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677 lines (556 loc) · 27.4 KB

File metadata and controls

677 lines (556 loc) · 27.4 KB

Release notes

[4.10.2] - 2024-08-31


  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: number of neurons can be taken into account for the genome complexity calculation
  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: add-on 'Legacy features' containing parameter for older muscle movement mode


  • engine: cell property mutations prefer to set fitting input execution numbers (leads in better communicating cell networks)
  • engine: muscle cells in movement mode will only move if they receive signals which originate from sensors that have targeted an object


  • gui/simulation parameters: add-on 'Advanced muscle control'


  • gui: prevent exception in case of too small window size

[4.10.1] - 2024-08-24


  • engine, gui/CUDA settings: input of threads per block removed (internal routines automatically determine a good value)


  • gui/simulation view: performance of rendering with high zoom level improved
  • serialization: incorrect conversion of mutation rates into new genome copy mutations when loading simulations with versions below 4.10 fixed
  • gui/simulation parameters: deletion of parameter zones led to the unwanted deletion of other zones

[4.10.0] - 2024-08-17


  • engine: sensor and reconnector cells can be restricted to only sensing/connecting to certain type of mutants (same, other, nutrient, handcrafted, less and more complex)
  • engine: sensor cells can tag detected cells for attacking if parameter 'Sensor detection factor' is above 0
  • engine: sensors can not penetrate handcrafted structures when restricting to scanning for certain mutants
  • engine: possibility to force muscle cells to obtain movement angles from nearby sensors (+ simulation parameter under addon 'Advanced muscle control')
  • engine: possibility to redefine max age of permanently inactive or of emergent cells (+ simulation parameters under addon 'Cell age limiter')
  • engine: possibility to reset age after cell switches from 'Under construction' to 'Ready' (+ simulation parameter under addon 'Cell age limiter')
  • engine: allow to disable radiation sources in spots
  • gui/statistics: diversity and average genome complexity plots added
  • gui/statistics: throughput statistics
  • gui/simulation view: attack visualization (+ simulation parameter)
  • gui/simulation view: cell glow (+ simulation parameter under new addon 'Cell glow')
  • gui/simulation view: configurable cell radius via simulation parameter
  • gui/mass operation, engine: mass operation for randomizing mutation ids


  • engine: replace continuous mutation rates (which are applied in each time step) by genome copy mutations (which are only applied when genomes are copied)
  • engine: make certain mutation rates (all except for translation, duplication and color mutations) dependent on the genome size
  • engine: avoid that creature is able to eat its offspring when it is currently under construction
  • engine: parameters 'Cell max force' and 'Maximum distance' are now color-dependent


  • gui/simulation view: visibility of cells with low energy increased
  • gui/browser: apply text filter to all workspaces and resource types
  • serialization: load/save real-time counter in autosave
  • engine: avoid genome bloating (with separated parts) due to mutations
  • engine: incorrect construction processes based on single cell genomes with multiple branches and/or repetitions fixed

[4.9.1] - 2024-04-26


  • gui/browser: label new simulations
  • gui/browser: allow to replace simulations and genomes


  • gui/browser: ignore upper and lower case in the browser filter


  • gui/browser: preserve subfolder names when renaming folders

[4.9.0] - 2024-04-22


  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: conditional and unconditional energy inflow from external energy source
  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: energy backflow to the external energy source
  • gui/simulation view: combined mutation and cell function coloring
  • gui/temporal control window: real-time counter


  • gui/simulation view: cells are rendered smoother
  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: external energy becomes a scalar value (no color dependence)


  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: energy pump from constructors (substituted by conditional energy inflow)


  • serialization: activation of necessary add-ons for old simulation parameter files fixed
  • gui/browser: preserve subfolders when renaming folders

[4.8.2] - 2024-04-05


  • engine, genome editor: multiple construction flag is replaced by number of constructions
  • engine: if construction process failed, destruction is initiated (via dying cell state)
  • engine: gap in the completeness check for multiple constructions closed by taking the number of constructions into account


  • serialization: current position in the genome for constructors was not loaded correctly

[4.8.1] - 2024-03-16


  • engine: the dying state of cells can spread to cells under construction even if they belong to other an other creature


  • engine: construction with infinite repetitions fixed
  • gui: selection of large sections in edit mode fixed

