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1669 lines (1173 loc) · 72.1 KB

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1669 lines (1173 loc) · 72.1 KB

How to use this package? 👀

  • Install the package from pip
pip install scrape-up
  • Scrape the required information, for example, one wants to extract the number of followers of a user.
# Import the required module
from scrape_up import github

# Instantiate an object with the username provided.
user = github.Users(username="nikhil25803")

# Call the followers function - it will return the number of followers


from scrape_up import github

Scrape User details

First, create an object of class Users

user = github.Users(username="nikhil25803")
Methods Details
.followers() Returns the number of followers of a user.
.following() Returns the number of following of a user.
.get_avatar() Returns the avatar URL of a user.
.get_bio() Returns the bio of a user.
.get_repo() Returns the list of pinned repositories for a user.
.repo_count() Returns the number of Repositories of a user.
.star_count() Returns the number of stars of a user.
.get_yearly_contributions() Returns the number of contributions made in 365 days frame.
.get_repositories() Returns the list of repositories of a user.
.get_starred_repos() Returns the list of starred repositories of a user.
.pul_requests() Returns the number of pull requests opened in a repository.
.get_followers() Returns the list of followers of a user.
.get_following_users() Returns the list of users followed by a user.
.get_achievements() Returns the list of achievements of a user.
.get_status() Returns the status of a user.
.get_contribution_streak() Returns the maximum contribution streak of a user in the past year starting from the current date.
.get_repository_details() Returns the list of repositories with their details.
.get_branch() Returns the list of branches in a repository.
.get_merged_pull_requests() Returns the list of merged pull requests
.get_open_issues() Returns the list of open issues

Scrape Repository details

First, create an object of class Repository

repository = github.Repository(username="nikhil25803", repository_name="scrape-up")
Methods Details
.fork_count() Returns the number of forks of a repository.
.get_contributors() Returns the number of contributors of a repository.
.topics() Returns the topics of a repository.
.pull_requests() Returns the number of pull requests opened in a repository.
.last_updated_at() Returns the last updated date of a repository.
.tags() Returns the last ten tags of a repository.
.releases() Returns the last ten releases of a repository.
.issues_count() Returns number of issues in a repository
.readme Saves the file of the given user to the current working directory. To view the with a live server, change ".md" to ".html" in "".
.get_pull_requests_ids() Returns all ids of opened pull requests in a repository.
.get_issues() Returns the list of all open issues in a repository.
.commits() Returns the number of commits in a repository.
.get_readme() Returns & saves file of the special repository (if exists)
.get_environment() Returns the latest deployed link of a repository (if exists).
.watch_count() Returns the number of watchers of a repository
.all_watchers() Returns the username of all watches of a repository
.get_insights(period) Returns the active pr count, active issue count, merged pr count, open pr count, closed issue count, new issue count, list of recent merged prs, list of recent open prs, list of recent closed issues, list of recent open issues for a specified period

Scrape an issue details

First, create an object of class Issue

repository = github.Issue(username="nikhil25803", repository_name="scrape-up", issue_number=59)
Methods Details
.assignees() Returns the assignees of an issue.
.labels() Returns the labels of an issue.
.opened_by() Returns the name of the user, who opened the issue.
.title() Returns the title of an issue.
.is_milestone() Returns the milestone, if the issue is part of one or 'No milestone', if it's not.
.opened_at() Returns a string containing the time when the issue was opened in ISO format.

Scrape a pull request details

First, create an object of class PullRequest

repository = github.PullRequest(username="nikhil25803", repository_name="scrape-up", pull_request_number=30)
Methods Details
.commits() Returns the number of commits made in a pull request.
.title() Returns the title of a pull request.
.labels() Returns all the labels of a pull request, empty list in case of no labels.
.files_changed() Returns the number of files changed in a pull request.
.reviewers() Return the list of reviewers assigned in a pull request.

