diff --git a/_i18n/bg/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_i18n/bg/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0c5d77 --- /dev/null +++ b/_i18n/bg/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Cboard Breakthrough: Enhancing AAC Communication with AI-Powered Sentence Creation' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Empowering Communication using artificial intelligence' +categories: + - cboard + - ai + - phrase improvement +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: martin +--- + +Communication is a fundamental human right, and for individuals with communication disabilities, finding effective tools to express themselves is of paramount importance. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) software has long been a beacon of hope for many, and in an exciting development, [**Cboard, a leading AAC application**](https://www.cboard.io/), has unveiled a groundbreaking feature. Using the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this new feature enhances sentence creation, making it easier than ever to build meaningful phrases from pictograms. + +## Cboard: A Revolution in AAC Communication + +Cboard has established itself as a prominent player in the AAC software landscape, known for its intuitive interface and customizable features. It has been a lifeline for countless individuals with communication disabilities, as well as their caregivers, educators, and therapists, enabling them to communicate effectively using pictograms. + +## The Power of AI in AAC Communication + +The integration of AI into Cboard's platform represents a monumental leap forward in improving the communication experience for users. Here's what this innovative feature means for the AAC community: + +**1. Enhanced Sentence Creation:** The AI-powered feature is designed to assist users in constructing sentences using pictograms. By analyzing user inputs and the context of their message, the AI suggest a phrase, according to pictograms and word combinations, making it easier for individuals to form coherent and meaningful sentences. + +**2. Improved Predictive Text:** Cboard's AI learns from the user's communication patterns, offering increasingly accurate predictive text suggestions over time. This personalization ensures that the tool becomes more tailored to the user's specific needs and communication style. + +!\[Improve Phrase feature\](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) *Phrase improvement feature* + +**3. Greater Speed and Efficiency:** With AI assistance, users can construct sentences more quickly and efficiently, reducing the time it takes to convey their thoughts and feelings. + +**4. Language Expansion:** The AI feature is designed to grow alongside the user's language development. It can introduce new vocabulary and sentence structures, facilitating language growth and ensuring that individuals can express themselves in increasingly complex ways. + +**5. Customization:** Cboard continues to offer a high level of customization, allowing users and their caregivers to fine-tune the AI's suggestions to suit individual preferences and communication needs. + +## Benefits for the AAC Community + +The introduction of AI into Cboard's platform is a game-changer for various stakeholders: + +**- Individuals with Communication Disabilities:** This feature empowers individuals with communication disabilities by providing them with a more efficient and supportive tool for constructing sentences, enabling them to express themselves more clearly and meaningfully. + +![Kid using Cboard](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Educators and Therapists:** Teachers and therapists will find it easier to integrate Cboard into their educational and therapeutic sessions. The AI-enhanced sentence creation feature ensures more effective communication support. + +**- Parents and Caregivers:** Families and caregivers can now use Cboard more effectively with their loved ones, fostering better communication, understanding, and connection. + +**- AAC Technology Advancement:** Cboard's introduction of AI to assist in sentence creation is a significant step forward in the evolution of AAC technology. It showcases the potential of AI to empower individuals with disabilities. + +In conclusion, Cboard's innovative AI-powered feature for sentence creation is a groundbreaking development that significantly improves the AAC experience. By making it easier to construct meaningful phrases from pictograms, Cboard continues to lead the way in creating accessible and effective communication tools for individuals with communication disabilities. This feature not only empowers users but also exemplifies the incredible potential of AI in enhancing communication and connectivity for all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_i18n/de/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_i18n/de/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0589129 --- /dev/null +++ b/_i18n/de/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Cboard-Durchbruch: Verbesserung der AAC-Kommunikation mit AI-Powered Satz-Erstellung' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Ermöglicht Kommunikation mit künstlicher Intelligenz' +categories: + - cboard + - ai + - Phrasenverbesserung +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: martin +--- + +Kommunikation ist ein grundlegendes Menschenrecht, und für Menschen mit Behinderungen der Kommunikation ist es von größter Bedeutung, wirksame Instrumente zu finden, um sich zu äußern. Software für Augmentative und Alternative Communication (AAC) ist seit langem ein Leuchtfeuer der Hoffnung für viele und in einer spannenden Entwicklung [**Cboard, eine führende AAC Anwendung**](https://www.cboard.io/), hat eine bahnbrechende Funktion enthüllt. Mit Hilfe der Kraft der künstlichen Intelligenz (AI) verbessert dieses neue Feature die Satzbildung und macht es einfacher denn je, aussagekräftige Phrasen aus Piktogrammen zu erstellen. + +## Cboard: Eine Revolution in der AAC-Kommunikation + +Cboard hat sich als prominenter Player in der AAC-Software-Landschaft etabliert, bekannt für seine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche und seine anpassbaren Funktionen. Es war eine Lebensader für zahllose Menschen mit Kommunikationsbehinderungen und deren Betreuer, Lehrer und Therapeuten, die es ihnen ermöglichen, effektiv mit Piktogrammen zu kommunizieren. + +## Die Stärke der KI in der AAC-Kommunikation + +Die Integration der KI in die Plattform von Cboard stellt einen gewaltigen Schritt nach vorn dar, um das Kommunikationserlebnis für die Nutzer zu verbessern. Hier ist, was dieses innovative Feature für die AAC Community bedeutet: + +**1. Enhanced Sentence Creation:** Das AI-basierte Feature wurde entwickelt, um Benutzern beim Erstellen von Sätzen mit Piktogrammen zu helfen. Durch die Analyse der Benutzereingaben und den Kontext ihrer Nachricht, die KI schlägt eine Phrase, je nach Piktogramm und Wortkombinationen und erleichtert es Einzelnen, kohärente und sinnvolle Sätze zu bilden. + +**2. Verbesserter Predictive Text: Die KI von** der Cboard lernt aus den Kommunikationsmustern des Benutzers und bietet im Laufe der Zeit immer präzisere Textvorschläge. Diese Personalisierung sorgt dafür, dass das Tool besser auf die Bedürfnisse und den Kommunikationsstil des Benutzers zugeschnitten wird. + +!