[4.8.0] - 2024-02-25


  • gui/simulation view: borderless rendering (world is rendered periodically) + parameter to (de)activate
  • gui/simulation view: adaptive space grid for orientation + parameter to (de)activate
  • gui/simulation view: new coloring which highlights particular cell functions
  • gui/simulation parameters: addon widget introduced
  • gui/simulation parameters: center button in spatial control
  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: attacker and particle absorption depending on genome complexity
  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: addon for genome complexity measurement
  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: low and high velocity penalty for energy particle absorption


  • gui/simulation parameters: move expert settings for absorption, attacker, external energy and color transition to addons
  • gui/simulation view: short white background flash after creating and loading snapshots (now called flashbacks)
  • gui/simulation view: cross cursor in edit mode
  • gui/simulation view: mutation coloring adapted such that color changes occur only after major structural mutations
  • gui/statistics: adapt plot heights depending on the visible data points
  • engine: memory consumption reduced (~ 10% depending on the data)
  • server: support for large simulation files (up to 144 MB)


  • gui/simulation parameters: show base tab when new simulation is loaded
  • gui/statistics: maintain previous statistics data after resizing the simulation
  • engine: fixed rare and spontaneous crashes that occur when many cells and connections are destroyed
  • engine: new completeness check counting the actual cells of the creature against the cells in the genome
  • engine: wrong displacement calculation in case of zooming and moving objects fixed

[4.7.3] - 2024-01-09


  • engine: drop restriction on start construction angle
  • engine: truncate neural activities to avoid overflow

[4.7.2] - 2024-01-06


  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: splitting of energy particles above a certain minimum energy
  • engine: force fields also affect energy particles


  • gui/browser: beginning and ending whitespaces of folder names are ignored for automatic grouping

[4.7.1] - 2024-01-05


  • gui/browser: shared symbol in private workspace in front of items to indicate if it is public
  • gui/upload dialog: toggle if simulation or genome should be shared in public workspace or not


  • gui/browser: private workspace also shows items from the public workspace if they belong to the same user


  • gui/browser: tooltip for downloading and reacting was broken

[4.7.0] - 2024-01-04


  • gui/browser: private workspace for each user account added
  • gui/browser: move simulations, genomes or folders to other workspace (via toolbar buttons)
  • gui/browser: edit simulations, genomes or folders (via toolbar buttons)
  • gui/browser: expand and collapse folder content (via toolbar buttons)
  • gui/browser: cache for speeding up downloading simulations
  • gui/upload dialog: validation of user input to allowed characters
  • gui/upload dialog: upload simulation or genome to folder
  • engine, gui/simulation parameters: individual cell color mutation


  • gui/browser: layout (in particular, new widget for selecting workspace)
  • engine: restrict the fusion of energy particles to certain energies

[4.6.0] - 2023-12-29


  • gui/browser: support for displaying folders and subfolders
  • gui/browser: folders for simulations and genomes are automatically created by parsing their names for /
  • gui/browser: allow uploading to a selected folder
  • gui/browser: show number of simulations per folder


  • gui/browser: tree view instead of a pure tabular view
  • gui/browser: simulations and genomes can be selected for user actions (e.g. deletion)


  • gui/browser: column for actions removed

[4.5.1] - 2023-12-16


  • new simulation parameters to reduce energy particle absorption for cells with fewer connections
  • new simulation parameters to configure the decay probability of dying cells
  • validation of normal and minimal cell energy parameters in the simulation parameter window


  • parameter 'Genome size bonus' only takes into account the non-separating parts of the genome


  • layout problems with the display of color matrices fixed

[4.5.0] - 2023-12-09


  • engine, gui: entire statistical history are saved along with a simulation
  • gui/statistics: configurable plot heights
  • gui/statistics: collapse specific plots
  • gui/browser: statistical history are up/downloaded along with a simulation
  • gui/sim view: draw boundaries of the world
  • Python script FindFurtunateTimeline: constantly monitors populations in a simulation and resort to savepoints in case of extinction


  • gui/statistics: widgets for real time and time horizon parameter are aligned with the other widgets


  • export statistics function


  • in simulation runs via CLI, certain simulation parameters are adjusted as in the GUI (e.g. if the max age balancer is switched on, external energy consumption)
  • wrong color conversion HSV -> RGB fixed (relevant for mutation and genome size coloring)

[4.4.3] - 2023-11-29


  • show text background when rendering is disabled


  • fixed insertion mutation behavior that led to undesirably high repetitions and made this mutation type more or less useless

