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364 lines (237 loc) · 12.3 KB

File metadata and controls

364 lines (237 loc) · 12.3 KB


Constructor will be exported in CommonJS.

var Player = require('rx-player')

new Player({ [videoElement] })

It is possible to give a <video> element when you instanciate it. Otherwise, it will be created.

States / Getters


getPlayerState() : string

Returns playback state of the player. Available states are :

  • STOPPED: there is no information about the current stream (beginning state or after stop() is called)
  • LOADING: the stream and encryption information, if needed, are loading
  • LOADED: the player is ready to play
  • ENDED: the player has reached the end of thre stream or endTime with success
  • PLAYING: the content is currently playing
  • PAUSED: playback has been paused by the user
  • BUFFERING: the player has reached the end of the buffer and is waiting for data to be appended.
  • SEEKING: the player has reached the end of the buffer because of an action of seeking by the user

State chart:

    |  STOPPED  | <-----------------+
    -------------                   | stop() or "error" event
       |                            |
-------| loadVideo() -------------------------------------------------------
|      v                           -----------------------                 |
|  -----------     ------------  play()  -----------     |    -----------  |
|  | LOADING | --> |  LOADED  | ---|---> | PLAYING | ----|--> |  ENDED  |  |
|  -----------     ------------ autoPlay -----------     |    -----------  |
|                                  |         | ^         |                 |
|           ---------------        |  play() | | pause() |                 |
|           |  BUFFERING  | -----> |         v |         |                 |
|           |     or      |        |     -----------     |                 |
|           |   SEEKING   | <----- |     | PAUSED  |     |                 |
|           ---------------        |     -----------     |                 |
|                                  -----------------------                 |

isLive() : bool

Returns true if the content is a live content.

getUrl() : string

Returns the url of content's manifest.

getVideoDuration() : float

Returns the total duration of the content. Infinity for a live stream.

getVideoLoadedTime() : float

Returns in seconds the duration of the loaded video on the current range.

getVideoPlayedTime() : float

Returns in seconds the duration of the played video on the current range.

getVideoElement() : HTMLVideoElement

Returns the

getNativeTextTrack() : TextTrack

Returns the text-track element used by the player to inject subtitles.

getCurrentTime() : float

Returns the current playback position :

  • in seconds for an on-demand content
  • with a Date object for live content.

getStartTime() : float

Returns the start playback position :

  • in seconds for an on-demand content
  • with a Date object for live content.

getEndTime() : float

Returns the end playback position.

  • in seconds for an on-demand content
  • with a Date object for live content.

getPlaybackRate(): float

Returns the current playback speed.

getVolume() : float

Returns the value of current volume, as a float between 0 and 1.

isFullscreen() : bool

Returns true if player is in fullscreen mode.

getAvailableLanguages()/getAvailableSubtitles() : []string

Returns an array availables languages/subtitles.

getLanguage()/getSubtitle() : string

Returns current language/subtitle. null if not set.


getAvailableVideoBitrates()/getAvailableAudioBitrates() : []int

Returns an array of availabes video/audio bitrates, in bits per seconds.

getVideoBitrate()/getAudioBitrate() : int

Returns current video/audio bitrate, in bits per seconds.

getVideoMaxBitrate()/getAudioMaxBitrate() : int

Returns the video/audio bitrate maximum. 0 if no limit.

getVideoBufferSize()/getAudioBufferSize() : int

Returns the size of the video/audio buffer.


This is a list of methods you can use to change player stats.


loadVideo(options) : Observable

Load a video stream given the url of its manifest. This method can be call anytime, even if a stream is already loaded an played by the player. In this case, the player states will be cleared, and the new stream will be loaded.

  • options.url, options.keySystems

    To load an encrypted stream, at least one KeySystem object must be given. This KeySystem provides interface to specify the license retrieval strategy.

    • { url, keySystems: [keySystem...], subtitles }: an object containing the URL of an encrypted stream, with a list of KeySystem to decrypt it

    Subtitles is array of object with the following interface:

    interface Subtitles {
      string url,
      string mimeType
      string [language], Array<string> [languages],

    The player is responsible to use the right KeySystem which is compatible to user platform.

    KeySystem is an object with the following interface:

    interface KeySystem {
      // String providing the supported DRM(s).
      // Currently, available DRM(s) are playready (Microsoft), widevine (Google), or clearkey
      string type;
      // Method called with the DRM challenge as a parameter
      // It returns a Promise corresponding to XHR made to the server with the
      // challenge as an ArrayBuffer
      Promise<ArrayBuffer> getLicense((ArrayBuffer) challenge);
      // Optional Boolean specifying if the keySystem needs to be persisted.
      // If true you need to pass a LicenseStorage with interface below.
      boolean persistentLicense;
      LicenseStorage licenseStorage;
      // Booleans to parametrize the use of persistentState or
      // distinctiveIdentifier functionnalities. See eme spec for
      // more details. Both are false by default.
      boolean persistentStateRequired;
      boolean distinctiveIdentifierRequired;
    interface LicenseStorage {
      Array save();
      void load(Array entries);

    For more informations about EME, take a look to the W3C specification.

