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Swift DeepSky


The Swift DeepSky pipeline provides deep observations of the X-ray sky as seen by the Swift1 satellite.

The pipeline starts from a position on the Sky given by the user (Right Ascension, Declination) -- and from there combines all observations made by Swift/XRT up to the date, identifies the objects in the field and measures their fluxes, countrates, spectral energy slope, hydrogen column density, like the effective exposure time (per object). And this is all done automatically.

  • Data for the processing is downloaded on the fly, not being necessary for the user to have them before hand -- by all means, if the user has already the necessary data in his/her local storage the pipeline may use it if requested.

  • To ease the use and portability of this package, a Docker container is also available. The use of containers allows us to bypass the setup process and go straight to the data analysis.

See section Docker for instructions on using the ready-to-use container version; look for the section Install if you want to install the source code.

No secrets: help is here

When no arguments are given, or the --help | -h option is given, a help message like the one below is displayed. Besides all the options, it should be highlighted that only the --object or the (--ra,--dec) position is mandatory; that is effectively all swift_deepsky needs to run.

$ swift_deepsky

 Usage: { --ra <degrees> --dec <degrees> | --object <name> }

  --ra     VALUE      : Right Ascension (in DEGREES)
  --dec    VALUE      : Declination (in DEGREES)
  --object NAME       : name of object to use as center of the field.
                        If given, CDS/Simbad is queried for the position
                        associated with 'NAME'
  --radius VALUE      : radius (in ARC-MINUTES) around RA,DEC to search for observations. Default is '12' (arcmin)
  -d|--data_archive   : data archive directory; Where Swift directories-tree is.
                        This directory is supposed to contain the last 2 levels
                        os Swift archive usual structure: 'data_archive'/START_TIME/OBSID
  -l|--label LABEL    : label output files. Otherwise object NAME or ra,dec VALUEs will be used.

  -f|--master_table   : Swift master-table. This table relates RA,DEC,START_TIME,OBSID.
                        The 'master_table' should be a CSV file with these columns
  --table_time_format : master-table START_TIME/STOP_TIME format. Default is %y-%m-%d

  -o|--outdir         : output directory; default is the current one.
                        In 'outdir', a directory for every file from this run is created.

  -u|--upload         : upload final results to central archive (no personal data is taken).
  --noupload          : not to upload final results to central archive. Default.

  --start             : initial date to consider for observations selection. Format is 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-mm-dd'
  --end               : final date to consider for observations selection. Format is 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-mm-dd'

  -s|--server         : options are 'UK' (default) and 'US'

  -h|--help           : this help message
  -q|--quiet          : verbose

  • An example of --master_table can be found at docs/notebook/SwiftXrt_master.csv:

Running it

The pipeline may either be manually installed in your own workstation -- to that, check section [#Manual-Install] below -- or (recommended) run through a Docker engine.

If that is running fine, we may make a test:

$ swift_deepsky --ra 34.2608 --dec 1.2455

, which will process every observation it finds in the archive And that process the 12 arcmin (default radius) field around RA=34.2608 and Dec=1.2455.

Or you can ask for a specific object, for example, the classic 3C279. You can also ask for a specific time period, which we will do now by selecting only the observations in the first months of 2018:

$ swift_deepsky --object 3c279 --start 1/1/2018 --end 28/2/2018


To run the swift_deepsky container we need to have Docker installed and tested. Please, check [#Install-Docker] for instructions on installing Docker on your platform.

The work directory

When we run SDS using Docker container, inside the container the (SDS) pipeline runs from the directoty /work. It is a directory inside the container, you don't need to worry about having a directory /work in your host system. What you do need to be attentive to is to use /work as the container's directory when mounting local directories from the host to the container. For instance, in the instructions below we mount (or bind if you will) the local directory $HOME/sds_output to container's /work so the results show up in your system's $HOME/sds_output (generated by the container, inside the container's /work folder).


Since version 9, the Swift-DeepSky container (chbrandt/swift_deepsky) runs with a CalDB container attached to it (chbrandt/heasoft_caldb). The CalDB container though is just a data volume: it's role is only to serve DeepSky with Swift calibration data, which means that you can run the CalDB container once and (mostly) forget about it for a while.