\[Phrase-Funktion verbessern\](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) *Phrase-Verbesserungsfunktion* + +**3. Höhere Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz:** Mit KI-Hilfe können Benutzer Sätze schneller und effizienter konstruieren, Verringerung der Zeit, die es dauert, um ihre Gedanken und Gefühle zu vermitteln. + +**4. Sprachausweitung:** Die KI-Funktion ist so konzipiert, dass sie parallel zur Sprachentwicklung des Benutzers wächst. Sie kann neue Vokabeln und Satzstrukturen einführen, die das Sprachwachstum erleichtern und sicherstellen, dass sich Einzelpersonen immer komplexer äußern können. + +**5. Anpassung:** Cboard bietet weiterhin ein hohes Maß an Anpassung, Damit können Anwender und ihre Betreuer die Vorschläge der AI nach individuellen Vorlieben und Kommunikationsbedürfnissen abstimmen. + +## Vorteile für die AAC-Gemeinschaft + +Die Einführung der KI in die Cboard-Plattform ist ein Wechsler für verschiedene Stakeholder: + +**- Individuen mit Kommunikationsbehinderungen:** Dieses Feature ermöglicht Menschen mit Kommunikationsbehinderungen, indem es ihnen ein effizienteres und unterstützendes Instrument für die Erstellung von Sätzen zur Verfügung stellt. Damit sie sich klarer und sinnvoller äußern können. + +![Kind mit Cboard](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Lehrer und Therapeuten:** Lehrer und Therapeuten werden es einfacher finden, Cboard in ihre pädagogischen und therapeutischen Sitzungen zu integrieren. Die AI-erweiterte Funktion zur Erstellung von Sätzen sorgt für effektivere Kommunikationsunterstützung. + +**- Eltern und Karriere:** Familien und Betreuer können Cboard jetzt effektiver mit ihren Lieben nutzen und dadurch eine bessere Kommunikation, besseres Verständnis und bessere Verbindung fördern. + +**- AAC Technology Advancement: Die Einführung von** Cboard zur Unterstützung der Satzbildung ist ein wichtiger Schritt in der Entwicklung der AAC Technologie. Es zeigt das Potenzial der AI, Menschen mit Behinderungen zu stärken. + +Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das innovative AI-basierte Feature von Cboard eine bahnbrechende Entwicklung ist, die das AAC-Erlebnis erheblich verbessert. Indem es einfacher ist, aussagekräftige Phrasen aus Piktogrammen zu konstruieren, Cboard ist nach wie vor führend bei der Schaffung zugänglicher und effektiver Kommunikationsinstrumente für Menschen mit Kommunikationsbehinderungen. Dieses Feature ermöglicht nicht nur Benutzern die Möglichkeit, sondern auch das unglaubliche Potenzial der AI bei der Verbesserung der Kommunikation und Konnektivität für alle zu veranschaulichen. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_i18n/en/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_i18n/en/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0c5d77 --- /dev/null +++ b/_i18n/en/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Cboard Breakthrough: Enhancing AAC Communication with AI-Powered Sentence Creation' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Empowering Communication using artificial intelligence' +categories: + - cboard + - ai + - phrase improvement +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: martin +--- + +Communication is a fundamental human right, and for individuals with communication disabilities, finding effective tools to express themselves is of paramount importance. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) software has long been a beacon of hope for many, and in an exciting development, [**Cboard, a leading AAC application**](https://www.cboard.io/), has unveiled a groundbreaking feature. Using the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this new feature enhances sentence creation, making it easier than ever to build meaningful phrases from pictograms. + +## Cboard: A Revolution in AAC Communication + +Cboard has established itself as a prominent player in the AAC software landscape, known for its intuitive interface and customizable features. It has been a lifeline for countless individuals with communication disabilities, as well as their caregivers, educators, and therapists, enabling them to communicate effectively using pictograms. + +## The Power of AI in AAC Communication + +The integration of AI into Cboard's platform represents a monumental leap forward in improving the communication experience for users. Here's what this innovative feature means for the AAC community: + +**1. Enhanced Sentence Creation:** The AI-powered feature is designed to assist users in constructing sentences using pictograms. By analyzing user inputs and the context of their message, the AI suggest a phrase, according to pictograms and word combinations, making it easier for individuals to form coherent and meaningful sentences. + +**2. Improved Predictive Text:** Cboard's AI learns from the user's communication patterns, offering increasingly accurate predictive text suggestions over time. This personalization ensures that the tool becomes more tailored to the user's specific needs and communication style. + +!\[Improve Phrase feature\](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) *Phrase improvement feature* + +**3. Greater Speed and Efficiency:** With AI assistance, users can construct sentences more quickly and efficiently, reducing the time it takes to convey their thoughts and feelings. + +**4. Language Expansion:** The AI feature is designed to grow alongside the user's language development. It can introduce new vocabulary and sentence structures, facilitating language growth and ensuring that individuals can express themselves in increasingly complex ways. + +**5. Customization:** Cboard continues to offer a high level of customization, allowing users and their caregivers to fine-tune the AI's suggestions to suit individual preferences and communication needs. + +## Benefits for the AAC Community + +The introduction of AI into Cboard's platform is a game-changer for various stakeholders: + +**- Individuals with Communication Disabilities:** This feature empowers individuals with communication disabilities by providing them with a more efficient and supportive tool for constructing sentences, enabling them to express themselves more clearly and meaningfully. + +![Kid using Cboard](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Educators and Therapists:** Teachers and therapists will find it easier to integrate Cboard into their educational and therapeutic sessions. The AI-enhanced sentence creation feature ensures more effective communication support. + +**- Parents