Scrape the details of an organization

First, create an object of class Organization

repository = github.Organization(organization_name="Clueless-Community")
Methods Details
.top_topics() Returns a list of the most used topics in an organization.
.followers() Returns the number of followers of an organization.
.top_languages() Returns the top languages used in an organization.
.followers() Returns the number of followers of an organization.
.avatar() Returns the avatar URL of an organization.
.repositories() Returns the list of repositories of an organization.
.people() Returns the list of people in an organization.
.peoples() Returns the number of people in an organization.
.get_location() Returns the location of an organization.
.repository_details() Returns the list of repositories with their details.
.pinned_repository() Returns the list of pinned repositories with their details.
.get_organization_links() Returns a dictionary of important website links of a community.


from scrape_up import gitlab

Scrape up users details

First, create an object of the User class:

user = gitlab.Users(username="example_user")
Methods Details
.get_name() Returns the name of the user.
.get_bio() Returns the bio of the user.
.get_avatar_url() Returns the avatar URL of the user.
.get_repositories() Returns a list of repositories owned by the user.
.get_project_details(project_id) Returns the details of a specific project owned by the user.

Scrape Repository Details

First, create an object of the Repository class:

repository = gitlab.Repository(username="example_user", repository_name="example_repository")
Methods Details
.get_name() Returns the name of the repository.
.get_description() Returns the description of the repository.

Scrape Organization Members

First, create an object of the Organization class:

organization = gitlab.Organization(organization_name="example_organization")
Methods Details
.get_members() Returns a list of usernames of the members in the organization.
get_projects() Returns a list of project names associated with the organization.

Scrape Issues

To scrape information about an issue on GitLab, create an object of the Issue class by providing the following parameters:

  • username: The GitLab username of the repository owner.
  • repository: The name of the repository.
  • issue_number: The number of the issue.

Here's an example of creating an object of the Issue class:

issue = gitlab.Issue(username="example_user", repository="example_repository", issue_number=123)
Methods Details
.get_title() Returns the title of the issue.
.get_description() Returns the description of the issue.
.get_author() Returns the author of the issue.

Scrape Pull Requests

To scrape pull request details from GitLab, create an object of the PullRequest class:

pull_request = gitlab.PullRequest(username="example_user", repository="example_repository", pull_request_number=123)
Methods Details
.get_title() Returns the title of the pull request.
.get_description() Returns the description of the pull request.
.get_author() Returns the author of the pull request.


from scrape_up import instagram

Scrape User details

First, create an object of the class User

user = instagram.User(username="nikhil25803")
Methods Details
.user_details() Returns the number of followers of a user.


Create an object for the 'Internshala' class:

search = Internshala(search_type="machine learning")
Methods Details
.internships() Scrapes and returns a list of dictionaries representing internships.
.jobs() Scrapes and returns a list of dictionaries representing jobs.
.certification_courses() Scrapes and returns a list of dictionaries representing certification courses.


from scrape_up import kooapp

Scrap up the kooapp user's detail

Create an instance of KooUser class.

user = kooapp.KooUser('krvishal')
Methods Details
.get_name() Returns the name of the user.
.get_bio() Returns the bio of the user.
.get_avatar_url() Returns the URL of the first avatar of the user.
.followers() Returns the number of followers of a user.
.following() Returns the number of people the user is following.
.get_social_profiles() Returns all the connected social media profiles of the user.
.get_profession() Returns the title/profession of the user.


from scrape_up import medium

Scrape user details

First, create an object of class User

user = medium.Users(username="nikhil25803")
Methods Details
.get_articles() Returns the article titles of the users.

Scrape trending articles

Methods Details
.get_trending() Returns the trending titles of the medium.

Scrape publication details

First, create an object of class Publication

publication = medium.Publication(link="https://....")
Methods Details
.get_articles() Returns a list of articles of the given publication.

Hacker News

from scrape_up import hacker_news

Create an instance of HackerNews class.

articles = HackerNews()
Methods Details
.articles_list() Returns the latest articles along with their score, author, author url, time, comment count and link in JSON format.
.new_articles() Returns the latest new articles along with their score, author, author url, time, comment count and link in JSON format.
.past_articles() Returns the past articles along with their score, author, author url, time, comment count and link in JSON format.
.ask_articles() Returns the ask articles along with their score, author, author url, time, comment count and link in JSON format.
.show_articles() Returns the show articles along with their score, author, author url, time, comment count and link in JSON format.
.jobs() Returns the jobs along with their time and link in JSON format.


