This is the code for the Carloop demo at World Maker Faire 2016 in New York: a dashboard from a car that is controlled through Carloop.
The main program reads 3 knobs (engine speed, vehicle speed and engine temperature) and transmit CAN messages with those values to control the dials in the the dashboard.
A car pedal was added for Bay Area Maker Faire 2018.
The Carloop also interfaces a Linux laptop or Raspberry Pi running
, a suite of program for car hacking.
The 3 knobs must be connect this way:
Connect the top pin of each knob to common power.
Connect the bottom pin of each knob to common ground.
Connect the middle pin of each pin to different signal wires
A2: common power
A3: common ground
A4: engine speed signal
A5: vehicle speed signal
A6: engine temperature signal
Compile and flash the firmware using the Particle CLI
carloop/dashboard_demo$ particle flash <carloop_device_name> Firmware