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CI edited this page Apr 13, 2021 · 1198 revisions


The GeoMapFish demo


No file found

Version Used by CI status
2.5 ci.yaml upgrade-25.yaml
2.6 main.yaml upgrade-26.yaml
2.6-simple main.yaml
2.7 main.yaml upgrade-27.yaml
2.7-simple main.yaml

The GeoMapFish server part

audit.yaml clean.yaml dependabot-auto-merge.yaml pr-title-lint.yaml status.yaml backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Used by CI status
<= 2.3 Unsupported
2.4 30/06/2022 codeql.yaml 28d
2.5 31/10/2021 qgis.yaml 3.4, 3.10, 3.12, 3.14 main.yaml codeql.yaml rebuild-25.yaml rebuild-qgis-25.yaml 2.5, 3.4, 2.5, 3.10, 2.5, 3.12, 2.5, 3.14 ngeo-25.yaml
2.6 31/10/2021 qgis.yaml 3.10, 3.16, master main.yaml codeql.yaml rebuild-26.yaml rebuild-qgis-26.yaml 2.6, 3.10, 2.6, 3.16, 2.6, master ngeo-26.yaml
master qgis.yaml 3.10, 3.16, master main.yaml codeql.yaml rebuild-master.yaml

Stale pull requests:

  • #7868 Bump puppeteer from 5.5.0 to 8.0.0
  • #7556 Bump pykwalify from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0

The GeoMapFish client part

audit.yaml clean-ghpages.yaml dependabot-auto-merge.yaml pr-title-lint.yaml test_url.yaml backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Used by CI status
<= 2.3 Unsupported
2.4 30/06/2022 codeql.yaml 7d
2.5 31/10/2021 main.yaml codeql.yaml
2.6 31/12/2021 main.yaml codeql.yaml
master main.yaml codeql.yaml

Stale pull requests:

  • #7045 Bump typedoc from 0.19.2 to 0.20.35
  • #7021 Bump @types/bootstrap from 4.5.0 to 5.0.12
  • #6950 Bump html-webpack-plugin from 4.5.2 to 5.3.1
  • #6873 Bump terser-webpack-plugin from 4.2.3 to 5.1.1
  • #6869 Bump expose-loader from 1.0.3 to 2.0.0
  • #6801 [Backport master] [Backport 2.5] Enable to change the xy order on getFeature GML format
  • #6736 Bump @types/d3 from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0
  • #6716 Bump mapillary-js from 2.21.0 to 3.1.0
  • #6371 Bump webpack-cli from 3.3.12 to 4.1.0
  • #6336 Bump @types/d3-selection from 1.4.2 to 2.0.0
  • #6220 Bump @types/angular-dynamic-locale from 0.1.34 to 0.1.35

Some utils for the CI (checks, publish, audit, clean)

rebuild.yaml audit.yaml clean.yaml 11d dependabot-auto-merge.yaml backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Used by CI status
1.0 Unsupported main.yaml 28d codeql.yaml 28d
master main.yaml 12d codeql.yaml 12d

Stale pull requests:

  • #119 Bump c2cciutils from 1.1.dev20210315182348 to 1.1.dev20210401100258 in /example-project
  • #114 Bump mypy from 0.720 to 0.812
  • #112 Bump isort from 4.3.21 to 5.7.0

The base of WSGI application

rebuild.yaml audit.yaml clean.yaml dependabot-auto-merge.yaml backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Used by CI status
<= 1 Unsupported
2 30/06/2022 2.4 codeql.yaml 7d
3 31/10/2021 2.5 main.yml 7d codeql.yaml 7d
4 30/06/2022 main.yaml 25d codeql.yaml 25d
master main.yaml codeql.yaml

A library for tile generation

dependabot-auto-merge.yaml backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Used by CI status
<= 1.2 Unsupported
1.3 30/06/2022 1.12 1.13 codeql.yaml 151d
1.4 31/10/2021 codeql.yaml 151d
1.5 30/06/2022 1.14 1.15 codeql.yaml 12d
master main.yaml 12d codeql.yaml 12d

A tool for tile generation from WMS to WMTS

rebuild.yaml rebuild-113.yaml rebuild-115.yaml audit.yaml clean.yaml dependabot-auto-merge.yaml backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Used by CI status
<= 1.12 Unsupported
1.13 30/06/2022 2.4 2.5 main.yaml 42d codeql.yaml 42d
1.14 Unsupported
1.15 To be defined main.yaml 55d codeql.yaml 55d
1.16 Best effort
master main.yaml codeql.yaml