  • options.timeFragment

    Parameter allowing to specify the start and the end of the video. This parameter can be provided with following formats :

    • a string followuing the MediaFragment standard (naming time only): "12,120", ",10", "10" etc.
    • an object with javascript timestamps{ [start]: Number, [end]: Number }
    • an object with Date objects { [start]: Date, [end]: Date }
  • options.transport

    Parameter allowing to specify the type of "transport" used by the player to load manifest and media chunks. It is possible to choose between the available transports given a string. Currently, the available transports are :

    • dash: DASH transport implementation
    • smooth: SmoothStreaming transport implementation
    • directfile: Use

    It is also possible to write your own transport, by giving a function returning an object containing those parameters { manifestPipeline, segmentPipeline, textTrackPipeline }, where each parameter is a Pipeline object with the following interface:

    interface Pipeline {
      Observable resolver(infos),
      Observable loader(infos),
      Observable parser(infos),
  • options.transportOptions

    Object which is used as a parameter of the transport method each time the player is instanciated.

  • options.initVideoBitrate / options.initAudioBitrate

    Number used as initial video and audio bitrates by the adaptive streaming.

play() : void

Starts video playback. Should be called when the stream is ready, eg. when state machine reaches the state LOADED.

pause() : void

Pauses the video playback.

stop() : void

Stops video playback and clean the player, to put back the machine state into start state.

setPlaybackRate(float) : void

Changes the video playback speed.

seekTo(float) : void

Changes the video position given a parameter :

  • in seconds for an on-demand content
  • with a Date object for live content.

goToLive() : void

In case of a live video stream, take back position to live position. This is an alias to seekTo(

goToStart() : void

Changes position to start position. This is an alias to seekTo(start content timestamp).

setFullscreen(bool) : void

This methods allow to toggle the fullscreen state of the browser.

setVolume(float) : void

Sets the video volume, given a float between 0.0 and 1.0.

mute() : void

Sets volume to 0.0 and record volume value, allowing then to unmute.

unMute() : void

Sets volume to recorded value before muting it.

setLanguage(string) : void

Changes the audio track to the one matching the audio language given in parameter. It is possible to list the available languages using the method getAvailableLanguages().

setSubtitle(string) : void

Changes the subtitle track to the one matching the subtitle language given in parameter. It is possible to list the available subtitles using the method getAvailableSubtitles(). If null is given, subtitle are disabled.



Sets a specific bitrate for the audio/video stream. The given bitrate must match one bitrate of the list returned by getAvailableVideoBitrates/getAvailableAudioBitrates method. This method disables the auto-adaptive mode of the player. Giving 0, auto-adaptive is on again.


Sets a maximum limit in the bitrate chosen by the auto-adaptive player strategy. If the given value is negative, the limit is disabled.


Sets the buffer size in seconds. If 0 is given, default value is used (30 seconds, in the inital implementation).


Errors have categorized is thoses types, accessible via the type attribute:

  • NETWORK_ERROR: network related error, the reason attribute is a RequestError
  • MEDIA_ERROR: media related error (decoding, parsing of any media related asset)
  • ENCRYPTED_MEDIA_ERROR: encryption and EME related errors
  • INDEX_ERROR: playlist index access error
  • OTHER_ERROR: any other type of error

A code attribute may also be associated to the error:


Errors also have a fatal attribute indicating whether or not they where fatal to the playback and an optional reason attribute with the original error they may originate from.

Error types and codes enums can be accessed via RxPlayer.getErrorTypes() and RxPlayer.getErrorCodes().


addEventListener(event, func)

Adds a listener on an event. The avaiable events are :

  • "playerStateChange", string: changes in the state machine of the player.
  • "progress", string: changes in the buffer state
  • "currentTimeChange", float: changes in the currentTime
  • "languageChange", string: changes in audio language
  • "subtitleChange", string: changes in subtitle track
  • "audioBitrateChange", int: changes in audio bitrate
  • "videoBitrateChange", int: changes in video bitrate
  • "fullscreenChange", bool: changes in fullscreen state
  • "error", Error: asynchronous error that was fatal to playback
  • "warning", Error: asynchronous error that was not fatal to playback

removeEventListener(event, func)

Removes an event listener