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Brand and services open during Covid-19 lockdown


Which chain stores or services are open during Covid-19 lockdown ? Answers are here and here !

The objective of this repository is to list rules applicable to services and chain stores worldwide concerning their opening during the Covid-19 lockdown period. This allows to create maps like Ça reste ouvert (it stays open in French) of open shops and services during lockdown.

Examples :

  • Do-it-yourself are only allowed to offer delivery or drive-through services
  • Do-it-yourself brand "Pro hardware" is open country-wide from 09:00 to 18:00
  • Bakeries are allowed to open country-wide
  • But bakery brand "Bonne baguette" is closed country-wide

How you can contribute

Report info about chain stores

To report information about a chain of stores (at least 10 shops, for independent shops please use opening_hours:covid19 tag on OpenStreetMap), you can create an issue in this repository.

What you will need to complete the issue:

  • Brand : brand name of concerned shops
  • Category : what kind of shop it is (supermarket, fuel, laundry...)
  • Opening rule : shops closed / shops open as usual / shops open with adapted opening hours (give some details : on appointment, only by delivery...)
  • Wikipedia / Wikidata : (optional) URL to Wikipedia or Wikidata page
  • Opening hours : (optional) URL to web page with opening hours list for shops
  • Source : URL to web page where you got info from

Before creating an issue, please check that info you want to report is not already listed or in another open issue.

Pro-tip : to easily find missing brands, you can have a look at this CSV file, which lists brands found in "Ça reste ouvert" data. Open it in a spreadsheet software (like LibreOffice), then filter on most recent date. Look at brands with unknown status, there are many chances they don't exist in our repository.

Report info about legal opening/closing status in your country

To report information about legal opening status of various kind of places in your country, you can create an issue in this repository.

What you will need to complete the issue:

  • Country and area : country and political subdivision where rule apply
  • Category : what kind of shop or service is concerned (supermarket, fuel, laundry...)
  • Legal opening rule : legally allowed to open, legally closed, can legally open only for delivery/takeaway/housing...
  • Time period : date range for which this rule apply
  • Source : URL to web page where you got info from (preferably government source)

Before creating an issue, please check that info you want to report is not already listed or in another open issue.

Integrate information

Based on open issues, and if you're comfortable with GitHub, you can integrate information received into CSV files rules.csv and legal_rules.csv. Then, offer a pull request to the master branch, and remember to link the corresponding issue in your commit comment.


The aim is to produce a worlwide map showing open shops during lockdown, and their associated opening hours. This is useful because :

  • It avoids useless trips to closed shops
  • It makes easier to find a shop near you instead of going far from your home
  • It allows to see how things are evolving during the lockdown

Open chain stores (rules.csv)

All data is compiled in a single spreadsheet file rules.csv, which defines received opening rules to be used with OpenStreetMap and Wikidata. It has the following format (encoding : UTF-8, delimiter : ,) :

  • country : 2-letters, uppercase country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code)
  • category : category of chain stores (following OpenStreetMap tagging)
  • brand_name : chain name
  • wikidata_id : Wikidata identifier (starting with Q)
  • opening_rule : opening status of stores (possible values : open = as usual, open_adapted = open with specific opening hours, partial = not all shops are opened, closed = all shops are closed)
  • opening_hours : opening hours of all stores (following OpenStreetMap opening_hours tagging scheme)
  • osm_additional_tags : supplementary OpenStreetMap tags in JSON object format (other than opening_hours:covid19 and brand:wikidata) which can be applied on all stores. This is useful to inform about temporary delivery or takeaway services.
  • description : information about shop accessibility, reduced services...
  • source_url : URL of web page where you find info from
  • opening_hours_url : URL of web page where opening hours during lockdown are listed

Stores and services legally allowed to open (legal_rules.csv)

Data about legal opening status is compiled in a single spreadsheet file legal_rules.csv, listing what can or cannot be open in a given country, for a given period. This doesn't mean everything will be open, but that these types shop can open if they want to. It has the following format (encoding : UTF-8, delimiter : ,) :

  • country : 2-letters, uppercase country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code)
  • country_subarea : (optional) 2-letters, uppercase country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code), followed by - character and reference of a sub-area in country. For example, FR-35 for Ille-et-Vilaine department in France.
  • category : category of chain stores (close to OpenStreetMap tagging). Special category default is used to know country-wide default rule.
  • category_osm : (optional) JSON list of OpenStreetMap tags. Each object in list is a combination of necessary tags. Example [ { "amenity": "bank", "bank": "pro" }, { "shop": "money_lender" } ] = (amenity=bank AND bank=pro) OR (shop=money_lender).
  • start_date : start date for period the rule is valid, in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • end_date : (optional) end date for period the rule is valid, in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • legal_state : legal opening status for this category. Values can be : open (no restriction), only:... (comma-separated restricted list of allowed services or restrictions), closed (fully closed). By default, if a category doesn't appear in CSV file, we consider it follows default rule (see category above). You can specify if this category is allowed to open with a reduced amount of people inside with only:small_capacity and if it requires customers to use masks with only:mask_worn.
  • details : (optional) supplementary details if any
  • source_url : URL of web page where your information comes from (preferably from government source)

Open chain stores in France (regles.csv)

For backward compatibility, another deprecated file regles.csv is also available (only French shops) with this format :

  • nom_enseigne : nom de l'enseigne
  • categorie : type de commerce (en Anglais, selon la description OpenStreetMap : supermarket, bakery...)
  • id_wikidata : identifiant Wikidata de cette enseigne
  • url_source : lien URL où les infos d'ouveture/fermeture sont renseignées
  • url_horaires : en cas d'horaires adaptées, lien URL recensant les horaires
  • regle_ouverture : statut d'ouverture des magasins (valeurs possibles : ouvert = pas de changement, ouvert_adapté = ouvert avec horaires adaptés, partiel = certains magasins fermés, fermé = tous les magasins fermés)
  • horaires : horaires au format opening_hours OpenStreetMap si valables pour tous les commerces de l'enseigne
  • infos : champ texte libre d'informations supplémentaires


Copyright 2020 Adrien PAVIE

Data under Creative Commons Public Domain License (CC0), see full license for details.

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