[4.4.2] - 2023-11-25


  • external energy source, which is controllable by two new parameters


  • parameter unlimited energy for constructors removed

[4.4.1] - 2023-11-15


  • allow deletion of selection via DEL key


  • allow copy & paste when inspection windows are open
  • minor layout correction in sliders and genome widgets

[4.4.0] - 2023-11-08


  • engine, gui: genomes and sub-genomes contain repetition information and concatenation angles
  • engine, gui: support for infinite repetitions of genome structures
  • engine, gui: reconnector cells (can form and break bonds depending on neural activities)
  • engine, gui: detonator cells (can detonate depending on neural activities)
  • engine, gui: neuron cells extended: 5 different activation functions can be selected for each neuron
  • engine, gui: simulation parameters for reconnectors and detonators
  • gui/sim view: 2 new coloring available: "Cell state" and "Genome size"
  • gui/genome preview: markers for start, end, infinity repetition, multiple construction and self-replication
  • gui/genome preview: visualization optimized depending on the zoom level
  • gui/genome editor: mass operation for changing colors of cells optionally including sub-genomes
  • gui/neuron editor: reset, set identity and randomize function
  • gui/browser: button to open Discord server
  • gui/statistics: plots and exports for reconnections and detonator events
  • logging: more log messages during startup


  • engine: restrict cluster decay on cells which belong to the same creature
  • engine: allow insert mutations on empty genomes
  • gui: toolbar buttons in creator and multiplier windows are made selectable
  • gui/inspection: show ids (cell, creature, mutation) in base tab
  • gui/genome editor: icons for expanding and collapsing changed
  • gui/sim parameter: focus base tab when opening new simulation with different spots


  • show correct tab when sub-genome is edited
  • completeness check evaluates creatureIds of the cells in order to determinate the creature's boundaries
  • prevent crash in case that a single genome exceeds 8 KB
  • genome editor layout bug fixed when separator is moved out of range
  • layout problems after resizing in several dialogs fixed (e.g. in display, gpu, network settings)
  • invalid zooming prevented

[4.3.0] - 2023-09-23


  • gui/browser: tab widget added to show the uploaded genomes and simulations from server
  • gui/browser: possibility to upload and download genomes
  • gui/genome editor: toolbar button added to upload current genome
  • cli: file logger added (creates log.txt)


  • gui/browser: layout problem for multiline descriptions

[4.2.0] - 2023-09-21


  • command-line interface for running simulation files for a specified number of time steps
  • statistics can be exported with CLI


  • csv-file in statistics export corrected

[4.1.1] - 2023-09-16


  • show confirmation dialog for deleting a simulation


  • hide trash icon for simulations from other users

[4.1.0] - 2023-09-07


  • gui/browser: user can open an emoji window in order to react with various emoji types
  • gui/browser: list of emojis and counts are shown for each simulation entry
  • gui/browser: clicking on an other user's emoji adds same reaction
  • global: debug mode added that provides more accurate error messages and can be activated with the '-debug' parameter


  • gui/browser: different colors for the action buttons

[4.0.2] - 2023-09-03


  • gui/browser: show online since last day status
  • gui/browser: show number of simulators


  • engine: injection mode 'Cells under construction' is replaced by 'Only empty cells'
  • engine: scanner cells return data (angel, distance) of last match if no match was found

[4.0.0] - 2023-08-30


  • engine: support for dynamic simulation parameter zones, barriers and particle sources: they can move with a fixed velocity
  • engine: different cell colorings: according to mutants, according to standard cell color, none
  • engine: different shapes for radiation sources
  • engine: geometry presets for phenotypes
  • engine: mutation types added: uniform color mutation and geometry mutation
  • engine: energy pump system for constructors
  • engine: attacker cells can be configured to attack only cells already targeted by nearby sensors
  • engine: attacker strength can be dependent on the size of its genome to which it belongs
  • engine: same mutants can be protected by each others attacks
  • engine: muscle cells can directly control the relative direction of movements via their activities
  • engine: balancing of maximum age per color depending on the population size
  • gui/statistics: additional plots for self-replicators, viruses and total energy
  • gui/browser: user list added: showing online status, gpu model (if approved), time spent, stars
  • gui/browser: toggle 'community creation' in simulation browser
  • gui/browser: version validation for simulation files
  • gui/help: getting started window supplemented by additional sections (basic notions, examples, simulation parameters, editing tools, FAQ)
  • gui/view: mouse wheel support for zooming
  • gui/view: automatically scale all window sizes according to OS content scale
  • gui/genome editor: support for geometry presets and allow modify angles and connections
  • gui/mass operations: coloring cells in genomes
  • gui/simulation parameters, genome editor, inspection: tooltips for almost all fields added
  • gui/simulation parameters: parameters for configuring new features (attacker can destroy other cells, sensor targeting for attackers, same mutant protection, genome size bonus, ...)