Mapfish print (print a map)

rebuild.yaml rebuild-3-23.yaml rebuild-3-20-3-22.yaml audit.yaml clean.yaml dependabot-auto-merge.yaml backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Used by CI status
<= 3.19 Unsupported
3.20 30/06/2022 2.4 codeql.yaml 117d
3.21 31/10/2021 codeql.yaml 117d
3.22 31/10/2021 2.5 codeql.yaml 117d
3.23 31/10/2021 main.yaml 61d codeql.yaml 61d
3.24 31/12/2021 main.yaml 117d codeql.yaml 117d
3.25 31/12/2021 main.yaml 117d codeql.yaml 117d
3.26 31/06/2021 main.yaml 117d codeql.yaml 117d
3.27 31/06/2021
3.28 To be defined
master main.yaml codeql.yaml

rebuild.yaml clean.yaml dependabot-auto-merge.yaml backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Last Upstream Version Used by CI status
<= 6.4 Unsupported 21/03/2020
7.0 31/10/2021 15/11/2017 main.yaml 112d
7.2 30/06/2022 19/02/2019 2.4 main.yaml 112d
7.4 31/10/2021 21/03/2020 2.5 main.yaml 112d
7.6 31/10/2021 31/07/2020 main.yaml
master main.yaml

rebuild.yaml clean.yaml 11d dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 11d backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Upstream Supported Until Used by CI status
<= 3.2 Unsupported Unsupported
3.4 31/06/2022 Unsupported 2.4 main.yaml 15d
3.6 Unsupported Unsupported
3.8 Unsupported Unsupported
3.10 31/10/2021 19/02/2021 2.5 main.yaml 15d
3.12 Unsupported Unsupported
3.14 Unsupported Unsupported
3.16 18/02/2022 18/02/2022 main.yaml 15d
3.18 18/06/2021 18/06/2021 main.yaml 32d
master main.yaml 33d

Stale pull requests:

  • #130 Bump c2cciutils from 1.0.dev20210111121829 to 1.1.dev20210401100258 in /ci
  • #128 Bump pyyaml from 5.3.1 to 5.4
  • #126 Bump osgeo/gdal from ubuntu-small-3.2.1 to ubuntu-small-3.2.2

rebuild.yaml clean-dockerhub-tag.yaml 419d

Version Supported Until Last Upstream Commit Used by CI status
latest 30/06/2022 21/03/2016
master 2.4 2.5 ci.yaml 85d

The configuration generator used by c2cgeoportal


No file found

Missing workflows: codeql.yaml, dependabot-auto-merge.yaml, main.yaml

GitHub actions

No file found

Version Used by CI status
master main.yaml 28d codeql.yaml 28d

Initialise Gopass and Summon to use with our pass store

No file found

Version Used by CI status
v2 main.yaml 35d

Base container to create a Docker action in Python

dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 7d rebuild.yaml clean.yaml 11d

No file found

Version Used by CI status
master main.yaml 35d

Openshift and others

Clint server infrastructure to get configuration from Git and make it available to the application

rebuild.yaml audit.yaml clean.yaml 35d dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 6d backport.yaml

Version Supported Until Used by CI status
1 Unsupported
2 Best effort main.yaml 91d codeql.yaml 91d
master main.yaml 35d codeql.yaml 35d

rebuild.yaml clean.yaml 11d dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 7d

No file found

Version Used by CI status
master main.yaml 32d

Our Helm charts with the application variable

check-images.yaml Missing workflow dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 5d

No file found

Version Used by CI status
master main.yaml 5d

grafana.yaml dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 7d

No file found

Version Used by CI status
master main.yaml 18d

The configuration of mutualised print

dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 7d

No file found

Version Used by CI status
master main.yaml 35d

Used to extract logs from ElasticSearch for the mutualised print

rebuild.yaml dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 7d clean.yaml 11d audit.yaml backport.yaml 8d

No file found

Version Used by CI status
master main.yaml 20d

clean.yaml 11d rebuild.yaml dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 4d

No file found

Version Used by CI status
master main.yaml 19d codeql.yaml 19d

Stale pull requests:

  • #51 Bump pyramid from 1.10.8 to 2.0

Will be progressively abandoned

dependabot-auto-merge.yaml 36d backport.yaml

No file found

Version Used by CI status
8.5-jre8 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25
9.0-jre11 3.26 ci.yaml 186d
10.0-jre11 ci.yaml 186d
master ci.yaml 99d

Stale pull requests:

  • #23 Bump sentry-logback from 3.2.0 to 4.3.0 in /temp
  • #21 Bump maven from 3-openjdk-16 to 3-openjdk-17
Version Supported Until Used by CI status
<= 1.4 Unsupported
1.6 30/06/2022 2.4

= 1.8|Unsupported||


No file found

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