and Caregivers:** Families and caregivers can now use Cboard more effectively with their loved ones, fostering better communication, understanding, and connection. + +**- AAC Technology Advancement:** Cboard's introduction of AI to assist in sentence creation is a significant step forward in the evolution of AAC technology. It showcases the potential of AI to empower individuals with disabilities. + +In conclusion, Cboard's innovative AI-powered feature for sentence creation is a groundbreaking development that significantly improves the AAC experience. By making it easier to construct meaningful phrases from pictograms, Cboard continues to lead the way in creating accessible and effective communication tools for individuals with communication disabilities. This feature not only empowers users but also exemplifies the incredible potential of AI in enhancing communication and connectivity for all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_i18n/es/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_i18n/es/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d24c5bc --- /dev/null +++ b/_i18n/es/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Avance de Cboard: comunicación CAA con la creación de frases impulsada por IA' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Potenciar la comunicación usando inteligencia artificial' +categories: + - Cboard + - ai + - mejora de frases +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: martin +--- + +La comunicación es un derecho humano fundamental, y para las personas con discapacidades de comunicación, encontrar herramientas eficaces para expresarse es de vital importancia. El software de Comunicación Aummentativa y Alternativa (AAC) ha sido durante mucho tiempo un faro de esperanza para muchos, y en un desarrollo emocionante. [**Cboard, una aplicación AAC líder**](https://www.cboard.io/), ha desvelado una característica innovadora. Usando el poder de la Inteligencia Artificial (AI), esta nueva característica mejora la creación de oraciones, haciendo más fácil que nunca construir frases significativas a partir de pictogramas. + +## Cboard: una revolución en la comunicación CAA + +Cboard se ha establecido como un actor destacado en el panorama del software AAC, conocido por su interfaz intuitiva y características personalizables. Ha sido un salvavidas para innumerables personas con discapacidad en la comunicación, así como para sus cuidadores, educadores, y terapeutas, permitiéndoles comunicarse eficazmente usando pictogramas. + +## El poder de la IA en la comunicación AAC + +La integración de IA en la plataforma de Cboard representa un paso adelante en la mejora de la experiencia de comunicación para los usuarios. Esto es lo que esta innovadora característica significa para la comunidad AAC: + +**1. Creación de oraciones mejorada:** la función impulsada por IA está diseñada para ayudar a los usuarios a construir oraciones utilizando pictogramas. Analizando las entradas del usuario y el contexto de su mensaje, la IA sugiere una frase, según pictogramas y combinaciones de palabras, haciendo más fácil a los individuos formar frases coherentes y significativas. + +**2. Texto predictivo mejorado:** La IA aprende de los patrones de comunicación del usuario, ofreciendo sugerencias de texto predictivo cada vez más precisas con el tiempo. Esta personalización asegura que la herramienta se adapte mejor a las necesidades específicas y al estilo de comunicación del usuario. + +!\[Mejorar función de fraseo\](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) *Función de mejora de frases* + +**3. Mayor velocidad y eficiencia:** Con ayuda de IA, los usuarios pueden construir frases más rápida y eficientemente, reducir el tiempo que se tarda en transmitir sus pensamientos y sentimientos. + +**4. Expansión del idioma:** La función de IA está diseñada para crecer junto con el desarrollo del idioma del usuario. Puede introducir nuevas estructuras vocabulares y oratorias, facilitando el crecimiento del idioma y garantizando que las personas puedan expresarse de formas cada vez más complejas. + +**5. Personalización:** Cboard sigue ofreciendo un alto nivel de personalización, que permite a los usuarios y a sus cuidadores afinar las sugerencias de la AI para satisfacer las preferencias individuales y las necesidades de comunicación. + +## Beneficios para la comunidad AAC + +La introducción de IA en la plataforma es un cambio de juego para varios interesados: + +**- Personas con discapacidades de comunicación:** esta función empodera a las personas con discapacidades de comunicación brindándoles una herramienta más eficiente y de apoyo para construir oraciones, permitiéndoles expresarse de manera más clara y significativa. + +![Niño usando Cboard](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Educadores y Terapistas:** Profesores y profesionales encontrarán más fácil integrar Cboard en sus sesiones educativas y terapéuticas. La función de creación de oraciones mejoradas por la IA garantiza un apoyo de comunicación más efectivo. + +**- Padres y Cuidadores:** Familias y cuidadores ahora pueden usar Cboard más eficazmente con sus seres queridos, lo que fomenta una mejor comunicación, comprensión y conexión. + +**- Avance de la Tecnología AAC:** La introducción de IA por parte de Cboard para ayudar en la creación de oraciones es un paso adelante significativo en la evolución de la tecnología AAC. Muestra el potencial de la IA para capacitar a las personas con discapacidades. + +En conclusión, la innovadora función impulsada por IA para la creación de sentencias es un desarrollo innovador que mejora significativamente la experiencia AAC. Facilitando la construcción de frases significativas a partir de pictogramas, Cboard sigue liderando la creación de herramientas de comunicación accesibles y eficaces para las personas con discapacidades de comunicación. Esta característica no sólo permite a los usuarios, sino que también exemplifica el increíble potencial de la IA en la mejora de la comunicación y la conectividad para todos. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_i18n/fr/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_i18n/fr/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19b2587 --- /dev/null +++ b/_i18n/fr/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Percée de la carte : Améliorer la communication AAC avec la création de phrase alimentée par un IA' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Renforcer la communication en utilisant une intelligence artificielle' +categories: + - carton + - ai + - amélioration de la phrase +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: Martine +--- + +La communication est un droit humain fondamental, et pour les personnes ayant un handicap de communication, il est primordial de trouver des outils efficaces pour s'exprimer. Le logiciel Augmentative et Alternative Communication (AAC) a longtemps été un phare d'espoir pour beaucoup, et dans un développement passionnant. [**Cboard, une application AAC leader**](https://www.cboard.io/), a dévoilé une fonctionnalité révolutionnaire. Grâce à la puissance de l'intelligence artificielle (IA), cette nouvelle fonctionnalité améliore la création de phrases, facilitant plus que jamais la construction de phrases significatives à partir de pictogrammes. + +## Cboard : Une révolution dans la communication AAC + +Cboard s'est imposé comme un acteur de premier plan dans le paysage logiciel de l'AAC, connu pour son interface intuitive et ses fonctionnalités personnalisables. Ce fut un point de vie pour d'innombrables personnes ayant des incapacités de communication, ainsi que pour leurs soignants, éducateurs et thérapeutes leur permettant de communiquer efficacement à l'aide de pictogrammes. + +## La puissance de l'IA dans la communication AAC + +L'intégration d'AI dans la plate-forme de Cboard représente un bond en avant monumental dans l'amélioration de l'expérience de communication pour les utilisateurs. Voici ce que signifie cette fonctionnalité innovante pour la communauté AAC : + +**1. Création de phrases améliorée :** La fonctionnalité basée sur l'AI est conçue pour aider les utilisateurs à construire des phrases à l'aide de pictogrammes. En analysant les entrées des utilisateurs et le contexte de leur message, l'IA suggère une phrase, selon les pictogrammes et les combinaisons de mots, ce qui facilite la formation de phrases cohérentes et significatives. + +**2. Texte prédictif amélioré :** L'IA de Cboard apprend des habitudes de communication de l'utilisateur, offrant des suggestions de texte prédictif de plus en plus précises au fil du temps. Cette personnalisation garantit que l'outil est mieux adapté aux besoins spécifiques de l'utilisateur et au style de communication. + +!\[Améliorer la fonctionnalité Phrase \](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) *Fonctionnalité d'amélioration de Phrase* + +**3. Vitesse et efficacité accrues :** Avec l'aide de l'AI, les utilisateurs peuvent construire des phrases plus rapidement et plus efficacement, la réduction du temps nécessaire pour transmettre leurs pensées et leurs sentiments. + +**4. Expansion de la langue :** La fonctionnalité IA est conçue pour évoluer parallèlement au développement de la langue de l'utilisateur. Elle peut introduire de nouveaux vocabulaires et des structures de phrases, faciliter la croissance de la langue et faire en sorte que les individus puissent s'exprimer de manière de plus en plus complexe. + +**5. Personnalisation :** Cboard continue d'offrir un haut niveau de personnalisation, permettant aux utilisateurs et à leurs aidants de peaufiner les suggestions de l'AI en fonction des préférences individuelles et des besoins de communication. + +## Avantages pour la Communauté AAC + +L'introduction d'AI dans la plate-forme du Cboard est un changement de jeu pour les différentes parties prenantes : + +**- Individuals with Communication Disabilities:** This feature empowers individuals with communication disabilities by providing them with a more efficient and supportive tool for constructing sentences, enabling them to express themselves more clearly and meaningfully. + +![Enfant en utilisant Cboard](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Educators and Therapists:** Teachers and therapists will find it easier to integrate Cboard into their educational and therapeutic sessions. La fonction de création de phrases améliorées par l'AI assure un soutien de communication plus efficace. + +**- Parents and Caregivers:** Families and caregivers can now use Cboard more effectively with their loved ones, fostering better communication, understanding, and connection. + +**- Avancement de la technologie AAC :** L'introduction d'AI par Cboard pour aider à la création de phrases est une avancée significative dans l'évolution de la technologie AAC. Il met en valeur le potentiel d'Amnesty International pour habiliter les personnes handicapées. + +En conclusion, la fonctionnalité innovatrice de création de phrases propulsée par les AI de CBoard est un développement révolutionnaire qui améliore considérablement l'expérience de l'AAC. En facilitant la construction de phrases significatives à partir de pictogrammes, Cboard continue de montrer la voie en créant des outils de communication accessibles et efficaces pour les personnes ayant une déficience en communication. Cette fonctionnalité permet non seulement aux utilisateurs mais illustre aussi l'incroyable potentiel de l'IA en améliorant la communication et la connectivité pour tous. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_i18n/hr/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_i18n/hr/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0c5d77 --- /dev/null +++ b/_i18n/hr/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Cboard Breakthrough: Enhancing AAC Communication with AI-Powered Sentence Creation' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Empowering Communication using artificial intelligence' +categories: + - cboard + - ai + - phrase improvement +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: martin +--- + +Communication is a fundamental human right, and for individuals with communication disabilities, finding effective tools to express themselves is of paramount importance. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) software has long been a beacon of hope for many, and in an exciting development, [**Cboard, a leading AAC application**](https://www.cboard.io/), has unveiled a groundbreaking feature. Using the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this new feature enhances sentence creation, making it easier than ever to build meaningful phrases from pictograms. + +## Cboard: A Revolution in AAC Communication + +Cboard has established itself as a prominent player in the AAC software landscape, known for its intuitive interface and customizable features. It has been a lifeline for countless individuals with communication disabilities, as well as their caregivers, educators, and therapists, enabling them to communicate effectively using pictograms. + +## The Power of AI in AAC Communication + +The integration of AI into Cboard's platform represents a monumental leap forward in improving the communication experience for users. Here's what this innovative feature means for the AAC community: + +**1. Enhanced Sentence Creation:** The AI-powered feature is designed to assist users in constructing sentences using pictograms. By analyzing user inputs and the context of their message, the AI suggest a phrase, according to pictograms and word combinations, making it easier for individuals to form coherent and meaningful sentences. + +**2. Improved Predictive Text:** Cboard's AI learns from the user's communication patterns, offering increasingly accurate predictive text suggestions over time. This personalization ensures that the tool becomes more tailored to the user's specific needs and communication style. + +!