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Setup and Implement Two Instructions

This is step 1 of the book Writing a RISC-V Emulator from Scratch in 10 Steps, whose goal is running xv6, a small Unix-like OS, in your emulator in the final step.

The source code is available at d0iasm/rvemu-for-book/step01/.

Goal of This Page

In the end of this page, we can execute the sample file containing add and addi instructions in our emulator. The add instruction adds 64-bit values in two registers, and the addi instruction adds a 64-bit value in a register and a 12-bit immediate value.

Sample binary files are also available at d0iasm/rvemu-for-book/step01/. We successfully see the result of addition in the x31 register when we execute the sample binary file add-addi.bin.

// add-addi.bin contains the following instructions:
// main:
// .  addi x29, x0, 5   // Add 5 and 0, and store the value to x29.
// .  addi x30, x0, 37  // Add 37 and 0, and store the value to x30.
// .  add x31, x30, x29 // x31 should contain 42 (0x2a).

$ cargo run add-addi.bin
x28=0x0 x29=0x5 x30=0x25 x31=0x2a


RISC-V is a new instruction-set architecture (ISA) that was originally designed to support computer architecture research and education at the University of California, Berkeley, but now it gradually becomes a standard free and open architecture for industry implementations. RISC-V is also excellent for students to learn computer architecture since it's simple enough. We can read the RISC-V specifications for free and we'll implement a part of features in Volume I: Unprivileged ISA and Volume II: Privileged Architecture. The Unprivileged ISA defines instructions, the binary that the computer processor (CPU) can understand.

RISC-V defines 32-bit and 64-bit architecture. The width of registers and the available memory size are different depending on the architecture. The 128-bit architecture also exists but it is currently in a draft state. RISC-V instructions consists of base integer instructions and optional extensions. The base integer instructions must be present in any implementation. We'll only support the 64-bit base integer instructions, which is called RV64I, and optional extensions that xv6 uses in this book.

Rust is an open-source systems programming language that focuses on performance and safety. It is popular especially in systems programming like an operating system. We're going to implement our emulator in Rust.

An emulator is, in simple words, an infinite loop to execute a RISC-V binary one by one unless something wrong happens or a user stops an emulator explicitly. In this book, we try to understand the basic RISC-V architecture by making a RISC-V emulator.

Build RISC-V Toolchain

First, we have to build a RISC-V toolchain for RV64G. The default toolchain will use RV64GC which contains a general-purpose ISA and a compressed ISA. A general-purpose ISA is the alias of selected standard extensions, which includes:

  • RV64I: base integer instructions
  • RV64M: integer multiplication and division instructions
  • RV64A: atomic instructions
  • RV64F: single-precision floating-point instructions
  • RV64D: double-precision floating-point instructions
  • RVZicsr: control and status register instructions
  • RVZifencei: instruction-fetch fence instructions

However, this book will explain only instructions that xv6 uses.

Download code from the riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain repository and configure it with rv64g architecture. After the following commands, we can use riscv64-unknown-elf-* commands.

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
$ ./configure --prefix=<path-to-riscv-toolchain> --with-arch=rv64g
$ make && make linux

Create a New Project

We'll use Cargo, the Rust package manager. See the installation page in Cargo book to install it. I'll call our project rvemu-for-book because I originally implemented rvemu and I wrote the reference code for this book. We can see "Hello, world!" when we execute an initialized project by the cargo run command.

$ cargo new rvemu-for-book
$ cd rvemu-for-book
$ cargo run
Hello, world!

Create a Basic CPU

CPU is the most important part of a computer to execute instructions. It has registers, a small amount of fast storage that CPU can access. The width of registers is 64 bits in the 64-bit RISC-V architecture. It also has a program counter to hold the address of the current instruction.

The following struct contains 32 registers, a program counter, and memory. An actual hardware doesn't have a memory inside a CPU and a memory connects to CPU via a system bus, but I decided to implement that CPU has a memory in our emulator for the sake of simplicity.

{% code title="src/" %}

struct Cpu {
    regs: [u64; 32],
    pc: u64,
    memory: Vec<u8>,

{% endcode %}


There are 32 general-purpose registers that are each 64 bits wide in RV64I. Each register has a role defined by the integer register convention. Basically, an emulator doesn't care about the roles of a register except zero (x0) and sp (x2) registers. The zero register x0 is hardwired with all bits equal to 0. The sp register x2 is a stack pointer. A stack is a data structure mainly located at the end of an address space. It is especially used to store local variables. A stack pointer keeps track of a stack. A value of a stack pointer is subtracted in a function prologue, so we need to set it up with a non-0 value.

// Set the register x2 with the size of a memory when a CPU is instantiated.
regs[2] = MEMORY_SIZE; // 1024 * 1024 * 128 (128MiB).

// Reset the value of register x0 with 0 in each cycle to mimic that register x0
// is hardwired with all bits equal to 0.
self.regs[0] = 0;

Fetch-decode-execute Cycle

The main job of the CPU is composed of three main stages: fetch stage, decode stage, and execute stage. The fetch-decode-execute cycle is also known as the instruction cycle. CPU follows the cycle from the computer boots up until it shuts down.

  1. Fetch: Reads the next instruction to be executed from the memory where the program is stored.
  2. Decode: Splits an instruction sequence into a form that makes sense to the CPU.
  3. Execute: Performs the action required by the instruction.

Also, we need to add 4 to the program counter in each cycle.

{% code title="src/" %}

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    while cpu.pc < cpu.memory.len() as u64 {
        // 1. Fetch.
        let inst = cpu.fetch();

        // 2. Add 4 to the program counter.
        cpu.pc = cpu.pc + 4;

        // 3. Decode.
        // 4. Execute.

