Purr data is a visual programming language built for low-latency, realtime DSP synthesis. In addition to core functionality for working with audio and 2d graphics, it ships with a large set of external libraries to handle video, 2D/3D graphics, sensors, input devices, and networking.
Purr data has a special emphasis on generating audio and/or video in real time, with low latency. Much of its design focuses on receiving, manipulating, and delivering high-quality audio signals. Specifically, the software addresses the problem of doing this efficiently and reliably on general purpose operating systems like OSX, Windows, Debian, etc.-- i.e., systems designed mainly for multi-tasking.
Purr Data builds on code from several other software projects: Pure Data-- which is the audio and scripting engine, Pd-extended-- which is a now abandoned application that shipped Pure Data with lots of external libraries, and Pd-l2ork-- which added long-needed usability enhancements like infinite-undo and native state-saving mechanisms to Pure Data.
Purr Data uses a GUI based on the nw.js toolkit. This means the entire GUI is built using HTML5 technologies, and any of those-- including thousands of web frameworks, the Gamepad API, WebGL, etc.-- may be leveraged by users and developers.
- Twitter: Prerequisites: At least one of the following languages: C, C++, any of the HTML5 languages, Pd
Please complete the following steps to apply:
- Give us a clear written proposal of your idea, or choose one of the currently listed ideas.
- Give us an estimate of how you plan to approach the problem. What are the biggest challenges of your chosen idea? Can parts of the problem be solved in parallel? Is there an order to which some or all of the parts of the problem must be solved? Which parts require the most expertise? Can some parts be solved without much domain expertise? Etc.
- Present a proposed timeline for your research project. What are the "mile markers" for implementing your idea?
- Give us a link to code from a project you've previously contributed to-- a FLOSS project is preferable but not mandatory.
- Use at least one cat metaphor or reference in your proposal.