from scrape_up import twitter


First, create an object of class TwitterScraper

twitter_scraper = TwitterScraper()
Methods Details
.unametoid(username) Returns the numerical_id on passing username.
.idtouname(numerical_id) Returns the username on passing numerical_id.


from scrape_up import leetcode

Scrape user details

First, create an object of class LeetCodeScraper

leetcode_scraper = LeetCodeScraper(username="nikhil25803")

User Specific Methods - Require Username

Methods Details
.scrape_rank() Used to scrape the rank of a user on LeetCode.
.scrape_rating() Used to scrape the rating of a user on LeetCode.
.get_problems_solved() Used to scrape total problems solved by a user on LeetCode.
.get_solved_by_difficulty() Used to scrape difficulty wise problems solved by a user on LeetCode.
.get_github_link() Used to scrape github link of a user on LeetCode.
.get_linkedin_link() Used to scrape linkedin link of a user on LeetCode.
.get_community_stats() Used to scrape community stats of a user on LeetCode.

General Purpose Methods - Does not Require Username

Methods Details
.get_problems(difficulty, tags_list, search_key) Used to scrape top problems of LeetCode based on filters. Difficulty is string from ("easy", "medium", "hard"). Tags_list is list of tags. Search_key is string to search. All ther parameters are optional.
.get_contests() Used to scrape the upcoming LeetCode Contests details.
.get_daily_challenge() Used to scrape LeetCode Daily Challenge details.


from scrape_up import StockPrice

Scrape stock data

First, create an instance of class StockPrice with stock name and index name.

infosys = StockPrice('infosys','nse')
Methods Details
.get_latest_price() Returns the latest stock price of the given stock name.
.get_historical_data(from_date,to_date) Returns stock price from from_date to to_date in format (date in format dd-mm-yyyy)


Create an instance of the IMDB class.

scraper = IMDB()
Methods Details
.top_rated() Returns the top-rated movies listed on IMDB.
.scrape_genre_movies(genre) Returns the list of movies related to the genre you mentioned.
.top_rated_shows() Returns the top-rated shows listed on IMDB.

Create an instance of Movie class.

movie = Movie(movie_name)
Methods Details
.rating() Returns the IMDB rating of the movie
.description() Returns the description, cast and director of the movie
.more_movies() Returns similar movies recommended by IMDB
.box_office() Returns budget, gross worldwide collections of the movie

Create an instance of Actor class.

actor = Actor(actor_name)
Methods Details
.popular_movies() Returns the popular movies in which the actor has acted
.all_movies() Returns all movies acted in and upcoming movies
.awards() Returns the number of awards and nominations

Create an instance of Celeb class.

celeb = Celeb()
Methods Details
.top_celebs() Returns the name, roles, famous movie of the celeb

Create an instance of IndianMovies class.

indianmovies = IndianMovies()
Methods Details
.top_indian_movies() Returns the current list of top Indian movies

Create an instance of BoxOffice class.

boxoffice = BoxOffice()
Methods Details
.top_movies() Returns the top box office movies, weekend and total gross and weeks released


Create an object of the 'Courses' class:

scraper = Courses(topic="topic")
Methods Details
.get_courses() Returns the courses with title, teached by, skills, rating, review count, img url and link
.fetch_modules(course='Course Name') Returns the modules associated with the Coursera.


from scrape_up import Wikipedia

Scrape Wikipedia Details

Create an object of the 'WikipediaScrapper' class:

Scraper = WikipediaScraper()
Methods Details
.scrape(url) Returns the Scraped Data from Wikipedia
.get_featured() Returns the featured article for the day from Wikipedia


Scrape details about a product

Create an instance of Product class with a product_name propertiese.

product = Product(product_name="watch")
Methods Details
.get_product() Returns product data(links).
.get_product_details() Returns product detail.
.get_product_image() Returns product image.
.customer_review() Returns product review.

