In powershell, parameters -- you know, arguments -- can be written in a lot of ways.
Even a script that declares no parameters can access the parameters that are handed to it.
As can a function
, a named cmdLet, etc.
You can declare parameter names without specifying a type, e.g.
function New-Satellite ($satelliteName, $weightInGrams) {
write-host "The $satelliteName will weigh $weightInGrams" -f Yellow;
...and a trap for young players, having just written such a function
You call it WITHOUT parentheses.
You call it like this:
New-Satellite "The Nazgul Banana" 500
and NOT like this:
New-Satellite ("The Nazgul Banana", 500) # NO! Not like this! that would be interpreted as you sending a single parameter, an array with two values
("The Nazgul Banana", 500).GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
Hence $SatelliteName
would be an array of objects.
Apart from remembering the "no brackets" syntax -- you also need to learn how to give types to your parameters, and so much more.
Function Invoke-Clippy{
$text="Hi! I am Clippy, your office assistant. Would you like some assistance today?"
write-host $text -foregroundColor yellow;
param (
param (
param (
todo: ValueFromPipeline
function kvi {
# AAA reads stream. you give it an object. it will iterate it and return an object which is the keys.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ById')]
Another example
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ById')]
[Alias('BaseName', 'BaseId')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ById')]
- PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters
- ValueFromRemainingArguments
- Passthrough
- looking through my own code and documenting things i've learned once and forgotten since, in hope i will remember them again.