All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Set up a Maven project (#1)
- onewman1: Set up Hibernate and MySQL (#4)
- onewman1: Create HibernateUtil and GsonUtil
- onewman1: Set up basic directory structure
- onewman1: Create User model and controller
- cmarsh1: Create Artist model and controller
- onewman1: Add TestUtil and UsersControllerTest
- cmarsh1: Create ArtistFollow class for Users to follow artists
- amansar1: Create Album model and controller
- amansar1: Create Album model tests and controller tests
- cpillsb1: Create Post, Comment, and Rating model
- cpillsb1: Created model tests for Post, Comment, and Rating
- onewman1: Set up React app in src/main/frontend
- onewman1: Configure React routes
- cmarsh1: Create Spotify Authorization
- cmarsh1: Moved application credentials to resources and created util object
- onewman1: Refactor PostsController and tests to use new controller format
- amansar1:Started building Album Page
- amansar1: Have core content on album page
- amansar1: Have rating stars appearing
- amansar1: Have successful request to rating controller, but no posts to database
- cpillsb1: Added modal for creating discussion
- cpillsb1: Added modal for creating review
- cpillsb1: Added table for discussions (not populating with database yet)
- onewman1: Add login page and SessionsController
- onewman1: Implement logout
- cmarsh1: Added Artist page and styling
- cmarsh1: added Search bar to front end, addded Search controller
- cpillsb1: Discussion button and table now correctly interact with database
- cpillsb1: Discussion table is able to get usernames
- cpillsb1: Added logo and favicon