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File metadata and controls

205 lines (153 loc) · 5.99 KB


Napper is a REST API client written in Elixir.

Napper lets you define structs for resources exposed by an API, and it defines the functions list/2, get/3, create/3, update/3, and delete/3 for your modules.


The package can be installed by adding Napper to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:napper, git: ""}]


See "Options" below for an explanation of each of the config values.

config :napper,
  url: "",
  auth: "Token some-long-token-value",
  accept: "application/json",
  master_prefix: "/master",
  master_id: "our-master-id",
  remove_wrapper: false,
  api: Napper.API

An example for Heroku:

config :napper,
  url: "",
  auth: "Bearer #{System.get_env("HEROKU_API_KEY")}",
  accept: "application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3",
  master_prefix: "/apps",
  master_id: "some-app-name"

An example for HireFire:

config :napper,
  url: "",
  auth: "Token #{System.get_env("HIREFIRE_API_KEY")}",
  accept: "application/vnd.hirefire.v1+json",
  remove_wrapper: true


These options can be passed in to Napper.api_client/1 or defined in the config file. Any values passed in to api_client/1 override the config values.

  • :url - The base URL of the API. Must not end in "/". This is the only required config value or parameter.

  • :auth - The value of the "Authorization" HTTP header, if needed.

  • :accept - The value of the "Accept" HTTP header, if needed. If is not passed in, the string "application/json" is used.

  • :master_id - A master resource name or id string. See below for a discussion of master resources.

  • :master_prefix - A master resource URL prefix such as "/apps".

  • :remove_wrapper - Some APIs wrap responses in an outer wrapper. For example, HireFire returns applications as JSON like {"applications: [...]}. Setting :remove_wrapper to true tells Napper to remove the outer object and return whatever is inside (in this case, the array).

  • :api - The API module that actually makes the get/patch/post/etc. calls. Allowing this to be configured lets us specify a mock API module to use during testing. The default is Napper.API.

Defining Resources

See the examples subdirectory for a sample Heroku configuration and some resource definitions. As a bonus, the Dyno module contains a few functions specific to Heroku dyno endpoints.

A REST resource is defined as an Elixir struct. Let's look at a simple example.

defmodule SomeAPI.Thing do
  use Napper.Resource
  @derive [Poison.Encoder]
  defstruct ...
  @type t :: %__MODULE___{...}

defimpl Napper.Endpoint, for: SomeAPI.Thing do
  def under_master_resource?(_), do: false
  def endpoint_url(_), do: "/thing"

use Napper.Resource defines the list/2, get/3, create/3, and update/3, functions for this module. Optional :only and :except options let you specify which funtions you want.

By deriving from Poison.Encoder, Napper can turn your struct into JSON to send to the API.

Napper.Endpoint is a protocol that defines two functions. under_master_resource? determines if this resource is "under" another. For example, the Heroku Dyno type is under an App. endpoint_url is the REST API path. If the resource is under the master, then the full path will be "/master-path/master-id/thing".

A simple struct like Heroku's Ref does not have its own endpoint. Therefore it doesn't need to use Napper.Resource or define a protocol implementation for Napper.Endpoint.

Using Napper

First we create a client. In this example, we'll assume we have configured everything we need to in the config file.

iex> client = Napper.api_client()

api_client/1 returns a Napper.t struct. The url is the only required value.

Master Resource

The client struct also optionally contains an id string and a request prefix which will be used to retrieve resources that are owned by some other "master" resource. For example, many of the resources in Heroku's API are owned by an application, so storing a prefix of "/apps" and an id that identifies the application and can be used to build URLs for the resources owned by the app. Since the client is a struct, it's easy to switch the master resource by specifying another id and/or prefix.

Using the Client

These examples are written as if the modules in the examples/heroku directory were in lib/heroku. They won't work if you just fire up iex -S mix because Napper isn't tied to any one API.

What applications do we have?

iex> client |> Napper.Heroku.App.list
#=> [%Napper.Heroku.App{...}]

What dynos does the "some-app-name" application have? (The app name is assumed to be defined in the config file or shoved into the client.)

iex> ds = client |> Napper.Heroku.Dyno.list
#=> [%Napper.Heroku.Dyno{...}]

Note that we didn't have to pass in the app name or id because it's already stored in the client in the :master_id field.

Let's fetch a particular dyno.

iex> d = client |> Napper.Heroku.Dyno.get("my_dyno_name.1")
#=> %Napper.Heroku.Dyno{...}

How many dynos do we have of each dyno type? We use our Dyno module here and Enum.reduce/3. You'd probably want to use Heroku's Formation resource instead, which contains each type's count.

iex> client |> Napper.Heroku.Dyno.list |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn d, m ->
...>   Map.put(m, d.type, Map.get(m, d.type, 0) + 1)
...> end
#=> %{"web" => 2, "schedule_workers" => 2, "others" => 5}

Low-Level Queries

Heroku's API limits the number of requests per hour. Let's find out how many we have left:

iex> client
...> |> client.api.get("/account/rate-limits")
...> |> Poison.decode!
...> |> Map.get("remaining")
#=> 2400

To Do

  • Use callbacks instead of Protocol for Endpoint, and define default implementations.
  • Use DateTime instead of Erlang date() tuples.