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TsiClient.ux Reference

TsiClient.ux is a standalone module for data visualization and analytics. It can be used to build graphs and charts using generic JSON as well as JSON returned from the Azure Time Series Insights APIs directly.

TsiClient.ux is formally composed of the following items:

  • Components for visualizing data and building a variety of charts

  • Classes for abstracting common operations, queries, and common objects

  • Functions for transforming data into a suitable chartable shape


Components are used to build a variety of charts and define visualizations using JSON data.

Line Chart

The Line Chart is used for rendering groups of time series. A line chart can be created in the following way:

var tsiClient = new TsiClient();
var lineChart = new tsiClient.ux.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart'));
lineChart.render(data, chartOptions, chartDataOptionsArray);


Parameter name Description
data conforms to the shape definition in Chart Data Shape
chartOptions contains some subset of the properties defined in Chart Options
chartDataOptionsArray is an array of objects that contain a subset of properties defined in Chart Data Options

A line chart can hold three different types of plots:

  1. A line plot
  2. An event plot
  3. A categorical plot

Note: hosted examples of all three are provided at

The type of plot for each data group is specified with the dataType Chart Data Option. Multiple types are concurrently possible within one line chart.

Specific chart options are used when dataType is non-numeric:

rollupCategoricalValues is unique to groups with the categorical dataType.

Bar Chart

Bar Charts are created in the same way as line charts, and they take the same options and data shapes.

var tsiClient = new TsiClient();
var barChart = new tsiClient.ux.BarChart(document.getElementById('chart'));
barChart.render(data, chartOptions, chartDataOptionsArray);

Bar charts have a slider to step through the timestamps of the supplied time series.

Pie Chart

Pie Charts are created in the same way as bar charts, and also have a slider for stepping through time series.

var tsiClient = new TsiClient();
var pieChart = new tsiClient.ux.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart'));
pieChart.render(data, chartOptions, chartDataOptionsArray);


Heatmaps are created using the same pattern as line charts. However, searchSpan must be supplied for each element of the chartDataOptionsArray configuration array.

var tsiClient = new TsiClient();
var heatmap = new tsiClient.ux.Heatmap(document.getElementById('chart'));
heatmap.render(data, chartOptions, chartDataOptionsArray);

Scatter Plot

Scatter Plots are created in the same way as line charts and take the same options and data shapes. However, spMeasures must be specified as an array of strings in the chartOptions object for scatter plots to render.

var tsiClient = new TsiClient();
var scatterPlot = new tsiClient.ux.ScatterPlot(document.getElementById('chart'))
scatterPlot.render(data, chartOptions, chartDataOptionsArray);

In addition to spMeasures, scatter plots also have the following optional chartOptions:

The following code snippet demonstrates scatter plot-specific chart options:

  • spMeasures - the first string in the spMeasures array is the X axis measure, the second, is the Y axis measure, and the third (optional) string is the data point radius measure.
  • isTemporal - defaults to false if not set, but can be set to true as shown below.
  • spAxisLabels - takes an array where the first element is used as the X axis label and the second element is used as the Y axis label.
scatterPlot.render(data, {
    spMeasures:['temp', 'press', 'vol'],
    //          ^ X     ^ Y      ^ R (optional)
    isTemporal: true,
    //          ^ Turn on temporal slider
    spAxisLabels:['Temperature', 'Pressure']
    //            ^ X axis label  ^ Y axis label

Connected scatter plots can be rendered using the following optional keys in the chartDataOptions array.

Note: scatter plots will not render if spMeasures is not specified or any of the measures are not found in the data as value keys

Events Grid

A grid of events (Events Grid) can be used to show a generic array of JSON data in a scalable way:

var tsiClient = new TsiClient();
var eventsTable = tsiClient.ux.EventsTable(document.getElementById('chart'));
eventsTable.render(events, chartOptions)

Above, events is an array of flat JSON objects with the following kind of shape:

        timestamp: '2017-04-14T13:00:00Z',
        temperature: 27.5
        timestamp: '2017-04-14T13:01:00Z',
        pressure: 27.5


Classes abstract common operations, queries, and common objects.


AggregateExpressions are used to represent API queries made against S SKU environments.

AggregateExpressions include the toTsx() method for transforming supplied query objects into a format conforming to the Query Syntax. Objects so-transformed after an API call become a data group as described in Chart Data Shape and can be used as Chart Data Options.

Additional Chart Data Options can be specified as the final parameters, with supported properties defined.

