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Testing Best Practices Java

Thorben Lindhauer edited this page Jun 17, 2019 · 4 revisions


  • These are our best practices around unit testing
  • They should be followed when writing tests, but exceptions can be made

Best Practices:

  • A test should include //given, //when, //then comments, so it is easy to see what is tested
  • A test should not test multiple things, i.e. there can be only one when part
  • The when part only triggers the code under test; Any lookup for results goes into the then part
  • Query tests should assert the results, not only the count of results (exception: the query returns all results)
  • If you need to scroll down to see the whole test, consider to break it down
  • A test should always have at least one assertion
  • Use fluent AssertJ assertions
  • If possible, use JUnit 4 conventions (e.g. test rule, ExpectedException rule)
  • Write blackbox tests based on public API (Tassilo)
    • Avoid writing tests that rely on internal API (e.g. for preparing a certain state)
    • Avoid testing internal API
  • Preferred Annotation order:
@Deployment(resources = {"testProcess.bpmn"})
  • For common test setup and tear down (e.g. services, deployments), use @Before and @After methods
  • Use @RequiredHistoryLevel on method or class level, if a test requires a certain history level
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