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This is a Django project meant to be used for a language translation education service. It uses Django, Bootstrap, Apache, and various other technologies. This was created as a project for Ivy Tech Community College's SDEV 265 class in Spring 2021. This was developed by Craig Carson, Corey Teeter, Jeffery Patton, and Josh Chapman.

How to install

First you should install a Linux distro of your choice. We used Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10 (Jeffery, the author of this README, transitioned to the latter the night this README was made) to deploy this project, and thus those two are what the instructions were provided for. It should be possible on any other distribution though, with some hard work and research.

Here are then the instructions on how to deploy on Debian/Ubuntu, instructions are based off of from some guy named Corey Schafer.

  1. Update to the newest version of the distro with sudo apt update.
  2. Install the following packages: sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv git libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 apache2 sqlite3
  3. Clone the git repo into your home folder and cd into its app folder: git clone && cd LangCite/app
  4. Edit in the app folder within the app folder to your liking and in particular change the allowed host IP address and langImport absolute directory, which are at lines 29 and 60: vi or nano app/
  5. Create the venv in the first app directory and activate it for the shell session: python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
  6. Install the wheel Python pip package required by other packages, YOU MUST DO THIS FIRST BEFORE INSTALLING THE REST: pip3 install wheel
  7. Then install the rest of the needed pip packages: `pip3 install appdirs django google-trans-new jsonfield Pillow pdf2image PyDictionary PyPDF2 translate wheel youtube-transcript-api image pytesseract'
  8. Then collect the static Django files: python collectstatic
  9. Then go to /etc/apache2/sites-available and create a django_debian.conf file, copying and pasting or downloading the code from cd /etc/apache2/sites-available && sudo nano django_debian.conf or cd /etc/apache2/sites-available && sudo wget && mv django_project.conf django_debian.conf
  10. Continuing on that same file, replace all the place holder path information with your specific information of where LangCite is and called. Note that the proper Django project folder is actually at "app," not at "LangCite."
  11. Then enable the Django project and disable the default Apache webpage: sudo a2ensite django_debian && sudo a2dissite 000-default
  12. Then return with cd back to LangCite and set the permissions for Apache to handle the project: sudo chmod -R 775 app && sudo chown -R :www-data app && sudo chmod 664 app/db.sqlite3
  13. Then restart the Apache daemon: sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

And there you go, you have set up LangCite and it should work now! :D

How to update though?

Ummm, well, here's the steps:

  1. git pull You need to pull first if you need to stash or not
  2. git stashIf you see conflicts and it tells you to stash or add/commit changes, then stash
  3. git pull Then pull for real
  4. git stash pop then pop the stashed changes back to repo
  5. git reset HEAD . then reset the status of git repo so that there aren't any weird stuff like in progress commits and then you can git pull again in the future.
  6. Then redo step 12 of the install procedure to fix permissions: sudo chmod -R 775 app && sudo chown -R :www-data app && sudo chmod 664 app/db.sqlite3