\[Improve Phrase feature\](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) *Phrase improvement feature* + +**3. Greater Speed and Efficiency:** With AI assistance, users can construct sentences more quickly and efficiently, reducing the time it takes to convey their thoughts and feelings. + +**4. Language Expansion:** The AI feature is designed to grow alongside the user's language development. It can introduce new vocabulary and sentence structures, facilitating language growth and ensuring that individuals can express themselves in increasingly complex ways. + +**5. Customization:** Cboard continues to offer a high level of customization, allowing users and their caregivers to fine-tune the AI's suggestions to suit individual preferences and communication needs. + +## Benefits for the AAC Community + +The introduction of AI into Cboard's platform is a game-changer for various stakeholders: + +**- Individuals with Communication Disabilities:** This feature empowers individuals with communication disabilities by providing them with a more efficient and supportive tool for constructing sentences, enabling them to express themselves more clearly and meaningfully. + +![Kid using Cboard](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Educators and Therapists:** Teachers and therapists will find it easier to integrate Cboard into their educational and therapeutic sessions. The AI-enhanced sentence creation feature ensures more effective communication support. + +**- Parents and Caregivers:** Families and caregivers can now use Cboard more effectively with their loved ones, fostering better communication, understanding, and connection. + +**- AAC Technology Advancement:** Cboard's introduction of AI to assist in sentence creation is a significant step forward in the evolution of AAC technology. It showcases the potential of AI to empower individuals with disabilities. + +In conclusion, Cboard's innovative AI-powered feature for sentence creation is a groundbreaking development that significantly improves the AAC experience. By making it easier to construct meaningful phrases from pictograms, Cboard continues to lead the way in creating accessible and effective communication tools for individuals with communication disabilities. This feature not only empowers users but also exemplifies the incredible potential of AI in enhancing communication and connectivity for all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_i18n/it/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_i18n/it/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac2b81f --- /dev/null +++ b/_i18n/it/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Cboard Breakthrough: Migliorare la comunicazione AAC con la creazione di frasi basate sull''IA' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Potenziare la comunicazione utilizzando l''intelligenza artificiale' +categories: + - cboard + - ai + - miglioramento della frase +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: martin +--- + +La comunicazione è un diritto umano fondamentale, e per le persone con disabilità nella comunicazione, trovare strumenti efficaci per esprimersi è di fondamentale importanza. Il software di comunicazione avanzata e alternativa (AAC) è da tempo un faro di speranza per molti, e in uno sviluppo emozionante, [**Cboard, un'applicazione AAC**](https://www.cboard.io/)leader, ha presentato una funzionalità innovativa. Utilizzando la potenza dell'Intelligenza Artificiale (AI), questa nuova funzione migliora la creazione di frasi, rendendo più facile che mai costruire frasi significative dai pittogrammi. + +## Cboard: una rivoluzione nella comunicazione AAC + +Cboard si è affermata come un giocatore di primo piano nel panorama del software AAC, noto per la sua interfaccia intuitiva e le caratteristiche personalizzabili. E 'stato un ciclo di vita per innumerevoli persone con disabilità di comunicazione, così come i loro caregiver, educatori e terapisti, consentendo loro di comunicare efficacemente con i pittogrammi. + +## Il potere di AI nella comunicazione AAC + +L'integrazione dell'IA nella piattaforma di Cboard rappresenta un enorme balzo in avanti nel migliorare l'esperienza di comunicazione per gli utenti. Ecco cosa significa questa caratteristica innovativa per la comunità ACA: + +**1. Creazione di frasi migliorata:** La funzione AI è progettata per aiutare gli utenti a costruire frasi utilizzando pittogrammi. Analizzando gli input dell'utente e il contesto del loro messaggio, l'IA suggerisce una frase, secondo pittogrammi e combinazioni di parole, rendendo più facile per gli individui formare frasi coerenti e significative. + +**2. Testo predittivo migliorato: l'IA di Cboard di** impara dai modelli di comunicazione dell'utente, offrendo suggerimenti di testo predittivi sempre più accurati nel tempo. Questa personalizzazione assicura che lo strumento diventi più adattato alle esigenze specifiche dell'utente e allo stile di comunicazione. + +!\[Migliora la funzionalità Frase\](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) *Funzione di miglioramento Frase* + +**3. Maggiore velocità ed efficienza:** Con l'assistenza dell'intelligenza artificiale, gli utenti possono costruire frasi più velocemente ed efficientemente, ridurre il tempo necessario per trasmettere i loro pensieri e sentimenti. + +**4. Espansione linguistica:** La funzione AI è progettata per crescere insieme allo sviluppo del linguaggio dell'utente. Può introdurre nuove strutture di vocabolario e di frasi, facilitando la crescita linguistica e garantendo che gli individui possano esprimersi in modo sempre più complesso. + +**5. Personalizzazione: Cboard** continua ad offrire un alto livello di personalizzazione, consentendo agli utenti e ai loro assistenti di perfezionare i suggerimenti dei AI, in base alle preferenze individuali e alle esigenze di comunicazione. + +## Vantaggi per la Comunità ACA + +L'introduzione dell'IA nella piattaforma di Cboard è un cambio di gioco per vari stakeholder: + +**- Individui con disabilità di comunicazione:** Questa funzione consente agli individui con disabilità di comunicazione fornendo loro uno strumento più efficiente e di supporto per la costruzione delle frasi, consentire loro di esprimersi in modo più chiaro e significativo. + +![Bambino che usa la scheda](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Educatori e Terapisti:** Insegnanti e terapisti troveranno più facile integrare Cboard nelle loro sessioni educative e terapeutiche. La funzione di creazione di frasi avanzate dall'IA garantisce un sostegno più efficace alla comunicazione. + +**- I genitori e i caregivers:** Le famiglie e gli assistenti possono ora utilizzare Cboard in modo più efficace con i loro cari, favorendo una migliore comunicazione, comprensione e connessione. + +**- AAC Technology Advancement:** L'introduzione da parte di Cboard di AI per assistere nella creazione di frasi rappresenta un significativo passo avanti nell'evoluzione della tecnologia AAC. Essa mette in evidenza il potenziale dell'IA per consentire alle persone con disabilità. + +In conclusione, l'innovativa funzione AI di Cboard per la creazione di frasi è uno sviluppo innovativo che migliora significativamente l'esperienza AAC. Rendendo più facile costruire frasi significative dai pittogrammi, Cboard continua a svolgere un ruolo guida nella creazione di strumenti di comunicazione accessibili ed efficaci per le persone con disabilità di comunicazione. Questa caratteristica non solo consente agli utenti, ma esemplifica anche l'incredibile potenziale dell'IA nel migliorare la comunicazione e la connettività per tutti. