The data can be accessed on Zenodo at:
You will find a repository of materials for the manuscript Bautista_2024, organized into several folders as follows:
-Demultiplex: contains the necessary information including a README to be able to demultiplex the data available at the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) under BioProject PRJNA1045261.
-Fig1: contains all the files necessary to run the script Bautista2024_Figure1_NatureCommunications.R (also in the folder) and obtain Figure 1 in jpg (low and high quality), png, svg and pdf.
-Fig2: contains all the files necessary to run the script Bautista2024_Figure2_NatureCommunications.R (also in the folder) and obtain Figure 2 in jpg (low and high quality), png, svg and pdf.
-Fig3: contains all the files necessary to run the script Bautista2024_Figure3_NatureCommunications.R (also in the folder) and obtain Figure 3 in jpg (low and high quality), png, svg and pdf.
-Fig4: contains all the files necessary to run the script Bautista2024_Figure4_NatureCommunications.R (also in the folder) and obtain Figure 4 in jpg (low and high quality), png, svg and pdf.
-Supplementary_Data: contains the supplementary data of the manuscript.
-Supplementary_Figures: contains all the files necessary to run the script Bautista2024_Supplementary_NatureCommunications.R (also in the folder) and obtain the supplementary figures in jpg (low and high quality), png, svg and pdf.
*NOTE: Scripts are intended to run in R and have been developed using R version 4.2.0. In order to get the figures in the same folder as the data tables are (each specific folder designated for the figures described above: Fig1, Fig2, Fig3, Fig4, or Supplementary_Figures), you need to specify the name of this directory in the 'Set Directory' section in each R script.