Amazon-Kindle Bookstore

Create an instance of Book class.

books = AmazonKindle()
Methods Details
.bestsellers() Returns the list of best-selling books on AmazonKindle
.topbooks() Returns the list of top books on AmazonKindle


Scrape details of products

Create an instance of Flipkart class.

item = Flipkart()
Methods Details
.TVs() Returns the list of TV sets on flipkart
.bestseller_books() Returns the list of bestselling books data listed on Flipkart.
.mobiles() Returns the list of mobile phones under 50K along with their data.
.sport_shoes() Returns the list of trendong sport shoes data.
.laptops() Returns the list of laptop from flipkart.
.camera() Returns the list of camera from flipkart.
.computer() Returns the list of computer from flipkart.
.tablets() Returns the list of tablets from flipkart.
.cycle() Returns the list of bicycles from flipkart.
.printers() Returns the list of printers from flipkart.
.monitor() Returns the list of monitors from flipkart.
.ac() Returns the list of acs from flipkart.
.refrigerator() Returns the list of refrigerators from flipkart.
.VRbox() Returns the list of VRbox from flipkart.
.Speakers() Returns the list of Speakers from flipkart.


Scrape up songs

Create an instance of Spotify class.

scraper = Spotify()
Methods Details
.scrape_songs_by_keyword() Returns the list of songs that are related to the keyword
.scrape_homepage() Returns the list of playlists on the homepage
.close() To close the chrome tab that is showing results

Ask Ubuntu

Scrape questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions from Ask Ubuntu website regarding a topic

Create an instance of Questions class.

questions = Questions("topic")
Methods Details
.getNewQuestions() Returns the new questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getActiveQuestions() Returns the active questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getUnansweredQuestions() Returns the unanswered questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getBountiedQuestions() Returns the bountied questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getFrequentQuestions() Returns the frequently asked questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getHighScoredQuestions() Returns the most voted questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format


Create an instance of EazyDiner class.

restaurants = EazyDiner(location="city-name")
Methods Details
.get_restaurants() Returns the restaurants name, location, rating, cuisine and prices in JSON format.
.get_breakfast() Returns the restaurants name, location, rating, cuisine and prices in JSON format for Breakfast.
.get_lunch() Returns the restaurants name, location, rating, cuisine and prices in JSON format for Lunch.
.get_dinner() Returns the restaurants name, location, rating, cuisine and prices in JSON format for Dinner.
.dinner_with_discount() Returns a list of restaurants from the entered location with a 50% offer.
.get_top10() Returns a list of the top 10 restaurants from a given city.

Stack Overflow

Create an instance of StackOverflow class.

questions = StackOverflow("topic")
Methods Details
.getNewQuestions() Returns the new questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getActiveQuestions() Returns the active questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getUnansweredQuestions() Returns the unanswered questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getBountiedQuestions() Returns the bountied questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getFrequentQuestions() Returns the frequently asked questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format
.getHighScoredQuestions() Returns the most voted questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format

Tech Crunch

Scrape articles with title, descriptions, images, author, date and link

Create an instance of TechCrunch class.

articles = TechCrunch()
Methods Details
.getArticles() Returns the articles with title, descriptions, images, author, date and link regarding a category in JSON format
.search() Returns the searched articles with title, descriptions, images, author, date and link regarding a topic in JSON format


Scrape Video Details

Create an instance of Video class.

video = Video(video_url="video_url")
Methods Details
.getDetails() Returns the video details

Scrape Channel Details

Create an instance of Channel class.

channel_data = Channel(channel_username="BeABetterDev")
Methods Details
.getAbout() Returns the channel details mentioned in the about page of the channel
.getVideos() Returns all the video details in the videos page of the channel
.get_community() Returns all the post details in the community page of the channel

Google News

Scrape articles with title, descriptions, news source, date and link regarding a topic

Create an instance of GoogleNews class.

articles = GoogleNews()
Methods Details
.getArticles(topic="github") Returns the list of articles with title, descriptions, news source, date and link in JSON format
.top_stories() Returns the list of top stories listed regarding the mentioned topic
.timed_aticles(time) Returns the list of top stories listed regarding the mentioned topic and within that time frame
.bylanguage(lang) Returns the list of top stories listed regarding the mentioned topic in the specified language
.bynumerofdaysback(number) Returns the list of stories listed by given number of days back from the current day
.bylocation(countryname) Returns the list of top stories listed of the specified country or geolocation


Create an instance of Hashnode class.

