The top-level SharpShuffleBag.sln is the main solution which includes projects for the core source, samples and tests.
When building this solution (or the main SharpShuffleBag csproj), the source files are automatically copied to the Unity project to distribute them as a Unity package. This was chosen to keep the build and publish flow simple, but remember to only make changes to the main source files and then let the build process copy them to Unity.
Run these shell commands from the repository root:
dotnet restore
dotnet test
dotnet build
Or build the solution with the Default
configuration in e.g. JetBrains Rider.
For simplicity, there are no debug/release variants.
When editing build properties, take note of the SharedBuildProperties.props
file in the root directory.
For JetBrains Rider, see the SharpShuffleBag.sln.DotSettings
file, for other IDE's see the .editorconfig
When in doubt, try to align with the existing code.
Avoid reformatting existing code when contributing new features.
- Update the PackageVersion in SharpShuffleBag.csproj
- Update version in package.json
- Update Unity changelog
cd SharpShuffleBag/bin
dotnet nuget push SharpShuffleBag.<version>.nupkg --api-key <your-key> --source
For testing: --source