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What's in /bin

Here's what's in the /bin of a linux VM i've been messing with lately.

bash                echo        mv                sleep
btrfs               ed          nano              ss
btrfs-calc-size     egrep       nc                static-sh
btrfsck             false       nc.openbsd        stty
btrfs-convert       fgconsole   netcat            su
btrfs-debug-tree    fgrep       netstat           sync
btrfs-find-root     findmnt     networkctl        systemctl
btrfs-image         fsck.btrfs  nisdomainname     systemd
btrfs-map-logical   fuser       ntfs-3g           systemd-ask-password
btrfs-select-super  fusermount  ntfs-3g.probe     systemd-escape
btrfs-show-super    getfacl     ntfs-3g.secaudit  systemd-hwdb
btrfstune           grep        ntfs-3g.usermap   systemd-inhibit
btrfs-zero-log      gunzip      ntfscat           systemd-machine-id-setup
bunzip2             gzexe       ntfscluster       systemd-notify
busybox             gzip        ntfscmp           systemd-tmpfiles
bzcat               hostname    ntfsfallocate     systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
bzcmp               ip          ntfsfix           tailf
bzdiff              journalctl  ntfsinfo          tar
bzegrep             kbd_mode    ntfsls            tempfile
bzexe               kill        ntfsmove          touch
bzfgrep             kmod        ntfstruncate      true
bzgrep              less        ntfswipe          udevadm
bzip2               lessecho    open              ulockmgr_server
bzip2recover        lessfile    openvt            umount
bzless              lesskey     pidof             uname
bzmore              lesspipe    ping              uncompress
cat                 ln          ping6             unicode_start
chacl               loadkeys    plymouth          vdir
chgrp               login       ps                wdctl
chmod               loginctl    pwd               which
chown               lowntfs-3g  rbash             whiptail
chvt                ls          readlink          ypdomainname
cp                  lsblk       red               zcat
cpio                lsmod       rm                zcmp
dash                mkdir       rmdir             zdiff
date                mkfs.btrfs  rnano             zegrep
dd                  mknod       run-parts         zfgrep
df                  mktemp      sed               zforce
dir                 more        setfacl           zgrep
dmesg               mount       setfont           zless
dnsdomainname       mountpoint  setupcon          zmore
domainname          mt          sh                znew
dumpkeys            mt-gnu      sh.distrib