blogs = Hashnode()
Methods Details
.get_feed() Returns the blogs with title, descriptions, author, read time, like and comment count, date and link
.get_featured() Returns the featured blogs with title, descriptions, author, like and comment count, date and link
.get_recent() Returns the recent blogs with title, descriptions, author, like and comment count, date and link
.search(topic) Returns the blogs with title, descriptions, author, like and comment count, date and link for a topic


Create an instance of Reddit class.

posts = Reddit()
Methods Details
.getFeed() Returns the posts with title, descriptions, subreddit, subreddit avatar, time, vote and comment count, image, category and link
.get_best() Returns the best posts with title, descriptions, subreddit, subreddit avatar, time, vote and comment count, image, category and link
.get_hot() Returns the hot posts with title, descriptions, subreddit, subreddit avatar, time, vote and comment count, image, category and link
.get_top() Returns the top posts with title, descriptions, subreddit, subreddit avatar, time, vote and comment count, image, category and link
.search(topic) Returns the top posts with title, subreddit, subreddit avatar, date, vote and comment count and link for a searched topic


Create an instance of Devpost class.

posts = Devpost()
Methods Details
.get_projects() Returns the latest projects along with their decription, like and commment count, image and member details.
.search(topic) Returns the searched projects along with their decription, like and commment count, image and member details.
.get_hackathons() Returns the latest hackathons along with their title, participants, prizes, deadlines.
.get_featured() Returns the latest featured projects along with their decription, like and commment count, image and member details.
.get_winner() Returns the latest winning projects along with their decription, like and commment count, image and member details.


Create an instance of Luma class.

events = Luma()
Methods Details
.get_events() Returns the latest events along with their organizer, location, image url, price and link.

Github Education


Create an instance of Events class.

events = Events()
Methods Details
.get_events() Returns the latest events along with their title, image url, description, date, location, language, tags and link


Create an instance of Dribbble class.

shots = Dribbble()
Methods Details
.get_shots() Returns the latest shots along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link.
.search(topic) Returns the latest shots along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link for the searched topic.
.get_animation() Returns the latest animation along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link.
.get_branding() Returns the latest branding along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link.
.get_illustration() Returns the latest illustration along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link.
.get_mobile() Returns the latest mobile shots along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link.
.get_webdesign() Returns the latest web-design shots along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link.


from timesjobs_scraper import TimesJobs

Scrape Job Details

First, create an object of the class Job and specify the domain to which you want to apply.

Job = TimesJobs('example')
Methods Details
.scrape() Returns the various details regarding the companies based on the Job-role as JSON data.

Dev Community

Create an instance of DevCommunity class.

dev = DevCommunity('francescoxx')
Methods Details
.all_articles() Returns latest articles from the home page of DevCommunity.
.__strTag__() Returns name of the tag specified whose articles we want returned.
.tag_articles() Returns latest articles which have the specified tag in DevCommunity.
.__strUser__() Returns username of the user.
.user_details() Returns the user details.
.pinned_articles() Returns all pinned articles which have been written by the user.
.user_articles() Returns all articles written by the user.


Create an instance of Cricubzz class.

	cricbuzz = Cricubzz()

Available Methods

Methods Details
.get_live_matches() Returns a list of live matches from Cricbuzz.
.get_recent_matches() Returns a list of recent matches from Cricbuzz.
.get_upcoming_matches() Returns a list of upcoming matches from Cricbuzz.
.get_series() Returns a dictionary of series in month and year format from Cricbuzz.
.get_series_from_archive() Returns a list of series from archive from Cricbuzz.
.get_matches_by_day() Returns a dictionary of matches by day from Cricbuzz.
.get_series_matches() Returns a list of matches in a series from Cricbuzz.
.get_series_stats() Returns a list of stats of players in a series from Cricbuzz.
.get_teams_list() Returns a list of teams from Cricbuzz.
.get_team_schedule() Returns a list of matches of a team from Cricbuzz.
.get_team_players() Returns a list of players of a team from Cricbuzz.
.get_team_results() Returns a list of past results of a team from Cricbuzz.
.get_team_stats() Returns a list of player stats of a team from Cricbuzz.


First, create an object of class Courses for Udemy module

topic ="data science")
Methods Details
.get_courses() Returns the list of top courses.