Note: hosted AggregateExpressions examples are provided at

var aggregateExpression = new tsiClient.ux.AggregateExpression(
    {predicateString: "Factory = 'Factory1'"}, // filtering expression for data
    {property: 'Pressure', type: "Double"}, // measure column
    ['avg', 'min', 'max'], // desired measure types
    { from: startDate, to: endDate, bucketSize: '2m' }, // search span object
    {property: 'Station', type: 'String'},  // split by column
    {color: '#FF8C00', alias: 'Factory1Pressure') // ChartDataOptions

// later, to call the API and visualize the result
tsiClient.server.getAggregates(token, '', [aggregateExpression.toTsx())
        var transformedResult = tsiClient.ux.transformAggregatesForVisualization(result, [aggregateExpression]);
        lineChart.render(transformedResult, null, [aggregateExpression]);


TsqExpressions are used to represent queries made against PAYG SKU environments.

TsqExpressions include the toTsq() method for transforming supplied query objects into a format suitable to query the APIs. Objects so-transformed after an API call become a data group as described in Chart Data Shape and can be used as Chart Data Options.

Note: hosted TsqExpressions examples are provided at

var tsqExpression = new tsiClient.ux.TsqExpression(
    {timeSeriesId: ['df4412c4-dba2-4a52-87af-780e78ff156b']}, // time series instance json
    {AvgTemp: {
        kind: 'numeric',
        value: {tsx: '$event.temp.Double'},
        filter: null,
        aggregation: {tsx: 'avg($value)'}
    }}, // variable json
    {from: startDate, to: endDate, bucketSize: '6h'}, // search span object
    {color: '#60B9AE', alias: 'AvgTemp'} // ChartDataOptions

// later, to call the API and visualize the result
tsiClient.server.getTsqResults(token, '', [tsqExpression.toTsq()])
        var transformedResult = tsiClient.ux.transformTsqResultsForVisualization(result, [tsqExpression]);
        lineChart.render(transformedResult, null, [tsqExpression]);


Functions are used to transform data into suitable shapes for charting.


The shape of results returned by the Time Series Insights APIs do not generally match Chart Data Shape.

The method transformAggregatesForVisualization() is used to transform response from S SKU environments (specifically, from the Get Environment Aggregates API):

tsiClient.server.getAggregates(token, '', [aggregateExpression.toTsx())
        var transformedResult = tsiClient.ux.transformAggregatesForVisualization(result, [aggregateExpression]);
        // transformedResult is an array of data groups with time series and is suitable for visualization
        lineChart.render(transformedResult, null, [aggregateExpression]);  


To transform API results from the Time Series Insights APIs of a PAYG SKU, use the transformTsqResultsForVisualization() method:

tsiClient.server.getTsqResults(token, '', [tsqExpression.toTsq()])
        var transformedResult = tsiClient.ux.transformTsqResultsForVisualization(result, [tsqExpression]);
        // transformedResult is an array of data groups with time series and is suitable for visualization
        lineChart.render(transformedResult, null, [tsqExpression]);

Additional References

This section documents configuration settings and options used to initialize tsiclient charts.

Chart Data Shape

Chart data is generally represented as a set of groups that each contain time series. Data for line, pie, bar, and heat map charts follow the following shape convention:

        Factory1: // a name for this group
            Station1:  // a name for this particular time series
                '2019-02-07T21:00:00.000Z': {'temperature': 26.5}, // an object with keys representing ISO strings for time
                '2019-02-07T21:00:01.000Z': {'temperature': 24.3}, // with a value of a javascript object, whose keys represent value names
            Station2: {...},
            Station1: {...},

Note: hosted configuration examples are provided at Code samples demonstrating correct configuration settings are also provided.

Chart Options

Chart Options are generally passed as the second parameter to a component's render() method. They allow users to change view properties for the chart (theme, legend layout, etc.).

Note: hosted chart options examples are provided at

lineChart.render(data, {theme: 'light', tooltip: true});
//                     ^this parameter is chartOptions

The most common available parameters for chart options are provided below:

(Note that default values will be used whenever no values are explicitly supplied)

Property name Type Value options Default Description
brushContextMenuActions Array<any> null, Array<brushContextMenuAction> null A brushContextMenuAction array defining brush actions
grid boolean true, false false If true, add accessible grid button to the ellipsis menu
includeDots boolean true, false false If true, the line chart plots dots for values
includeEnvelope boolean true, false false If true, include an area showing min/max boundaries in the line chart
interpolationFunction string '', 'curveLinear' '' Name for interpolation function used for line chart lines
legend string 'shown','compact','hidden' 'shown' Legend layout
noAnimate boolean true, false false Deterimines whether animations happen on state change
offset any 0, -120, 'America/Los_Angeles' 0 Offset for all timestamps in minutes from UTC, or a timezone supported by moment.js
spMeasures Array<string> Array<string> Array<string> X, Y, and Radius (optional) measures passed into Scatter Plot. (Note: this is a scatter plot specific chart option)
isTemporal boolean true, false false true: scatter plot has temporal slider to slide through time slices
false* scatter plot renders all timestamps. (Note: this is a scatter plot specific chart option)
spAxisLabels Array<string> null, Array<string> null If given array, first element of array is used as X axis label. Second element of array is used as Y axis label. (Note: this is a scatter plot specific chart option)
stacked boolean true, false false If true, stack bars in bar chart
theme string 'dark', 'light' 'dark' Component color scheme
timestamp string null,'2017-04-19T13:00:00Z' null If an ISO string, sets the slider in the bar or pie chart to the specified timestamp
tooltip boolean true, false false If true, display tooltip on hover over a value element
yAxisState string 'stacked', 'shared', 'overlap' 'stacked' State of the y axis in line chart
yExtent [number, number] null, [minValue, maxValue] null A minimum and maximum for the extent of the yAxis for this line chart, when the yAxisState is set to shared

