Auto-Vk-Toolkit features an object serializer to improve load times of resources like huge 3D models or ORCA scenes by serializing all the processed and ready to use data into a cache file during the first run. In further runs, the data can be directly deserialized into types and structures used by Auto-Vk-Toolkit and expensive parsing and processing of huge models or scenes can be avoided.
Serialization functionality is available via avk::serializer
class. The serializer is initialized
by providing a path to the cache file and the desired mode. If the mode is set to avk::serializer::mode::serialize
, the file at the given path is created or overwritten if it already exists. If the mode is set to avk::serializer::mode::deserialize
, the serializer reads from the cache file at the given path. A helper function avk::does_cache_file_exist(const std::string_view)
can be used to determine which initialization mode shall be used. The serializer initialization for storing or loading a cached ORCA scene could look like follows:
const std::string cacheFilePath(pathToOrcaScene + ".cache");
auto serializer = avk::serializer(cacheFilePath, avk::does_cache_file_exist(cacheFilePath) ? avk::serializer::mode::deserialize : avk::serializer::mode::serialize);
A convenience constructor is available, if the serializer shall determine the mode to use. If the file at the given path exists, the serializer is initialized for reading in mode avk::serializer::mode::deserialize
, else for writing in mode avk::serializer::mode::deserialize
auto serializer = avk::serializer(cacheFilePath);
After initialization, the current mode of the serializer can be retrived by calling mode()
on the serializer, which either returns avk::serializer::mode::serialize
or avk::serializer::mode::deserialize
. To serialize or deserialize a type, the avk::serializer::archive(Type&&)
function template is called on the serializer object. This function serializes the given object to the cache file if the mode is avk::serializer::mode::serialize
, or deserializes the object from the cache file into the given object if the mode is avk::serializer::mode::deserialize
. Using the serializer for normals, vertices and indices can be implemented like follows:
std::vector<glm::vec3> normals;
std::tuple<std::vector<glm::vec3>, std::vector<uint32_t>> verticesAndIndices;
if (serializer.mode() == avk::serializer::mode::serialize) {
normals = avk::get_normals(...);
verticesAndIndices = avk::get_vertices_and_indices(...);
First, variables are defined to hold the data. If the serializer's mode is avk::serializer::mode::serialize
, the vector of normals and the tuple of vertices and indices are retrieved with the helper functions in material_image_helpers.hpp
. serializer.archive(...)
serializes std::vector<glm::vec3>
and std::tuple<std::vector<glm::vec3>, std::vector<uint32_t>
to the cache file. If the serializer's mode is avk::serializer::mode::deserialize
, calls to the helper functions are not necessary anymore because both variables can be retrieved from the cache file in serializer.archive(...)
The serializer features specialized functions for serializing and deserializing blocks of memory and host visible buffers. Both can be used separately but are especially usefull when used in conjunction, e.g. to serialize/deserialize image data. Image data loaded from a file can be serialized using avk::serializer::archive_memory
and in further program runs, i.e. when deserializing, directly copied into a host visible buffer using avk::serializer::archive_buffer
size_t imageSize;
void* pixels;
if (serializer.mode() == avk::serializer::mode::serialize) {
// Load image frome file using stb image lib
int channelsInFile = 0;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int desiredColorChannels = STBI_rgb_alpha;
pixels = stbi_load(pathToImage.c_str(), &width, &height, &channelsInFile, desiredColorChannels);
imageSize = static_cast<size_t>(width) * static_cast<size_t>(height) * static_cast<size_t>(desiredColorChannels);
serializer.archive_memory(pixels, imageSize);
// Create host-coherent staging buffer
auto sb = avk::create_buffer(
if (serializer.mode() == avk::serializer::mode::serialize) {
sb->fill(pixels, 0);
else {
In the example code above image data is loaded from file via stbi_load
, but only when the serializer's mode is avk::serializer::mode::serialize
. It returns a pointer to the data and the values to calculate the total image size. serializer.archive_memory
is then used to serialize the image data to the cache file and serializer.archive
is used to either serialize or deserialize the size of the image. After creating a host visible staging buffer with the size of the image, the buffer is either filled by its own avk::buffer_t::fill
function or directly from the cache file using avk::serializer::archive_buffer
, which avoids an extra memory allocation in main memory for the image data and copies directly into a host visible GPU buffer.
