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Github cli

Before I launch into enthusiastically installing and using the github cli (affectionately known as gh) let me firstly say that THIS IS A TRAP.

Github want you to be locked into their ecosystem - so they can't just have you use git - which is open source. They want you to be addicted to their "value adding" moat, and gh is a part of that plan!

==Don't be fooled, people! Stay platform independent!==

But... surely a little gh won't hurt...

Install with winget

winget install GitHub.cli

(See "Getting Started with Winget" if you need to)

Upgrade with winget

Later you'll need to ugrade with winget, so we'll drop that command liberally about the place to make it easier to find

winget upgrade --id GitHub.cli

Once only: Authorize the app

gh auth login

Okay this seemed easy, output:

> gh auth login
? What account do you want to log into?
? You're already logged into Do you want to re-authenticate? No

General usage

gh <command> <subcommand> [flags]

Core Commands

  • gh gist: Manage gists
  • gh issue: Manage issues
  • gh pr: Manage pull requests
  • gh release: Manage GitHub releases
  • gh repo: Create, clone, fork, and view repositories

Use gh <command> <subcommand> --help for more information about a command.

Additional Commands

  • gh alias: Create command shortcuts
  • gh api: Make an authenticated GitHub API request
  • gh auth: Login, logout, and refresh your authentication
  • gh completion: Generate shell completion scripts
  • gh config: Manage configuration for gh
  • gh help: Help about any command
  • gh secret: Manage GitHub secrets
  • gh ssh-key: Manage SSH keys

Further info:

	--help      Show help for command
	--version   Show gh version

	$ gh issue create
	$ gh repo clone cli/cli
	$ gh pr checkout 321

Create new repo

gh repo create [<name>] [flags]
-y,	--confirm               Skip the confirmation prompt
-d,	--description string    Description of the repository
		--enable-issues         Enable issues in the new repository (default true)
		--enable-wiki           Enable wiki in the new repository (default true)
-h,	--homepage URL          Repository home page URL
		--internal              Make the new repository internal
		--private               Make the new repository private
		--public                Make the new repository public
-t,	--team name             The name of the organization team to be granted access
-p,	--template repository   Make the new repository based on a template repository

Gather a list of all my issues

Now I wasn't doing this for fun. WHat I want is a list of all my open issues. Or just "all my issues" will do.

Here's how I can get it...

First write a list of all my repos into a single file

(This assumes I have less than 500 repos.)

# first write a header row to the file
"repo	description	pubpriv	updated" | out-file gh_repos.tsv -encoding utf8;

# now write the list of repos...
gh repo list -L 500 | out-file gh_repos.tsv -append -encoding utf8;

Use that list to get my full list of issues

# first write a header row to the file
"repo	id	status	subject	modified" | out-file gh_issues.tsv -encoding utf8;

# now write all the issues themselves, for each repo listed in repolist
Import-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -Path .\gh_repos.tsv |
	% { $repo = $_.repo; gh issue list --repo $_.repo } |
	% { "$repo`t$($_)" } | out-file "gh_issues.tsv" -encoding utf8

External references

See also