All chart options can be viewed in the source code.

Chart Data Options

Chart Data Options are generally supplied as the final parameter for AggregateExpressions and TsqExpressions.

Chart Data Options are also passed into a component's render() method as the third parameter. A render() method's chartDataOptions parameter is an array that allows users to define specific properties for groups of data in the chart such as alias, color, etc.

// data is an array of length 2
lineChart.render(data, chartOptions, [{alias: 'myFaveLines', color: 'red'}, {alias: 'worseLines', color: 'green'}]);

Available Chart Data Options include:

(Note: Some parameters are present in both Chart Options and Chart Data Options. Also note that default values will be used whenever no values are explicitly supplied)

Property name Type Value options Default Description
color string '#4286f4' The color of this group in a component
alias string 'Factory1' The display name for this group
dataType string 'numeric', 'categorical', 'events' 'numeric' Specifies the visual representation of the data: numeric creates a line plot, categorical a series of rectangles, and events a diamond or teardrop at each timestamp with data
contextMenu Array<groupContextMenuAction> [] Actions to take on context menu click on a group, or time series
searchSpan searchSpanObject null Specifies search span for this group
measureTypes Array<string> ['min', 'avg', max'] The measure properties specified in the time series of this group
interpolationFunction string 'curveStep' If 'curveStep' is set, step interpolation is used
includeEnvelope boolean true, false If true, and a data group has measure types ['min', 'avg', max'], a shadow will be drawn to show the range of values
includeDots boolean true, false If true, draw circles for each value in the group
yExtent [number, number] [0,400] A minimum and maximum for the extent of the yAxis for this group
visibilityState [boolean, [string]?] [true,['sb1', 'sb7']] The first element specifies whether the data group is visible, the second is an optional array of visible time series names. If omitted, the data group reverts to default visibility state for each time series
height number 40 40 For non-numeric data types the vertical space this group consumes in the chart
valueMapping valueMapping {} Defines the relationship between measures and their colors in non-numeric plots in the line chart
onElementClick (dataGroupName: string,
timeSeriesName: string,
timestamp: string,
measures: Array<any>) => void
null null Handler for when an element in a non-numeric plot in the line chart is clicked. the parameters are: data group, series name, timestamp, and measures at that timestamp
rollupCategoricalValues boolean true, false false For categorical plots in line charts, this specifies that adjacent measures with the same values should be rolled into the first with those values
eventElementType string 'diamond', 'teardrop' 'diamond' Specifies the svg icon for an event in the line chart, either a diamond or a teardrop
connectPoints boolean true, false false For scatter plots. Specifies connected scatter plot mode.
pointConnectionMeasure string measure '' For scatter plots. Specifies measure by which to connect points, defaults to time if no measure given.

Note: For boolean values, the property will evaluate to true if either value is true. For other types of values, the chart data option value will take precedence over the chart option value.

All chart options can be viewed in the source code.

Brush Context Menu Actions

To take action on a line chart brush action, brushContextMenuActions are added in chartOptions:

var brushContextMenuActions = [
        name: "Log From and To Times",
        action: function(fromTime, toTime){
            console.log(fromTime, toTime);
        name: "Explore Events",
        action: function(fromTime, toTime){
            // an implementation is in the explore events example

// later, when you render a line chart, use it like this
lineChart.render(data, {brushContextMenuActions: brushContextMenuActions});

Note: a hosted Brush Context Menu Actions sample is provided at:

Group Context Menu Actions

To take action on a context menu click of a data group, groupContextMenuActions are added to chart data options:

var groupContextMenuActions = [{
        name: "Print parameters to console",
        action: function(dataGroupName, timeSeriesName, timestamp) {
        name: "Some other function",
        action: function(dataGroupName, timeSeriesName, timestamp) {
            // left as an exercise

Note: a hosted Group Context Menu Actions sample is provided at:

Search Span Object

Search Span Objects define the range and bucket size of the time series of a data group. Search span objects are useful for showing sparse data in a line chart:

var searchSpanObject = {
    from: '2017-04-20T12:00:00Z', // a js date isostring
    to: '2017-05-20T12:00:00Z',
    bucketSize: '1h'  // an integer, followed by one of ms, s, m, h, d

Note: a hosted Group Context Menu Actions sample is provided at:

Value Mapping

A Value Mapping object is used for event and categorical data types in a line chart. It specifies the relationship between measure values and colors in the plot:

var valueMapping = {
    state1: {
        color: '#F2C80F'
    state2: {
        color: '#FD625E'
    state3: {


This section provides supplemental reference information.