Auto-Vk-Toolkit features *_cached
function variants for various work loads that support serialization/deserialization. They are intended to simplify serializer usage and avoid the need of implementing different code paths for both modes of the serializer. For example, to retrieve 2D texture coordinates buffer for model data (modelAndMeshes), avk::create_2d_texture_coordinates_buffer_cached
can be used:
auto texCoordsBuffer = avk::create_2d_texture_coordinates_buffer_cached(
serializer, modelAndMeshes, 0, avk::sync::wait_idle()
The equivalent functionality without usage of a *_cached
function variant would be like follows in this case:
avk::buffer texCoordsBuffer;
if (serializer.mode() == avk::serializer::mode::serialize) {
texCoordsBuffer = avk::create_2d_texture_coordinates_buffer(
modelAndMeshes, 0, avk::sync::wait_idle()
The *_cached
functions internally either serialize or deserialize the necessary data (in the above example, that would be the content of the returned buffer, i.e. the 2D texture coordinates). All *_cached
functions are designed to integrate well into existing, non-serialized code paths. The following code shows a non-serialized way of loading an ORCA scene and creating buffers for positions, indices and texture coordinates. The code omits iterating through all materials and just creates buffers for the first mesh that is assigned to the first material returned by avk::orca_scene_t::distinct_material_configs_for_all_models
// Load an ORCA scene from file
auto orca = avk::orca_scene_t::load_from_file(aPathToOrcaScene);
// Get all the different materials from the whole scene
auto distinctMaterialsOrca = orca->distinct_material_configs_for_all_models();
// Get mesh indices of the first material
std::vector<avk::model_and_mesh_indices> meshIndices = distinctMaterialsOrca.begin()->second;
int meshIndicesIndex = 0;
std::vector<std::tuple<const avk::model_t&, std::vector<avk::mesh_index_t>>> modelAndMeshes;
modelAndMeshes = avk::make_model_references_and_mesh_indices_selection(orca->model_at_index(meshIndices[meshIndicesIndex].mModelIndex).mLoadedModel, meshIndices[meshIndicesIndex].mMeshIndices);
// Get a buffer containing all positions, and one containing all indices for all submeshes with this material
auto [positionsBuffer, indicesBuffer, posIndCommands] = avk::create_vertex_and_index_buffers(modelAndMeshes, {});
// Get a buffer containing all texture coordinates for all submeshes with this material
auto [texCoordsBuffer, tcoCommands] = avk::create_2d_texture_coordinates_flipped_buffer(modelAndMeshes, 0);
// Submit the commands necessary for the above operations and wait until they have completed:
auto fence = avk::context().record_and_submit_with_fence({std::move(posIndCommands), std::move(tcoCommands)}, myQueue);
Integrating the serializer into above code is easily done by introducing a condition at the beginning, to avoid scene loading from file, and swap some helper functions for their *_cached
std::vector<std::tuple<const avk::model_t&, std::vector<avk::mesh_index_t>>> modelAndMeshes;
if (serializer.mode() == avk::serializer::mode::serialize) {
// Load an ORCA scene from file
auto orca = avk::orca_scene_t::load_from_file(aPathToOrcaScene);
// Get all the different materials from the whole scene
auto distinctMaterialsOrca = orca->distinct_material_configs_for_all_models();
// Get mesh indices of the first material
auto meshIndices = distinctMaterialsOrca.begin()->second;
int meshIndicesIndex = 0;
modelAndMeshes = avk::make_model_references_and_mesh_indices_selection(orca->model_at_index(meshIndices[meshIndicesIndex].mModelIndex).mLoadedModel, meshIndices[meshIndicesIndex].mMeshIndices);
// Get a buffer containing all positions, and one containing all indices for all submeshes with this material
auto [positionsBuffer, indicesBuffer, posIndCommands] = avk::create_vertex_and_index_buffers_cached(serializer, modelAndMeshes, {});
// Get a buffer containing all texture coordinates for all submeshes with this material
auto [texCoordsBuffer, tcoCommands] = avk::create_2d_texture_coordinates_flipped_buffer_cached(serializer, modelAndMeshes, 0);
// Submit the commands necessary for the above operations and wait until they have completed:
auto fence = avk::context().record_and_submit_with_fence({std::move(posIndCommands), std::move(tcoCommands)}, myQueue);
For further *_cached
function usage see void load_orca_scene_cached(...)
in the orca_loader example at orca_loader.cpp#L187
get_vertices_and_indices_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_vertex_and_index_buffers_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_normals_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_normals_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_tangents_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_tangents_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_bitangents_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_bitangents_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_colors_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_colors_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_bone_weights_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_bone_weights_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_bone_weights_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_bone_indices_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_bone_indices_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_bone_indices_for_single_target_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_bone_indices_for_single_target_buffer_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_bone_indices_for_single_target_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_bone_indices_for_single_target_buffer_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_2d_texture_coordinates_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_2d_texture_coordinates_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_2d_texture_coordinates_flipped_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_2d_texture_coordinates_flipped_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
get_3d_texture_coordinates_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
create_3d_texture_coordinates_buffer_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
convert_for_gpu_usage_cached(avk::serializer& aSerializer, ...)
To serialize a custom type, the custom type is required to have a specialized overload to the serialize
template function which defines how a type is serialized. For commonly used types such as glm::vec3
, glm::mat4
, etc. and various types in the std
namespace such serialize
overloads are already defined in serializer.hpp
To add serialization ability to a custom type, a serialize
function template overload in the same namespace as the custom type must be created. The function template takes two arguments, an Archive
and the custom type's type Type
. Both parameters must be passed by reference. If one of the members is yet another custom type, a separate avk::serialize
function template overload must be created.
nampespace SOME_NAMESPACE {
struct SOME_TYPE {
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive& aArchive, SOME_TYPE& aValue)
aArchive(aValue.member1, aValue.member2, ...);
If the custom type is a class with private members that must be serialized, the serialize
template function has to be either declared inside the custom type or defined as a friend when declared extern
class SOME_TYPE {
template<typename Archive>
friend void serialize(Archive& aArchive, SOME_TYPE& aValue);
Raw arrays in custom types must be wrapped by a avk::serializer::BinaryData
type prior to being passed to the Archive
. gkv::serializer
provides a static convenience function for this operation:
struct Meshlet {
unsigned int vertices[64];
unsigned int indices[126][3];
unsigned char triangle_count;
unsigned char vertex_count;
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive& aArchive, Meshlet& aValue)
avk::serializer::binary_data(aValue.vertices, sizeof(Meshlet::vertices)),
avk::serializer::binary_data(aValue.indices, sizeof(Meshlet::indices)),
For custom serialization function examples see serializer.hpp#L259
and following.