**explore-extension-host-page** is designed to create a better browsing experience through tab extensions, allowing you to seamlessly switch between office and personal bookmarks, integrate a variety of productivity tools, and aim to help you achieve a better balance between work and life.
Function Description:
1. Local bookmarks: Menu-style bookmarks, allowing you to have a complete overview of your local bookmarks.
2. Cloud bookmarks: Integrated with GitHub repositories, enabling you to synchronize bookmarks more effectively.
This plugin is open-source, source code address: Pull requests are welcome. If you like it, it would be even better if you could give it a star.
**explore-extension-host-page** 旨在打造更好体验的标签页扩展程序,让您可以在办公和个人的书签之间无缝切换,集成多种提效工具,旨在让您在工作和生活之间获得更好的平衡。
1. 本地书签:菜单式书签,让您的本地书签一览无余
2. 云端书签:集成github仓库,让您更好的同步书签
本插件已开源,源码地址: 欢迎pr, 如果您喜欢,那么帮忙点个star就更好了。