Url Shortening app built with Node API along with MongoDB and Angular. For demonstration purposes and a tutorial.
Node provides the RESTful API. Angular provides the frontend and accesses the API. MongoDB stores like a hoarder.
MongoDB: (Local Configuration) If you have MongoDB installed on your machine, then configure it in
MongoDB: (Using mongo image from DockerHub) Pull Mongo image from DockerHub and start it
docker pull mongo
docker run -p 27017:27017 -d --name db mongo
Change localUrl value to 'db:27017/urlshortener' in 'config/database.js', Where 'db' is the name of mongo container.
- Clone the repository:
- Build and Run "URL Shortener" app image:
Build the Dockerfile and tag the image as urlshortener:
docker build -t urlshortener .
Run the docker image 'urlshortener' inside a container:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 35729:35729 --name urlshortener --link db:db urlshortener