Additional Chart Options

Chart Options that are useful for specific kinds of interactions are detailed below:

(Note that default values will be used whenever no values are explicitly supplied)

Property name Type Value options Default Description
aggTopMargin number 12 12 Margin on top of each aggregate line(s) in pixels
arcWidthRatio number 0 0 Ratio of the outer and inner circle in a pie chart, from 0 to 1
autoTriggerBrushContextMenu boolean true, false false If true, opens a menu defined by brushContextMenuActions on brush mouseup
availabilityLeftMargin number 60 60 Left margin of the availability chart in pixels
brushClearable boolean true, false true If true, maintain brush selected region upon clear and non-selection of a new region
brushHandlesVisible boolean true, false false If true, draw handles on the line chart brush
brushMoveAction (from:DateTime, to:DateTime) => any () => {} () => {} Action fired when the brush moves
brushMoveEndAction (from:DateTime, to:DateTime) => any () => {} () => {} Action fired at the end of a mouse movement involving the brush
canDownload boolean true, false true If true, chart's ellipsis menu contains a download button to download the chart's data
color string null, 'purple', '#404040' null Color of the time selection ghost in availability chart
dateLocale string 'en', 'de' 'en' Date locale name for the formatting of dates as well as the language of days and months in the calendar picker
focusHidden boolean true, false false If true, hide focus element
fromChart boolean true, false false If true, a component is a subcomponent of another component
hideChartControlPanel boolean true, false false If true, hide panel with chart control buttons
includeTimezones boolean true, false true If true, include timezone dropdown in dateTimePicker
isArea boolean true, false false If true, lines in LineChart are also areas
isCompact boolean true, false false If true, availability chart is in compact mode (expanded mode if false)
is24HourTime boolean true, false true If true, display time in 24 hour format, (12 hour time with am/pm if false
keepBrush boolean true, false false If true, maintain brush selected region upon render
keepSplitByColor boolean true, false false If true, maintain split by colors when state updated
maxBuckets number 500 500 Max number of buckets in availability chart
minBrushWidth number 0 0 Minimum possible width of brush in a line chart in pixels
minutesForTimeLabels boolean true, false false If true, force time labels to minute granularity
onInstanceClick (instance: any) => any () => {} () => {} For model search: takes an instance and returns an object of context menu actions
onMouseout () => void () => {} () => {} Action fired when the mouse leaves a chart value element (ex: line, bar, pie chart segment, etc.)
onMouseover (aggKey: string, splitBy: string) => void () => {} () => {} Action fired when the mouse enters a chart value element
onSticky (aggKey: string, splitBy: string) => void () => {} () => {} Action fired when a chart value element is stickied
onUnsticky (aggKey: string, splitBy: string) => void () => {} () => {} Action fired when a chart value element is stickied
onKeydown (d3Event: any, awesompleteObject: any) => void () => {} () => {} Action fired when keydown action performed in ModelAutocomplete
onInput (searchText: string) => void () => {} () => {} Action fired on input actions in ModelAutocomplete
preserveAvailabilityState boolean true, false false If true, save availability chart state on render
scaledToCurrentTime boolean true, false false If true, base slider base component's scale on current time's values (all values if false)
singleLineXAxisLabel boolean true, false false If true, display x axis time labels on a single line (split into two lines if false)
snapBrush boolean true, false false If true, snap linechart brush to closest value
suppressResizeListener boolean true, false false If true, ignore components' resize function. This applies to components which draw an SVG
timeFrame any null null From and to to specify range of an event or state series
withContextMenu boolean true, false false If true, the hierarchy uses a context menu when you click on a parent of leaf nodes
xAxisHidden boolean true, false false If true, hide xAxis in chart
xAxisTimeFormat (dateString: string, i: number, isFirst: boolean, isLast: boolean) => string null null A function called on each x axis tick which takes the tick's timestamp, index, and if it's the first or last string, and returns a moment date format string
yAxisHidden boolean true, false false If true, hide yAxis in chart
zeroYAxis boolean true, false true If true, set bar chart's bar's bottom (or top if negative) to zero

All chart options can be viewed in the source code.

See also