Create an instance of the CovidInfo class.

response = CovidInfo()

Class - CovidInfo\n

Methods Details
.covid_data() Returns the list of all the covid data scraped from the website
.total_cases() Returns the count of total covid cases all over the world
.total_deaths() Returns the count of deaths covid cases all over the world
.total_recovered() Returns the count of recovered covid cases all over the world
.latest_news() Return the lastest news of the day


Create an instance of FlipkartClothing class.

cloth = FlipkartClothing()
Methods Details
.scrape() Returns the list of t-shirts with other relevant info
.range() Returns the list of t-shirts between a particular price range.
.minrating() Returns the list of t-shirts havinga minimum given rating.
.gendermale() Returns the list of t-shirts which are for males.
.genderfemale() Returns the list of t-shirts which are there for females.
.size() Returns the list of tshirts havning a particular size.
formal_shirts_for_male() It returns those t-shirts which are of a particular size


Create an instance of MediEncyclopedia class.

ency = MediEncyclopedia()
Methods Details
.scrapebyurl() Returns the medical dictation of associated topic url
.query() It takes a user query parameter as an argument and returns all relevant terms related to it.
.byletter() Returns the list of medical relics starting with a particular letter


Create an instance of NewsCNN class.\n

news = newsCNN()
Methods Details
.newsbylocation(country="india) Returns the list of articles by a specific country.
.news_by_category(type) Returns the list of articles by a specific category.


Create an instance of FlipkartClothing class.

cloth = FlipkartClothing()
Methods Details
.tshirts() Returns the list of t-shirts with other relevant info
.tshirts_by_price_range() Returns the list of t-shirts between a particular price range.
.tshirts_by_rating() Returns the list of t-shirts havinga minimum given rating.
.tshirts_for_male() Returns the list of t-shirts which are for males.
.tshirts_for_female() Returns the list of t-shirts which are there for females.
.tshirt_by_size() Returns the list of tshirts havning a particular size.
.Formal_shirts_for_male Returns the list of formal shirts for mens.


Create an instance of Flyrobu class.

flyrobu = Flyrobu()
Methods Details
.search(keyword) Returns the json data of all the details related to search with informing about the total amount of items found
.get_product_details(product_name) Returns the json data of the product details based on the given product_name


Create a new instance of the Robu class.

robu = Robu()
Methods Details
.search() Returns the json data of all the details related to search with informing about the total amount of items found


First, create an object of class LibGen

Book = LibGen()
Methods Details
.getBooks(book_name) Returns the books with name, author, size, format, book link, book cover link, language

Rotten Tomatoes

Create an instance of RottenTomatoes class.

scraper = RottenTomatoes()
Method Details
.top_rated() Returns the top-rated movies listed on the Rotten Tomatoes website.
.movie_details(movie_name) Fetches and returns detailed information about a specific movie.
.best_shows() Returns the best TV shows listed on the Rotten Tomatoes website.


Create an instance of Quora class

quora = Quora()
Methods Details
.fetch_answers() Returns the list of answers pertaining to a particular url gien by the user as parameter.
.getbyquery() Returns the list of answers pertaining to a particular query given by the user.
.getprofile() Returns the list of the name of a user along with their quora profile link.

ICC Rankings

Create an instance of ICC class.

scraper = ICC()
Method Details
.team_rankings(format) Returns the list of rankings of teams of the desired format
.player_ranking(type,format) Returns the list of player ranking of desired type and format
.team_rankings_women(format) Returns the list of rankings of teams of the desired format
.player_ranking_women(type,format) Returns the list of women player ranking of desired type and format


First, create an object of class Swiggy

store1 = Swiggy()
Methods Details
get_restraunt_details() Returns the restaurant data with name, cuisine, area, rating, offers, etc
get_restaurants() Returns the restaurant names as per given city


Create an instance of eBay class

quora = eBay()
Methods Details
.spotlights() Returns spotlight deals on eBay.
.featured() Returns the featured deals on eBay.
.specific_deals() Returns the specific deals on eBay.