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_i18n/mk/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_i18n/mk/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0c5d77 --- /dev/null +++ b/_i18n/mk/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Cboard Breakthrough: Enhancing AAC Communication with AI-Powered Sentence Creation' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Empowering Communication using artificial intelligence' +categories: + - cboard + - ai + - phrase improvement +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: martin +--- + +Communication is a fundamental human right, and for individuals with communication disabilities, finding effective tools to express themselves is of paramount importance. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) software has long been a beacon of hope for many, and in an exciting development, [**Cboard, a leading AAC application**](https://www.cboard.io/), has unveiled a groundbreaking feature. Using the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this new feature enhances sentence creation, making it easier than ever to build meaningful phrases from pictograms. + +## Cboard: A Revolution in AAC Communication + +Cboard has established itself as a prominent player in the AAC software landscape, known for its intuitive interface and customizable features. It has been a lifeline for countless individuals with communication disabilities, as well as their caregivers, educators, and therapists, enabling them to communicate effectively using pictograms. + +## The Power of AI in AAC Communication + +The integration of AI into Cboard's platform represents a monumental leap forward in improving the communication experience for users. Here's what this innovative feature means for the AAC community: + +**1. Enhanced Sentence Creation:** The AI-powered feature is designed to assist users in constructing sentences using pictograms. By analyzing user inputs and the context of their message, the AI suggest a phrase, according to pictograms and word combinations, making it easier for individuals to form coherent and meaningful sentences. + +**2. Improved Predictive Text:** Cboard's AI learns from the user's communication patterns, offering increasingly accurate predictive text suggestions over time. This personalization ensures that the tool becomes more tailored to the user's specific needs and communication style. + +!\[Improve Phrase feature\](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) *Phrase improvement feature* + +**3. Greater Speed and Efficiency:** With AI assistance, users can construct sentences more quickly and efficiently, reducing the time it takes to convey their thoughts and feelings. + +**4. Language Expansion:** The AI feature is designed to grow alongside the user's language development. It can introduce new vocabulary and sentence structures, facilitating language growth and ensuring that individuals can express themselves in increasingly complex ways. + +**5. Customization:** Cboard continues to offer a high level of customization, allowing users and their caregivers to fine-tune the AI's suggestions to suit individual preferences and communication needs. + +## Benefits for the AAC Community + +The introduction of AI into Cboard's platform is a game-changer for various stakeholders: + +**- Individuals with Communication Disabilities:** This feature empowers individuals with communication disabilities by providing them with a more efficient and supportive tool for constructing sentences, enabling them to express themselves more clearly and meaningfully. + +![Kid using Cboard](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Educators and Therapists:** Teachers and therapists will find it easier to integrate Cboard into their educational and therapeutic sessions. The AI-enhanced sentence creation feature ensures more effective communication support. + +**- Parents and Caregivers:** Families and caregivers can now use Cboard more effectively with their loved ones, fostering better communication, understanding, and connection. + +**- AAC Technology Advancement:** Cboard's introduction of AI to assist in sentence creation is a significant step forward in the evolution of AAC technology. It showcases the potential of AI to empower individuals with disabilities. + +In conclusion, Cboard's innovative AI-powered feature for sentence creation is a groundbreaking development that significantly improves the AAC experience. By making it easier to construct meaningful phrases from pictograms, Cboard continues to lead the way in creating accessible and effective communication tools for individuals with communication disabilities. This feature not only empowers users but also exemplifies the incredible potential of AI in enhancing communication and connectivity for all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_i18n/sr/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_i18n/sr/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0c5d77 --- /dev/null +++ b/_i18n/sr/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Cboard Breakthrough: Enhancing AAC Communication with AI-Powered Sentence Creation' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Empowering Communication using artificial intelligence' +categories: + - cboard + - ai + - phrase improvement +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: martin +--- + +Communication is a fundamental human right, and for individuals with communication disabilities, finding effective tools to express themselves is of paramount importance. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) software has long been a beacon of hope for many, and in an exciting development, [**Cboard, a leading AAC application**](https://www.cboard.io/), has unveiled a groundbreaking feature. Using the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this new feature enhances sentence creation, making it easier than ever to build meaningful phrases from pictograms. + +## Cboard: A Revolution in AAC Communication + +Cboard has established itself as a prominent player in the AAC software landscape, known for its intuitive interface and customizable features. It has been a lifeline for countless individuals with communication disabilities, as well as their caregivers, educators, and therapists, enabling them to communicate effectively using pictograms. + +## The Power of AI in AAC Communication + +The integration of AI into Cboard's platform represents a monumental leap forward in improving the communication experience for users. Here's what this innovative feature means for the AAC community: + +**1. Enhanced Sentence Creation:** The AI-powered feature is designed to assist users in constructing sentences using pictograms. By analyzing user inputs and the context of their message, the AI suggest a phrase, according to pictograms and word combinations, making it easier for individuals to form coherent and meaningful sentences. + +**2. Improved Predictive Text:** Cboard's AI learns from the user's communication patterns, offering increasingly accurate predictive text suggestions over time. This personalization ensures that the tool becomes more tailored to the user's specific needs and communication style. + +!\[Improve Phrase feature\](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) *Phrase improvement feature* + +**3. Greater Speed and Efficiency:** With AI assistance, users can construct sentences more quickly and efficiently, reducing the time it takes to convey their thoughts and feelings. + +**4. Language Expansion:** The AI feature is designed to grow alongside the user's language development. It can introduce new vocabulary and sentence structures, facilitating language growth and ensuring that individuals can express themselves in increasingly complex ways. + +**5. Customization:** Cboard continues to offer a high level of customization, allowing users and their caregivers to fine-tune the AI's suggestions to suit individual preferences and communication needs. + +## Benefits for the AAC Community + +The introduction of AI into Cboard's platform is a game-changer for various stakeholders: + +**- Individuals with Communication Disabilities:** This feature empowers individuals with communication disabilities by providing them with a more efficient and supportive tool for constructing sentences, enabling them to express themselves more clearly and meaningfully. + +![Kid using Cboard](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Educators and Therapists:** Teachers and therapists will find it easier to integrate Cboard into their educational and therapeutic sessions. The AI-enhanced sentence creation feature ensures more effective communication support. + +**- Parents and Caregivers:** Families and caregivers can now use Cboard more effectively with their loved ones, fostering better communication, understanding, and connection. + +**- AAC Technology Advancement:** Cboard's introduction of AI to assist in sentence creation is a significant step forward in the evolution of AAC technology. It showcases the potential of AI to empower individuals with disabilities. + +In conclusion, Cboard's innovative AI-powered feature for sentence creation is a groundbreaking development that significantly improves the AAC experience. By making it easier to construct meaningful phrases from pictograms, Cboard continues to lead the way in creating accessible and effective communication tools for individuals with communication disabilities. This feature not only empowers users but also exemplifies the incredible potential of AI in enhancing communication and connectivity for all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md b/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47d5e8b --- /dev/null +++ b/_posts/2023-10 -30-artificial-intelligence-to-improve-phrases.md @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +title: 'Cboard Breakthrough: Enhancing AAC Communication with AI-Powered Sentence Creation' +date: 2023-10-30 +description: 'Empowering Communication using artificial intelligence' +categories: + - cboard + - ai + - phrase improvement +image: /images/ai-cboard.jpg +author_staff_member: martin +--- +Communication is a fundamental human right, and for individuals with communication disabilities, finding effective tools to express themselves is of paramount importance. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) software has long been a beacon of hope for many, and in an exciting development, [**Cboard, a leading AAC application**](https://www.cboard.io/), has unveiled a groundbreaking feature. Using the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this new feature enhances sentence creation, making it easier than ever to build meaningful phrases from pictograms. + +## Cboard: A Revolution in AAC Communication + +Cboard has established itself as a prominent player in the AAC software landscape, known for its intuitive interface and customizable features. It has been a lifeline for countless individuals with communication disabilities, as well as their caregivers, educators, and therapists, enabling them to communicate effectively using pictograms. + +## The Power of AI in AAC Communication + +The integration of AI into Cboard's platform represents a monumental leap forward in improving the communication experience for users. Here's what this innovative feature means for the AAC community: + +**1. Enhanced Sentence Creation:** The AI-powered feature is designed to assist users in constructing sentences using pictograms. By analyzing user inputs and the context of their message, the AI suggest a phrase, according to pictograms and word combinations, making it easier for individuals to form coherent and meaningful sentences. + +**2. Improved Predictive Text:** Cboard's AI learns from the user's communication patterns, offering increasingly accurate predictive text suggestions over time. This personalization ensures that the tool becomes more tailored to the user's specific needs and communication style. + +![Improve Phrase feature](/images/app/phrase improvement.png) +*Phrase improvement feature* + +**3. Greater Speed and Efficiency:** With AI assistance, users can construct sentences more quickly and efficiently, reducing the time it takes to convey their thoughts and feelings. + +**4. Language Expansion:** The AI feature is designed to grow alongside the user's language development. It can introduce new vocabulary and sentence structures, facilitating language growth and ensuring that individuals can express themselves in increasingly complex ways. + +**5. Customization:** Cboard continues to offer a high level of customization, allowing users and their caregivers to fine-tune the AI's suggestions to suit individual preferences and communication needs. + +## Benefits for the AAC Community + +The introduction of AI into Cboard's platform is a game-changer for various stakeholders: + +**- Individuals with Communication Disabilities:** This feature empowers individuals with communication disabilities by providing them with a more efficient and supportive tool for constructing sentences, enabling them to express themselves more clearly and meaningfully. + +![Kid