There is one information that is important about the heasoft_caldb container that we will use everytime we call swift_deepsky: the name we give to the container. We will use simply caldb:

$ docker run --name caldb chbrandt/heasoft_caldb:swift

Now we can run the swift_deepsky container, supported by caldb:

$ docker run --rm -it --volumes-from caldb -v $HOME/sds_output:/work chbrandt/swift_deepsky:latest

Let me explain what we just saw:

  • --rm: this guarantees that the container is garbage-collected when it is done processing;
  • -it: these are important flags that guarantee the necessary kind of environment for HeaSOFT tools;
  • --volumes-from caldb: here is where we bind swift_deepsky to heasoft_caldb container;
  • -v $HOME/sds_output:/work is where the results are written: locally, inside $HOME/sds_output;
    • $HOME/sds_output can be changed to whatever you want, /work cannot be changed;
  • chbrandt/swift_deepsky:latest is the same as chbrandt/swift_deepsky.

In other words, you want to keep the parameters as given above, you may (and probably should) change the value for the output files: the example uses $HOME/sds_output, pick one that suites your organization better.

Once you digested the command-line(s) above, you may very well create an alias to simplify your life. For example,

$ alias swift_deepsky='docker run --rm -it --volumes-from caldb -v $HOME/sds_output:/work chbrandt/swift_deepsky:latest'

And now you could simply type:

$ swift_deepsky [options]

Test: dummy values

Run the following to get some processing done and see outputs comming out:

$ swift_deepsky --ra 22 --dec 33 --radius 15

We are here asking the pipeline to sum all Swift-XRT images in the 15' wide field around Right Ascension 22 and Declination 33. The output should be in a directory called 22_33_15 in your current directory.

Local Swift Master table

When a Master table is not given to Swift-DeepSky (default), it uses VO services to query for Swift observations (in the specified RA,DEC,RADIUS region). There may be situations you prefer to use a local Master table, though. For example, when you are running an all-sky processing and you want to avoid a big network traffic (requests to the VO server).

When you do that, specify the master table to be used (option --master_table) while using Docker containers, you must remember that containers run in there own, isolated environment; Containers cannot see outside, containers don't have access to files in the hosting operating system unless you explicit share directories and files with it.

Thankfully, it is simple to get around that. As a matter of fact, we did something like that before when we mounted the "sds_output" volume to have the outputs (generated inside the container) in our host system's $HOME/sds_output.

We are going to use sds_runs instead of sds_output just because it makes more sense, since we will have our master-table in that directory. But it is just a name, the meaning is the same.

For example, suppose the Swift Master Table you want SDS to use is inside a local directory $PWD/sds_runs (sds_runs inside the current working directory, $PWD). The Master Table filename is my_swift_master_table.csv (see above for the format expected, or bin/SwiftXrt_master.csv). In this case, you will run SDS as follows:

$ ls sds_runs
$ docker run --rm -it --volumes-from caldb \
    -v $PWD/sds_runs:/work chbrandt/swift_deepsky \
    --master_table my_swift_master_table.csv \
    --ra 22 --dec 33 --radius 15

Again, if you always use the same directory to Input/Output data to/from the (SDS) container (eg, $HOME/sds_runs), you may very well create an alias:

$ alias swift_deepsky='docker run --rm -it --volumes-from caldb -v $HOME/sds_runs:/work chbrandt/swift_deepsky'
$ swift_deepsky --ra 22 --dec 33 --radius 15 --master_table my_swift_master_table.csv

Notice that you do NOT specify the absolute path of my_swift_master_table.csv in the host system terms (remember, the container doesn't know the host system's filesystem organization). You can, though, specify the absolute path in the container terms, /work/my_swift_master_table.csv in this case.

Manual Install

The following software(version) is necessary to run the pipeline:

  • HEASoft (v6.21)

    • XSelect
    • XImage
  • Python3 (v3.6.2)

    • Pandas (v0.20)
    • Astropy (v2.0)
  • Perl (v5.10)

    • WWW::Mechanize
    • Carp::Assert
    • Archive::Tar
  • Bash (v3)

    • awk
    • tar
    • gfortran


Once the dependencies were satisfied, (See "Setup dependencies" below) to install the package is a two-steps process.

First we have to compile a small fortran code inside ~/bin/countrates. Just cd into this directory and execute the script

The second step is actually optional: to include ~/bin in your PATH variable f you want to simplify your calls to ~/bin/

Setup dependencies


You probably have the dependencies available, double check them though.


If you have Anaconda python distribution you could do:

# conda install pandas astropy

Otherwise, you may use pip:

# pip install pandas
# pip install astropy


You probably have cpan in your machine, should be as easy as:

# cpan WWW::Mechanize
# cpan Carp::Assert
# cpan Archive::Tar

If something blocked you, see if CPAN-Minus can help you. Try cpan App::cpanminus. That should work smooth, then retry the above commands.


Following the instructions from

Install Docker

Follow the links below to setup your docker environment; we see each other soon back here...

all options available:

1: currently named Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory in memory to Neil Gehrels, former head of the mission.