The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University was founded to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development. We represent a network of faculty, students, fellows, entrepreneurs, lawyers, and virtual architects working to identify and engage with the challenges and opportunities of cyberspace.
We investigate the real and possible boundaries in cyberspace between open and closed systems of code, of commerce, of governance, and of education, and the relationship of law to each. We do this through active rather than passive research, believing that the best way to understand cyberspace is to actually build out into it.
Our faculty, fellows, students, and affiliates engage with a wide spectrum of Net issues, including governance, privacy, intellectual property, antitrust, content control, and electronic commerce. Our diverse research interests cohere in a common understanding of the Internet as a social and political space where constraints upon inhabitants are determined not only through the traditional application of law, but, more subtly, through technical architecture ("code").
As part of our active research mission, we build, use, and freely share open software platforms for free online lectures and discussions. We also sponsor gatherings, ranging from informal lunches to international conferences, that bring together members of our diverse network of participants to swap insights – and sometimes barbs – as they stake out their respective visions for what the Net can become. We also teach, seeking out online and global opportunities, as well as supporting the traditional Harvard Law School curriculum, often in conjunction with other Harvard schools and MIT.
Read more about the Berkman Klein Center at our homepage.
- Twitter: 1) Please visit our project menu found at Here you will find our current list of projects in GSoC 2018.
Review each project and spend some time getting familiar with it. (try setting up a dev version?)
Engage with our community through one of the preferred methods of communications listed at
Our application template can also be found at
- Contact Information
- Name
- Country
- School and degree
- Phone
- Interested Berkman Klein project(s)
- Which method of communication do you prefer? (i.e. in-person, email, chat, video conference, etc.)
- If you have a link to a resume/CV/LinkedIn profile, include it here.
- Please describe yourself, including your development background and specific expertise.
- What do you hope to gain through the process of participating in GSoC, and specifically by contributing to a Berkman Klein project?
- Why you are interested in the Berkman coding project(s) you stated above?
- Have you reviewed the Important Dates and Times for GSoC 2018?
- Do you have any significant conflicts with the listed schedule? If so, please list them here.
- Do you understand this is a serious commitment, equivalent to a full-time paid summer internship or summer job?
- We strongly prefer students that provide code samples, ideally in a "social coding" site like GitHub. Please provide a link to code you've written.