using Cboard](/images/kindergaten02.png) + +**- Educators and Therapists:** Teachers and therapists will find it easier to integrate Cboard into their educational and therapeutic sessions. The AI-enhanced sentence creation feature ensures more effective communication support. + +**- Parents and Caregivers:** Families and caregivers can now use Cboard more effectively with their loved ones, fostering better communication, understanding, and connection. + +**- AAC Technology Advancement:** Cboard's introduction of AI to assist in sentence creation is a significant step forward in the evolution of AAC technology. It showcases the potential of AI to empower individuals with disabilities. + +In conclusion, Cboard's innovative AI-powered feature for sentence creation is a groundbreaking development that significantly improves the AAC experience. By making it easier to construct meaningful phrases from pictograms, Cboard continues to lead the way in creating accessible and effective communication tools for individuals with communication disabilities. This feature not only empowers users but also exemplifies the incredible potential of AI in enhancing communication and connectivity for all. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/images/Microsoft-ai4accesibility.jpg b/images/Microsoft-ai4accesibility.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a034e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Microsoft-ai4accesibility.jpg differ diff --git a/images/Microsoft-ai4accesibility.webp b/images/Microsoft-ai4accesibility.webp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60577fc Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Microsoft-ai4accesibility.webp differ diff --git a/images/aac-awarness-month.jpg b/images/aac-awarness-month.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6f8d40 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/aac-awarness-month.jpg differ diff --git a/images/ai-cboard.jpg b/images/ai-cboard.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1c4db6 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/ai-cboard.jpg differ diff --git a/images/app/phrase improvement .png b/images/app/phrase improvement .png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eff7ec7 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/app/phrase improvement .png differ diff --git a/images/croatia03.jpg b/images/croatia03.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b82a88d Binary files /dev/null and b/images/croatia03.jpg differ diff --git a/images/croatia04.jpg b/images/croatia04.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0356dc1 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/croatia04.jpg differ diff --git a/images/croatia05.jpg b/images/croatia05.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc54e68 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/croatia05.jpg differ diff --git a/images/family-using-computer.jpg b/images/family-using-computer.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86ab691 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/family-using-computer.jpg differ diff --git a/images/kindergaten01.png b/images/kindergaten01.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f8077d Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kindergaten01.png differ diff --git a/images/kindergaten02.png b/images/kindergaten02.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c373280 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kindergaten02.png differ diff --git a/images/kindergaten03.png b/images/kindergaten03.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cafdd67 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kindergaten03.png differ diff --git a/images/kindergaten04.png b/images/kindergaten04.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6df15fe Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kindergaten04.png differ diff --git a/images/kindergaten05.png b/images/kindergaten05.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e06266 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kindergaten05.png differ diff --git a/images/kindergaten06.png b/images/kindergaten06.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de44ce3 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kindergaten06.png differ diff --git a/images/laptop-children.jpg b/images/laptop-children.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b230edf Binary files /dev/null and b/images/laptop-children.jpg differ diff --git a/images/resource01.png b/images/resource01.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1036a2b Binary files /dev/null and b/images/resource01.png differ diff --git a/images/resource02.png b/images/resource02.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9169485 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/resource02.png differ diff --git a/images/resource03.png b/images/resource03.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b723fa Binary files /dev/null and b/images/resource03.png differ diff --git a/images/seid01.png b/images/seid01.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01f8729 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/seid01.png differ diff --git a/images/seid02.png b/images/seid02.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..179aac0 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/seid02.png differ diff --git a/images/seid03.png b/images/seid03.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6f77b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/seid03.png differ diff --git a/images/seid04.png b/images/seid04.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef592e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/images/seid04.png differ diff --git a/scripts/crowdin-fetch-latest.js b/scripts/crowdin-fetch-latest.js index d36feb8..44dcf7c 100644 --- a/scripts/crowdin-fetch-latest.js +++ b/scripts/crowdin-fetch-latest.js @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ const fse = require('fs-extra'); const zipFilePath = resolve('./alltx.zip'); const extractPath = resolve('./downloads'); -const langPath = resolve('./_i18n'); +const langPath = resolve('../_i18n'); const downloadTranslations = async onComplete => { console.log('Trying to download latest translation strings...'); @@ -99,15 +99,15 @@ const extractTranslations = () => { //copy and rename files languages.forEach(lang => { fs.copyFileSync( - `${extractPath}/website/${lang.source}.yml`, - `${langPath}/${lang.dest}.yml` + `${extractPath}\\website\\${lang.source}.yml`, + `${langPath}\\${lang.dest}.yml` ); }); languages.forEach((lang, index) => { // copy source folder to destination fse.copy( - `${extractPath}/website/i18n/${lang.source}`, - `${langPath}/${lang.dest}/`, function (err) { + `${extractPath}\\website\\i18n\\${lang.source}`, + `${langPath}\\${lang.dest}\\`, function (err) { if (err) { console.log('An error occured while copying the folder.') return console.error(err)