First, create an object of class Zomato

store1 = Zomato()
Methods Details
.get_restaurants_details(page_url = " ") Returns the restraunt data with name, cuisine, area, rating, offers, etc


Create an instance of UCI class

uci = UCI()
Methods Details
.datasets() Fetches datasets information from UCI


First, create an object of class Codechef

user = Codechef(id="username")
Methods Details
get_profile() Returns name, username, profile_image_link, rating, details etc.


First, create an object of class HackerRank

hackerank = HackerRank()
Methods Details
get_profile(id="username") Returns name, username, country, user_type, details, badges, verified_skills, social etc.
active_contests() Returns information on active contests like title, status, and link
archived_contests() Returns information regarding archived contests
get_skills() Returns a list of verified skills and their links

Yahoo Finance

Create an instance of YahooFinance class

yf = YahooFinance()
Methods Details
.headline() Fetches headlines from yahooFinance

BBC News

First create an object of class BBCNews

bbc_scraper = BBCNews()
Methods Details
.get_headlines() Returns the list of object containig the headlines
get_article() Returns an object with proper details about the articles


Create an instance of Billionaires class.

billionaires = Billionaires()
Methods Details
.realtime() It takes a user query parameter as an argument and returns all relevant terms related to it.
.powerfulwomen() Returns as JSON the list of Forbes most powerful women in the world.
.powerfulpeople() Returns as JSON a list of Forbes Porweful people.
.bylocation() Returns as JSON the billionaires of a particular nation.


First, create an object of class Hackerearth

hackerearth = Hackerearth()
Methods Details
get_upcoming() Get the details of upcoming challenges on Hackerearth.
get_ongoing() Get the details of ongoing challenges on Hackerearth.
get_hiring() Get the details of hiring challenges on Hackerearth.


First, create an object of class TripAdvisor

hotel = TripAdvisor()
Methods Details
get_details(hotel_url) Get the details of a hotel from its TripAdvisor URL.


Create an instance of WHO class

who = WHO()
Methods Details
get_disease_outbreak() Get Disease Outbreak News from WHO website.


Create an instance of the class Bugmenot

website = ''
Methods Details
get_upcoming() Scrapes account data from for the given website and returns a list of dictionaries with account details. Returns None if no accounts are found.


Create an instance of Index class

index = MoneyControl()
Methods Details
.contribution() Returns the stocks are driving the Sensex and the Nifty up or down and by how many points.

Create an instance of GoldPrice class

goldprice = GoldPrice()
Methods Details
.price_22_carat() Returns the price of 22k gold prices citywise
.price_24_carat() Returns the price of 22k gold prices citywise

Create an instance of IndianIndex class

indianindex = IndianIndex()
Methods Details
.current() Returns the Indian Indices and their current value
.change() Returns the Indian Indices and their change and %change

Create an instance of SilverPrice class

silverprice = SilverPrice()
Methods Details
.citywise_price() Returns the price of silver citywise in rupees
.last_10_days() Returns the price of 10 grams silver for the last 10 days in rupees

Create an instance of TopGainers class

topgainers = TopGainers()
Methods Details
.high() Returns the highest value the top gainer was sold for
.low() Returns the lowest value the top gainer was sold for
.last_price() Returns the last price top gainer was sold for
.prev_close() Returns the prev close value of the top gainer
.change() Returns the change and gain % of top gainer stocks

Create an instance of TopLosers class

toplosers = TopLosers()
Methods Details
.high() Returns the highest value the top loser was sold for
.low() Returns the lowest value the top loser was sold for
.last_price() Returns the last price top loser was sold for
.prev_close() Returns the prev close value of the top loser
.change() Returns the change and loss % of top loser stocks

Create an instance of EquityMutualFunds class.

equitymutualfunds = EquityMutualFunds()
Methods Details
.historical_returns Returns mutual funds based on historic returns


Create an instance of ESPN class

espn = ESPN()
Method Details
get_scoreboard() Fetches and returns the football scoreboards for a given date.
get_tournaments() Fetches and returns information about football tournaments.
get_teams() Fetches and returns information about football teams.

Magic Bricks

Create an instance of MagicBricks class

magicbricks = MagicBricks()
Method Details
get_ready_to_move(city) Fetches and returns the details of ready-to-move flats in the specified city.


