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chopeks edited this page Mar 31, 2018 · 18 revisions


  • organize your videos by artists and categories you define
  • play videos from GUI
  • use your mobile phone as remote!

User Guide

This app is a web server that is able to organize and play videos from the app. It also provides GUI.

Quick start guide

IMPORTANT NOTE You need to install ffmpeg first, and add it to PATH (open console and type ffmpeg, if the app is there), this app is using to get thumbnails and is not bundled.

In console type:

java -jar movie-viewer.jar

It should start a browser with GUI soon. If not, open your favorite browser and go to


Then go to Settings in the menu, and add some directory with movies. (The app will use ffmpeg to add thumbnails for you, you can observe that process in console ;)). Once done, you can see them in Movies screen.

Clicking on a thumbnail will start default video player, if not, or you don't like it, go to settings and set the proper path.

There is more info about additional topics:

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