDark]) -> hs.chooser object or boolean
Type Method
Description Sets the background of the chooser between light and dark
  • beDark - A optional boolean, true to be dark, false to be light. If this parameter is omitted, the current setting will be returned
  • The hs.chooser object or a boolean, true if the window is dark, false if it is light
  • The text colors will not automatically change when you toggle the darkness of the chooser window, you should also set appropriate colors with hs.chooser:fgColor() and hs.chooser:subTextColor()
Signature hs.chooser:cancel() -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Cancels the chooser
  • None
  • The hs.chooser object
Signature hs.chooser:choices(choices) -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Sets the choices for a chooser
  • choices - Either a function to call when the list of choices is needed, or nil to remove any existing choices/callback, or a table containing static choices.
  • The hs.chooser object
  • The table of choices (be it provided statically, or returned by the callback) must contain at least the following keys for each choice:
  • text - A string that will be shown as the main text of the choice
  • Each choice may also optionally contain the following keys:
  • subText - A string that will be shown underneath the main text of the choice
  • image - An hs.image image object that will be displayed next to the choice
  • Any other keys/values in each choice table will be retained by the chooser and returned to the completion callback when a choice is made. This is useful for storing UUIDs or other non-user-facing information, however, it is important to note that you should not store userdata objects in the table - it is run through internal conversion functions, so only basic Lua types should be stored.
  • If a function is given, it will be called once, when the chooser window is displayed. The results are then cached until this method is called again, or hs.chooser:refreshChoicesCallback() is called.
Signature hs.chooser:delete()
Type Method
Description Deletes a chooser
  • None
  • None
Signature hs.chooser:fgColor(color) -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Sets the foreground color of the chooser
  • color - An optional table containing a color specification (see hs.drawing.color), or nil to restore the default color. If this parameter is omitted, the existing color will be returned
  • The hs.chooser object or a color table
Signature hs.chooser:hide() -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Hides the chooser
  • None
  • The hs.chooser object
Signature hs.chooser:isVisible() -> boolean
Type Method
Description Checks if the chooser is currently displayed
  • None
  • A boolean, true if the chooser is displayed on screen, false if not
Signature hs.chooser:query([queryString]) -> hs.chooser object or string
Type Method
Description Sets/gets the search string
  • queryString - An optional string to search for, or an explicit nil to clear the query. If omitted, the current contents of the search box are returned
  • The hs.chooser object or a string
  • You can provide an explicit nil or empty string to clear the current query string.
Signature hs.chooser:queryChangedCallback([fn]) -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Sets/clears a callback for when the search query changes
  • fn - An optional function that will be called whenever the search query changes. If this parameter is omitted, the existing callback will be removed.
  • The hs.chooser object
  • As the user is typing, the callback function will be called for every keypress. You may wish to do filtering on each call, or you may wish to use a delayed hs.timer object to only react when they have finished typing.
  • The callback function should accept a single argument:
  • A string containing the new search query
Signature hs.chooser:refreshChoicesCallback() -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Refreshes the choices data from a callback
  • None
  • The hs.chooser object
  • This method will do nothing if you have not set a function with hs.chooser:choices()
Signature hs.chooser:rightClickCallback([fn]) -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Sets/clears a callback for right clicking on choices
  • fn - An optional function that will be called whenever the user right clicks on a choice. If this parameter is omitted, the existing callback will be removed.
  • The hs.chooser object
  • The callback may accept one argument, the row the right click occurred in or 0 if there is currently no selectable row where the right click occurred. To determine the location of the mouse pointer at the right click, see hs.mouse.
  • To display a context menu, see hs.menubar, specifically the :popupMenu() method
Signature hs.chooser:rows([numRows]) -> hs.chooser object or number
Type Method
Description Gets/Sets the number of rows that will be shown
  • numRows - An optional number of choices to show (i.e. the vertical height of the chooser window). If this parameter is omitted, the current value will be returned
  • The hs.chooser object or a number
Signature hs.chooser:searchSubText([searchSubText]) -> hs.chooser object or boolean
Type Method
Description Gets/Sets whether the chooser should search in the sub-text of each item
  • searchSubText - An optional boolean, true to search sub-text, false to not search sub-text. If this parameter is omitted, the current configuration value will be returned
  • The hs.chooser object if a value was set, or a boolean if no parameter was passed
  • This should be used before a chooser has been displayed
Signature hs.chooser:select([row]) -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Closes the chooser by selecting the specified row, or the currently selected row if not given
  • row - an optional integer specifying the row to select.
  • The hs.chooser object
Signature hs.chooser:selectedRow([row]) -> number
Type Method
Description Get or set the currently selected row
  • row - an optional integer specifying the row to select.
  • If an argument is provided, returns the hs.chooser object; otherwise returns a number containing the row currently selected (i.e. the one highlighted in the UI)
Signature hs.chooser:selectedRowContents([row]) -> table
Type Method
Description Returns the contents of the currently selected or specified row
  • row - an optional integer specifying the specific row to return the contents of
  • a table containing whatever information was supplied for the row currently selected or an empty table if no row is selected or the specified row does not exist.
Signature hs.chooser:show([topLeftPoint]) -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Displays the chooser
  • An optional hs.geometry point object describing the absolute screen co-ordinates for the top left point of the chooser window. Defaults to centering the window on the primary screen
  • The hs.chooser object
Signature hs.chooser:showCallback([fn]) -> hs.chooser object
Type Method
Description Sets/clears a callback for when the chooser window is shown
  • fn - An optional function that will be called when the chooser window is shown. If this parameter is omitted, the existing callback will be removed.
  • The hs.chooser object
Signature hs.chooser:subTextColor(color) -> hs.chooser object or hs.color object
Type Method
Description Sets the sub-text color of the chooser
  • color - An optional table containing a color specification (see hs.drawing.color), or nil to restore the default color. If this parameter is omitted, the existing color will be returned
  • The hs.chooser object or a color table
Signature hs.chooser:width([percent]) -> hs.chooser object or number
Type Method
Description Gets/Sets the width of the chooser
  • percent - An optional number indicating the percentage of the width of the screen that the chooser should occupy. If this parameter is omitted, the current width will be returned
  • The hs.chooser object or a number
  • This should be used before a chooser has been displayed