Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description. Since its creation, in 1993, Lua has been used in many industrial applications (e.g., Adobe's Photoshop Lightroom), embedded systems (e.g., the Ginga middleware for digital TV in Brazil) and games (e.g., World of Warcraft and Angry Birds), and is currently the leading scripting language in games.
Céu is a Structured Synchronous Reactive Programming language that aims to offer a higher-level and safer alternative to C. It extends classical structured programming with two main functionalities: event handling and synchronous, deterministic concurrency.
#LabLua LabLua is a research laboratory at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), affiliated with its Computer Science Department. It is dedicated to research on programming languages, with emphasis on the Lua and Céu languages. LabLua was founded on May 2004 by Prof. Roberto Ierusalimschy, the chief architect of the Lua language.
LabLua consists of people from a wide range of backgrounds, including PhD candidates, professors and alumni who are developers and maintainers of projects that are used by the Lua community at large.
- Twitter: # Applying to Google Summer of Code at LabLua
Check out our ideas web page or propose your own!
You are encouraged to contact us before submitting your application. Getting in touch first is especially recommended if you are planning to apply to work on an original idea, rather than one of our suggestions. To introduce yourself, discuss ideas or your application, feel free to join us at our lab's GSoC mailing list. Our mentors will make sure to establish a friendly and respectful channel of communication with you.
Check out the difficulty level on each proposed project. All projects are designed to fit the length of GSoC, given the student's suitable level of experience: a project marked Easy may be taken by an early-stage undergraduate, while a project marked Hard might be more appropriate for a graduate student, or a particularly experienced undergraduate. We will take this into consideration when matching students to projects.
Ready? Use our GSoC Application Questionnaire as a template for your application, filling in all the answers!