- Fix Dockerfile
- Exit with a clearer error message when file does not pass the minimum read threshold
- Update Dockerfile and setup.sh
- OS and Bio::DB::HTS updates
- Fixed bug that prevented vcf+bed locations being possible
- Switch to low level HTS API to speed up fetch calls.
- Collate mate read calls into single fetch for overlapping ranges.
- ~46% faster - see #68.
- Ensure line read rather than $_ are used in split
- Update license years
- Releases multiple fixes listed in milestone 1
- Adds docker build - please use this in preference to other methods. Should be functional with singularity.
- Remove help text about adding to allowed perl lib paths as not being used
- corrected to indicate install skip for deps
- Changed so that following are installed even when 'skip' is used
- htslib/Bio::DB::HTS
- vcftools
- Removed hiding of errors during install
- Some failures not surfaced so user needed to know to check
or the setup.log file
- Some failures not surfaced so user needed to know to check
requires current bioperl.
- Reduced memory footprint for augment vcf file
- Augmentation can now run per chromosome
- SAM flag filters are now controlled by vafConstantas.pm file
- .bas file now used by default to calculate library size
- added support for cram files
- Change max reads read when determining read length to 50k
- Modify _get_bam_header_data to get the max read length of ALL bam files encountered and therefore to produce the correct lib_size
- Converted internal SAM flag constants to point to
constants (in the future internal constants could be replaced) - Added command line options for filter include and exclude of reads when checking read length
- Added very simple test for
- All contribute to fixing #45
- All hard tabs now spaces. Fixes whitespace part of #49
- Updated CHANAGES.md with corerct version
- corrected condition in vafcorrect for erroneous PASS flag setting
- Correct query_full to ensure
return is caught. - vaf output precison raised from two to four decimal places.
- Update
to v1.7 - Update
to v2.10 - Change tabix->query call to tabix->query_full
- fixed bug in accessing chr prefixed chromosome names for HDR regions
- corrected typo in setup.sh removed safelist branches from .travis
- Added checks for INST_METHOD
- Changed CHANGES.md syntax to markdown linter
- Exonerate install is now skipped if INST_METHOD is 2
- Fixed bug which caused incorrent assignment of mutant reads overlapping deletion regions to Unknon category - if there is any mismatch in 3prime region from deletionstart site
- Heade line for SAMPLE is now generated from command line
- Fixed bug for missing header data when running with bedonly option
- added condition to test vcf extension when bed file is not present
- added functionality to process bed file per chromosome
- progress file check during concatenation step ignores already processed chromosomes
- vcf file extension is optional if --bedOnly option is selected
- Fixed broken INFO tags in vcf and tsv
- tags -t option is now only applicable to tsv file
- forced default shell to bash for syste command
- Added custom sorting for vcf files
- User can now run per chromosome analysis [useful to run in parallel ] and concatenate the resulting files
- Removed exonerate parameter to filter alignments based on score
- Removed condition to discard alignment length smaller than read length
- Added user defined option to specify exonerat percent value
- Increased padding to extended reference sequence -- this will allow to map longer reads in amplicon data.
- Update to Bio::DB::HTS install to use already installed htslib
- updated version tag
- Removed default high depth regions filter option, users can optionally provide this file on command line (refer wiki)
- Added option to supply external ignore depth file
- removed legacy code to run external commands
- Added prerelease.sh to
- Updated .gitignore to allow test data to be added to git
- Updated test data set files
- Added option to restrict reads based on mapping quality threshold
- Exonerate --percent threshold reduced to 90 from 95 to allow 4 mismatches
- More robust check for mismatches at varinat positions in the alignment
- added additional condition to check mismatch at the variant region in the alignment
- reads mapping on alternate sequence and have mismatch at variant region were categorised into UNK [ unknown ] reads
- updated option to correctly read bed file
- Creates augmented vcf file even if no records were augmented
- Corrected processlog in vcf output header
- Minor change to test script
- Appropriate warning message when no vcf file found for a sample
- updated changes.md and verision information
- corrected tabix syntax as for Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix, added test for high depth region overlap
- removed legacy script from Makefile
- removed database dependecy code for external release
- replaced Tabix with Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix
- changed Bio::DB::HTS version to 1.12
- changed Bio::DB::HTS version to 1.11
- Added support to Bio::DB::HTS
- Updated SQL query to get input data to generate commands
- corrected condition to get unmatched normal
- Fixed vcf header, as it was copied twice in the outfile
- Added explicit check for normal sample using SIP_ATTRIBUTES table
- updated defualt project ini folder to cgpVaf
- Updated verison
- Added condition to ignore writing progress file if augment only option is selected
- Improved and corrected setup.sh and location of Makefile.PL
*added test to check final result removal *chnaged bio:db:sam version to 1.42
*changed installation path to bin from perl/bin in setup.sh
*fixed test to created progress file path
*updated condition to create outfile only if it is absent
*updated file postfix to _vaf
*Added tumour sample name as postfix to tmp folder
*Added setup.sh
*Fixed bug in unmapped mate retrival
*Added option to accept vcf file as command line input
- Fixed readme file
- Contains pre-calculated VAF values in FORMAT field
- Per chromosome progress tracking i.e., failed jobs can be resumed from last unsuccessful chromosome
- Added setup script script
- Added condition to check snps that fall at the end of chromosome
- Added option to create config file for user defined list of samples