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Identity Platform Admin UI

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GitHub Release Go Reference

This is the Admin UI for the Canonical Identity Platform.

Environment Variables

  • OTEL_GRPC_ENDPOINT: address of the open telemetry grpc endpoint, used for tracing
  • OTEL_HTTP_ENDPOINT: address of the open telemetry http endpoint, used for tracing (grpc endpoint takes precedence)
  • TRACING_ENABLED: flag enabling tracing
  • LOG_LEVEL: log level, one of info,warn,error,debug, defaults to error
  • LOG_FILE: file where to dump logs, defaults to log.txt
  • PORT: http server port, defaults to 8080
  • CONTEXT_PATH: the context path that the application will be served on, needed to perform redirection correctly
  • DEBUG: debugging flag for hydra and kratos clients
  • KUBECONFIG_FILE: optional path of kube config file, default to empty string
  • KRATOS_PUBLIC_URL: Kratos public endpoints address
  • KRATOS_ADMIN_URL: Kratos admin endpoints address
  • HYDRA_ADMIN_URL: Hydra admin endpoints address
  • IDP_CONFIGMAP_NAME: name of the k8s config map containing Identity Providers
  • IDP_CONFIGMAP_NAMESPACE: namespace of the k8s config map containing Identity Providers
  • SCHEMAS_CONFIGMAP_NAME: name of the k8s config map containing Identity Schemas
  • SCHEMAS_CONFIGMAP_NAMESPACE: namespace of the k8s config map containing Identity Schemas
  • OPENFGA_API_SCHEME: scheme for the OpenFGA host variable, either http or https
  • OPENFGA_API_HOST: host of the OpenFGA server
  • OPENFGA_API_TOKEN: token used to interact with OpenFGA server, dictated by OpenFGA server
  • OPENFGA_STORE_ID: ID of the OpenFGA store the application will talk to
  • OPENFGA_AUTHORIZATION_MODEL_ID: ID of the OpenFGA authorization model the application will talk to
  • AUTHORIZATION_ENABLED: flag defining if the OpenFGA authorization middleware is enabled default to false
  • PAYLOAD_VALIDATION_ENABLED: flag defining if the Payload Validation middleware is enabled default to true
  • AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED: flag defining if the OAuth authentication middleware is enabled, default to false
  • OIDC_ISSUER: URL of the OIDC provider
  • OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID: OAuth2 client ID used for authentication purposes
  • OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET: OAuth2 client secret used for authentication purposes
  • OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI: URI used by the Oauth2 provider for the redirecting callback
  • OAUTH2_CODEGRANT_SCOPES: OAuth2 scopes, defaults to openid,offline_access
  • OAUTH2_AUTH_COOKIES_ENCRYPTION_KEY: 32 bytes string used for encrypting cookies
  • ACCESS_TOKEN_VERIFICATION_STRATEGY: OAuth2 verification startegy, one of jwks or `userinfo``
  • MAIL_HOST: host of the mail server (required)
  • MAIL_PORT: port exposed by the mail server (required)
  • MAIL_USERNAME: username to use for the simple authentication on the mail server (if present, both username and password are used)
  • MAIL_PASSWORD: password to use for the simple authentication on the mail server
  • MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: email address sending the email (required)
  • MAIL_SEND_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: timeout used to send emails (defaults to 15 seconds)

Development setup

As a requirement, please make sure to:

  • have rockcraft, yq, and make installed
snap install rockcraft
snap install yq
apt install make
# Ensure skopeo is in the path
sudo ln -s /snap/rockcraft/current/bin/skopeo /usr/local/bin/skopeo
  • Microk8s is installed with the registry addon operating at localhost:32000 and kubectl configured to use it
snap install microk8s --classic
microk8s status --wait-ready
microk8s enable registry
# ensure kubectl is configured to use microk8s
microk8s.kubectl config view --raw > $HOME/.kube/config
# Alias kubectl so that it can be used by Skaffold
snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl
sudo lxd init --auto

Run make dev to get a working environment in k8s.

To stop any running containers and wipe the container state, run skaffold delete from the top of the repository.

