###CountTimesNew [number] The default steps for "New" Anki cards are 1min and 10min meaning that you see New cards actually a minimum of TWO times that day. You can now configure how many times new cards will be counted.
"CountTimesNew" = 1
Quantify '1' time the "new card" time
Example: Steps (10 1440)
"CountTimesNew" = 2 (default)
Quantify '2' times the "new card" time
Example: Steps (1 10)
"CountTimesNew" = n
Quantify 'n' times the "new card" time
Example: Steps (1 10 10 20 30...)
###Number colors [Name]
Color Names Sorted by Color Groups
All modern browsers support the following 140 color names (click on a color name, or a hex value, to view the color as the background-color along with different text colors):