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Feedback endpoint for CDS Hooks 1.1

Isaac Vetter edited this page Sep 15, 2019 · 21 revisions

Feedback endpoint


A CDS Hooks service is able to return three types of guidance to a user: info cards, suggestion cards and app link cards.

Once a CDS Hooks service responds to a hook by returning an info or suggestion card, the service has no further interaction with the CDS client. The acceptance or rejection of a suggestion is valuable information to enable a service to improve its behavior towards the goal of the end-user having a positive and meaningful experience with the CDS. A feedback endpoint enables suggestion tracking & analytics.

There are four distinct, possible outcomes for an end user interacting with a CDS Hooks suggestion card:

  1. Suggested accepted. The end user viewed and acted on the guidance.
  2. Card ignored. The end user did not interact with the card.
  3. Card dismissed without reason. The end user viewed the card and dismissed it without providing a reason why.
  4. Card overridden with reason. The end user rejected the guidance and helpfully explained why by selecting an override reason (TODO).

Note that while a single suggestion can be accepted, an entire card is ignored, dismissed or overridden. Although, CDS Hooks currently defines the card.selectionBehavior to always be at-most-one, this may change in the future. To uniquely identify a card, this proposal adds an optional (unless the service wants feeback) card.uuid, which mirrors the existing hookInstance and suggestion.uuid.

Suggestion accepted

The CDS client can inform the service when one or more suggestions were accepted by POSTing a simple json object.

Upon the user accepting a suggestion (perhaps when she clicks a displayed label (e.g., button) from a "suggestion" card), the CDS client informs the service by posting the card and suggestion uuids to the CDS Service's feedback endpoint with an outcome of accepted.

To enable a positive clinical experience, the analytics endpoint may be called for multiple hook instances or multiple cards at the same time or even multiple times for a card or suggestion multiple times. The most recent analytics endpoint should overwrite previous information about the card.

POST {baseUrl}/cds-services/{serviceId}/feedback

         "card":"`card.uuid` from CDS Hooks response",
         "acceptedSuggestions":["`card.suggestion.uuid` from CDS Hooks response"]

If either the card or the suggestion has no uuid, the CDS client does not send a notification.

The above HTTP post to a service endpoint for the suggestion informs the service when its suggestion(s) were accepted, but what happens when the user doesn't take the suggestion? A card can be ignored, dismissed or overridden.

Card ignored

If the end-user doesn't interact with the CDS Service's card at all, the card is ignored. Why would this happen? Perhaps the priority indicator of the card deprioritized it, or the user simply ignored the guidance. In this case, the CDS Client does not inform the CDS Service of the rejected guidance. Even with a card and suggestion uuid nd an available feedback service, the service is not informed.

Dismissed guidance

A CDS client may enable the end user to dismiss guidance without providing an explicit reason for doing so. The CDS client can inform the service when a suggestion was dismissed by specifying an outcome of dismissedWithoutReason.

POST {baseUrl}/cds-services/{serviceId}/feedback

         "card":"f6b95768-b1c8-40dc-8385-bf3504b82ffb", // uuid from `card.uuid`

Explicit reject with override reasons

A CDS service may recommend a list of reasons, to be presented to the end user, to explain why she rejected the service's guidance (see Override Reasons for 1.1). Each card may be accompanied by a service-provided array of override labels and identifiers, like so:

         "summary":"Update med.",
         "suggestions":[ ],
            "reason-id-provided-by-service":"Patient refused",


The CDS client can inform the service when a suggestion was rejected by POSTing an outcome of overridden to the service's feedback endpoint -

POST {baseUrl}/cds-services/{serviceId}/feedback


Feedback message structure

POST {baseUrl}/cds-services/{serviceId}/feedback

         "card":"card uuid",
         "outcome":"rejectedWithoutReason | accepted | overridden",
         "overrideReason":"reason provided by service in CDS Hooks response",
            "suggestion uuid 1"
         ]         /**MAY contain multiple uuids,
         based on value of `card.selectionBehavior`**/


  1. Should this HTTP Post identify the user who took the action, or is the assumption that it was the same user who triggered the hook acceptable?
  2. Should the CDS client attempt to share urls to any FHIR resources created as part of the suggestion being accepted? That would significantly increase the effort to implement, would enable much deeper analysis capabilities by the service, but would be less valuable than widespread implementation of the simple suggestion accepted notification.
  3. The feedback message must also report the override reason provided by the service and selected by the user. Override reasons are not yet drafted in the spec. Coming soon.