Image rebuild and redeployment

To avoid a continuos redeployment of the whole setup, there is always the manual process of building the admin-ui image

$ SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO=localhost:32000 skaffold build --push=true --cache-artifacts=false

Generating tags...
 - identity-platform-admin-ui -> localhost:32000/identity-platform-admin-ui:v1.5.0-181-g1107165-dirty
Starting build...
Building [identity-platform-admin-ui]...
Target platforms: [linux/amd64]
Starting rockcraft, version 1.2.3
Logging execution to '/home/shipperizer/.local/state/rockcraft/log/rockcraft-20240424-135944.672894.log'
Launching managed ubuntu 22.04 instance...
v1.5.0-181-g1107165-dirty: digest: sha256:027745f048faddda78b4cd7b9c7dbb59bec8b446941b163006da32f29b9eb377 size: 943

and then substituting the final artifact in the deployment via kubectl with

kubectl edit deployments.apps identity-platform-admin-ui

where you will swap whatever is in spec.template.spec.containers.0.image with the new image tag (with sha)

OpenFGA initialization

The Admin Service comes up with authorization disabled ( see AUTHORIZATION_ENABLED env var), The env vars OPENFGA_AUTHORIZATION_MODEL_ID and OPENFGA_STORE_ID which are needed for the correct functioning of the RBAC APIs get set by the job admin-ui-openfga-setup, after this has completed a developer is supposed to bounce the deployment to get the application to source the new env vars If AUTHORIZATION_ENABLED is set to false, the user context passed to OpenFGA will default to user:anonymous, which will make every call to roles and groups API return an empty response (unless model is populated with relationship linked to user:anonymous)

# Wait for the openfga setup job to complete
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/admin-ui-openfga-setup

# Edit the configmap to enable authorization by setting AUTHORIZATION_ENABLED=true
kubectl edit configmap identity-platform-admin-ui

# Restart the admin UI apply the changes
kubectl rollout restart deployment identity-platform-admin-ui

K8s jobs don't get deleted on their own so if you wish to make changes to the openfga model, you need to make sure that the job for setting up openfga is deleted before redeploying the admin UI:

kubectl delete job admin-ui-openfga-setup
make dev

ensure environment variables in the identity-platform-admin-ui configmap reflect the status you want.

Endpoint examples

$ http :8000/api/v0/identities

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 86
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 10:05:37 GMT
Vary: Origin

    "_meta": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 100
    "data": [],
    "message": "List of identities",
    "status": 200
$ http :8000/api/v0/idps

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1520
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 10:05:43 GMT
Vary: Origin

    "_meta": null,
    "data": [
            "apple_private_key": "",
            "apple_private_key_id": "",
            "apple_team_id": "",
            "auth_url": "",
            "client_id": "af675f35-3bd7-4515-88e2-b8032e315f6f",
            "client_secret": "3y38Q~aslkdhaskjhd~W0xWDB.123u98asd",
            "id": "microsoft_af675f353bd7451588e2b8032e315f6f",
            "issuer_url": "",
            "label": "",
            "mapper_url": "file:///etc/config/kratos/microsoft_schema.jsonnet",
            "microsoft_tenant": "e1574293-28de-4e94-87d5-b61c76fc14e1",
            "provider": "microsoft",
            "requested_claims": null,
            "scope": [
            "subject_source": "",
            "token_url": ""
            "apple_private_key": "",
            "apple_private_key_id": "",
            "apple_team_id": "",
            "auth_url": "",
            "client_id": "18fa2999-e6c9-475a-a495-15d933d8e8ce",
            "client_secret": "3y38Q~aslkdhaskjhd~W0xWDB.123u98asd",
            "id": "google_18fa2999e6c9475aa49515d933d8e8ce",
            "issuer_url": "",
            "label": "",
            "mapper_url": "file:///etc/config/kratos/google_schema.jsonnet",
            "microsoft_tenant": "",
            "provider": "google",
            "requested_claims": null,
            "scope": [
            "subject_source": "",
            "token_url": ""
            "apple_private_key": "",
            "apple_private_key_id": "",
            "apple_team_id": "",
            "auth_url": "",
            "client_id": "18fa2999-e6c9-475a-a495-89d941d8e1zy",
            "client_secret": "3y38Q~aslkdhaskjhd~W0xWDB.123u98asd",
            "id": "aws_18fa2999e6c9475aa49589d941d8e1zy",
            "issuer_url": "",
            "label": "",
            "mapper_url": "file:///etc/config/kratos/google_schema.jsonnet",
            "microsoft_tenant": "",
            "provider": "aws",
            "requested_claims": null,
            "scope": [
            "subject_source": "",
            "token_url": ""
    "message": "List of IDPs",
    "status": 200
$ http :8000/api/v0/clients

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 316
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 10:05:47 GMT
Vary: Origin

    "_links": {
        "first": "/api/v0/clients?page=eyJvZmZzZXQiOiIwIiwidiI6Mn0&size=200",
        "next": "/api/v0/clients?page=eyJvZmZzZXQiOiIyMDAiLCJ2IjoyfQ&size=200",
        "prev": "/api/v0/clients?page=eyJvZmZzZXQiOiItMjAwIiwidiI6Mn0&size=200"
    "_meta": {
        "total_count": "0"
    "data": [],
    "message": "List of clients",
    "status": 200