I like the tree
command in windows but it has too few options to be useful.
I found an npm package called tree-cli
available from https://github.com/MrRaindrop/tree-cli
Install it with...
npm install -g tree-cli
And thereafter you will have treee
And you can set up an alias in your profile to use tre
for example.
set-alias tre treee
tre --ignore node_modules
> treee --help
List contents of directories in tree-like format.
tree - list contents of directories in tree-like format
Tree is a recursive directory listing program that
produces a depth indented listing of files.
With no arguments, tree lists the files in the
current directory. When directory arguments are
given, tree lists all the files and/or directories
found in the given directories each in turn. Upon
completion of listing all files/directories found,
tree returns the total number of files and/or
directories listed.
tree <options>
--help, -h
outputs a verbose usage listing.
outputs the version of tree-cli.
show debug info.
ignores directory or file you specify.
specify a root directory. Relative path from cwd root and absolute path are both acceptable.
prints the full path prefix for each file.
omits printing of the file and directory report at the
end of the tree listing and omits printing the tree on
all files are printed. By default tree does not print
hidden files (those beginning with a dot '.'). In no
event does tree print the file system constructs '.'
(current directory) and '..' (previous directory).
list directories only.
list directories first.
append a '/' for directories, a '=' for socket files
and a '|' for FIFOs
makes tree not print the indentation lines, useful
when used in conjunction with the -f option.
max display depth of the directory tree.
send output to filename.
$ tree
$ tree -l 2, -o out.txt --ignore [node_modules, test] -d --noreport