Create an instance of Timezones class

timezones = Timezones()
Methods Details
.city_timezones() Returns the timezones of cites around the world

Create an instance of DayInHistory class.

dayinhistory = DayInHistory()
Methods Details
.important_events() Returns the timezones of cites around the world
.holidays() Returns the holidays on the specific day
.births() Returns the important birthdays on that day
.deaths() Returns the important deaths on that day

Create an instance of UTC class.

utc = UTC()
Methods Details
.time_now Returns UTC time now
.get_abbreviations Returns abbreviations of each time zone
.get_location Returns location of each time zone
.get_offset Returns offset of each time zone from UTC

Create an instance of FunHolidays class.

funholidays = FunHolidays()
Methods Details
.dates() Returns a list of fun holidays on each date of each month

Create an instance of Forecast class with the name of the city

forecast = Forecast(city="bengaluru")
Methods Details
.full_forecast() Returns datewise the Temperature, Weather, Wind, Humidity, Precipitation chance and Amount, UV, Sunrise, Sunset of a city.


First, create an object of class TheHindu

scraper = TheHindu()
Methods Details
.get_news(page_url) Gets heading, subheading, time, and news content


Create an instance of Academia class

academia = Academia()
Method Details
get_research_topics() Fetches and returns research topics.
get_research_papers(search) Fetches and returns research papers related to the given search term.


Create an instance of HealthGrades class

hc = HealthGrades()
Method Details
get_best_hospitals(state) Fetches and returns information about the best hospitals in a state.

Indian City

Create an instance of IndianCity class with the name of the city

indiancity = IndianCity("bengaluru")
Methods Details
.state() Returns the state of the city
.lat_long() Returns the latitude and longitude of the city
.elevation() Returns the elevation of the city from sea level
.language() Returns the language spoken in the city
.weather() Returns the weather in the city
.local_time() Returns the local time in the city
.nearby_airports() Returns a list of nearby airports in the city


Create an instance of Unsplash class with search query as argument.

from scrape_up import unsplash
Methods Details
.get_image_quality() Return list of available image quality
.get_image_links(quality="2000w") Return image links of quality 2000w
.get_non_premium_links(quality="2000w") Returns non-premium links of quality 2000w


Create an instance of CoinMarketCap class

crypto = CoinMarketCap()
Method Details
get_top_cryptocurrencies() Fetches and returns data about the top cryptocurrencies.

Flipkart laptops

Create an instance of FlipkartLaptops class.

item = FlipkartLaptops()
Methods Details
.laptops() Returns the list of laptops with details


Create an instance of Olympics class

olympics = Olympics()
Methods Details
.allcountries() Returns the list of all the countries participated yet in olympics.
.allsports() Returns the list of all the sports being currently played in olympics.
.alldeceased() Returns the list of all recently deceased olympians along with their death date.
.alltimemedals() Returns list of all countries with their total numbers of medals yet in all categories.


Create an instance of Users class

from scrape_up import codeforces

codeforces_user = codeforces.Users(username="tourist")


| Methods                    | Details                            |
| -------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| `.get_user_data(username)` | Fetches user data from CodeForces. |

88x31 Banners

First create an object of class Scraper88x31\n

scraper = Scraper88x31()
Methods Details
.get_all() Returns the list of all available 88x31 banners

First create an object of class Dictionary.

Methods Details
.get_word_of_the_day() Returns the word of the day.
.word_of_the_day_definition() Returns the definition of the word of the day.


Create an directory with name ambitonbox created a python which consist the code for scarping the website

# Example usage
from scrape_up import ambitionBox

num_pages_to_scrape = 2  

scraper = ambitionBox.Comapiens(num_pages_to_scrape)

Methods Details
.scrape_companies() Returns the company name with the rating.


First create an object of class Geeksforgeeks.

geeksforgeeks = Geeksforgeeks(user="username")
Methods Details
.get_profile() Returns the user data in json format.


from scrap-up import wuzzuf
jobs = wuzzuf.Jobs()

The Jobs class provides methods for configuring scraping parameters and fetching job listings:

Methods Details
.filter_job() Apply filters such as job title, country, city, and range of years of experience.
.fetch_jobs() Fetch job listings from the website based on the applied filters, across multiple pages.