{% endcode %}

We'll make fetch and execute methods in CPU. The decode stage is performed in the execute method for the sake of simplicity.

{% code title="" %}

impl Cpu {
    fn fetch(&self) -> u32 {
        // Read 32-bit instruction from a memory.

    fn execute(&mut self, inst: u32) {
        // Decode an instruction and execute it.

{% endcode %}

Set Binary Data to the Memory

In order to implement the fetch method, we need to read a binary file from a command line and store the content to the memory. We can get command-line arguments via the standard env module. Let a file name place at the first argument.

The binary is set up to the memory when a new CPU instance is created.

{% code title="src/" %}

use std::env;

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    if args.len() != 2 {
        panic!("Usage: rvemu-simple <filename>");
    let mut file = File::open(&args[1])?;
    let mut binary = Vec::new();
    file.read_to_end(&mut binary)?;

    let cpu = Cpu::new(binary);


impl Cpu {
    fn new(binary: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        Self {
            regs: [0; 32],
            pc: 0,
            memory: binary,

    fn fetch(&self) -> u32 { ... }
    fn execute(&mut self, inst: u32) { ... }

{% endcode %}

Fetch Stage

Now, we are ready to fetch an instruction from the memory.

What we should be careful to fetch an instruction is endianness, which is the term refers to how binary data is stored. There are 2 types of endianness: little-endian and big-endian. A little-endian ordering places the least significant byte (LSB) at the lowest address and the most significant byte (MSB) places at the highest address in a 32-bit word. While a big-endian ordering does the opposite.

Fig 1.1 Little-endian and big-endian 2 instructions.

RISC-V has either little-endian or big-endian byte order. Our emulator only supports a little-endian system because RISC-V originally chose little-endian byte ordering and it's currently dominant commercially like x86 systems.

Our memory is the vector of u8 , so read 4 elements from the memory and shift them in the little-endian ordering.

{% code title="src/" %}

impl Cpu {
    fn fetch(&self) -> u32 {
        let index = self.pc as usize;
        return (self.memory[index] as u32)
            | ((self.memory[index + 1] as u32) << 8)
            | ((self.memory[index + 2] as u32) << 16)
            | ((self.memory[index + 3] as u32) << 24);

{% endcode %}

Decode State

RISC-V base instructions only have 4 instruction formats and a few variants as we can see in Fig 1.2. These formats keep all register specifiers at the same position in all formats since it makes it easier to decode.

Fig 1.2 RISC-V base instruction formats. (Source: Figure 2.2 in Volume I: Unprivileged ISA)

Decoding for common parts in all formats is performed by bitwise operations, bitwise ANDs and bit shifts.

{% code title="src/" %}

impl Cpu {
    fn execute(&mut self, inst: u32) {
        let opcode = inst & 0x0000007f;
        let rd = ((inst & 0x00000f80) >> 7) as usize;
        let rs1 = ((inst & 0x000f8000) >> 15) as usize;
        let rs2 = ((inst & 0x01f00000) >> 20) as usize;

{% endcode %}

Execute State

As a first step, we're going to implement 2 instructions add (R-type) and addi (I-type). The add instruction adds 64-bit values in two registers, and the addi instruction adds a 64-bit value in a register and a 12-bit immediate value. We can dispatch an execution depending on the opcode field according to Fig 1.3 and Fig 1.4. In the addi instruction, we need to decode 12-bit immediate which is sign-extended.

Fig 1.3 Add instruction (Source: RV32I Base Instruction Set table in Volume I: Unprivileged ISA)

Fig 1.4 Addi instruction (Source: RV32I Base Instruction Set table in Volume I: Unprivileged ISA)

{% code title="src/" %}

impl Cpu {
    match opcode {
            0x13 => {
                // addi
                let imm = ((inst & 0xfff00000) as i32 as i64 >> 20) as u64;
                self.regs[rd] = self.regs[rs1].wrapping_add(imm);
            0x33 => {
                // add
                self.regs[rd] = self.regs[rs1].wrapping_add(self.regs[rs2]);
            _ => {
                dbg!("not implemented yet");

{% endcode %}

The reason for using wrapping_add instead of plus (+) operation is to avoid causing an arithmetic overflow when the result is beyond the boundary of the type of registers which is a 64-bit unsigned integer.


We're going to test 2 instructions by executing a sample file and check if the registers are expected values. I prepared a sample binary file available at d0iasm/rvemu-for-book/step01/. Download the add-addi.bin file and execute it in your emulator.

To see the registers after execution is done, I added the dump_registers function. Now, we successfully see the result of the addition in the x31 register when we execute the sample binary file.

// add-addi.bin is binary to execute these instructions:
// main:
// .  addi x29, x0, 5   // Add 5 and 0, and store the value to x29.
// .  addi x30, x0, 37  // Add 37 and 0, and store the value to x30.
// .  add x31, x30, x29 // x31 should contain 42 (0x2a).

$ cargo run add-addi.bin
x28=0x0 x29=0x5 x30=0x25 x31=0x2a

How to Build Test Binary

Our emulator can execute an ELF binary without any headers and its entry point address is 0x0 . The Makefile helps you build test binary.

$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Wl,-Ttext=0x0 -nostdlib -o foo foo.s
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary foo foo.bin


The sample file doesn't cover edge cases (e.g. arithmetic overflow). We'll not aim at the perfect implementation of our emulator this step and in the following steps because it costs too much. The book just focuses on running xv6 in our emulator and its implementation is possibly wrong or not enough.