  • engine: more realistic collision algorithm between cells and barriers
  • engine: insertion mutation treats inserts to sub-genomes equally likely
  • gui/global: if OS=Windows: settings are saved to the Windows registry
  • gui/view: better zooming experience: make continuous zoom speed of the computational workload
  • gui/browser: all example are available as non-community creations in the browser
  • gui/inspection: genome tab extended and new layout used
  • new startup simulation featuring sensor-equipped consumer and plant ecosystem


  • simulation files in folder 'examples' removed (they are available in the sim browser instead)
  • simulation parameter 'Same color energy distribution' for attackers removed


  • display an error message if GPU memory allocation failed and allow to continue
  • fixed wrong parameter calculation in case of overlapping parameter zones
  • plots for accumulated and averaged values have been corrected
  • loopholes and timeout bug for completeness check fixed
  • fetching simulation list optimized
  • unwanted conversion to lower case in input fields removed

[4.0.0-beta] - 2023-04-25


  • engine: new cell functions and corresponding parameters: neurons, transmitters, nerves, injectors and defenders
  • engine: neural activity for cells
  • engine: radiation sources and extended logic (absorption factors, cell age radiation, high energy radiation)
  • engine: simulation parameter override function for spots
  • engine: most simulation parameters can be configured by cell color
  • engine: SPH solver
  • engine: stiffness per cell
  • engine: linear and central force fields
  • engine: new mutation types
  • engine: living states for cells
  • engine: tracking of genome generation
  • engine: energy pump function for constructors
  • engine: cell rendering improved
  • gui/genome editor: editor with preview added
  • gui/pattern editor: inspect genome function added
  • gui/mass operations: dialog added
  • gui/simulation parameters: save, load, copy and paste function
  • gui/statistics: plot each cell function activity
  • gui/statistics: every plot can be broken down by colors
  • gui/statistics: plot values in the long-term view are smoothed at regular intervals so that they remain readable
  • gui/statistics: histogram for cell ages
  • gui/browser: version check for simulation files
  • gui/browser: filter for community creations
  • gui/creator: pencil width for brush draw function and fitting mouse cursor
  • various examples


  • cell functions obtain input from and provide output to neural activities instead from/to token memories
  • constructor cells contain a construction sequence for an entire cell cluster (encoded in a genome) instead of performing a single cell construction
  • 'token branch number' to 'execution order number' changed


  • tokens
  • cell function for computing operations
  • cell code editor and compiler
  • cell memory editor
  • symbol map and symbol editor
  • time-varying simulation parameters

[3.3.1] - 2023-02-03


  • allow comments starting with # in cell code
  • decompiled cell code shows matching symbols in comments

[3.3.0] - 2022-10-05


  • extended color semantic for cells: food chain color matrix and cell color transition rules
  • new simulation parameters for cell colors
  • shader parameter window
  • Symbiosis examples


  • process statistics corrected (showing processes per time step)
  • deadlock problem during removing cells fixed
  • precision of simulation parameters increased (relevant for mutation rates)

[3.2.3] - 2022-07-31


  • toolbar for browser window: refresh, login, logout, upload

[3.2.2] - 2022-07-24


  • show downloads in browser
  • more spore examples


  • allow scanning of token blocked cells

[3.2.1] - 2022-07-13


  • Mycelial Networks example


  • calculation of inner forces improved: prevent unwanted rotations and movements
  • performance optimizations in case of many cell connections

[3.2.0] - 2022-06-25


  • browser for downloading simulations from a server
  • registration of users on a server
  • upload simulations
  • rate simulations by likes
  • image to pattern converter
  • new examples


  • window transparency lowered
  • simulation parameter group renamed


  • editor performance increased through caching
  • scanner function scans correct cell

[3.1.2] - 2022-05-01


  • rigidity spot parameter is saved correctly

[3.1.1] - 2022-04-25


  • new simulation parameters: cellFunctionMinInvocations, cellFunctionInvocationDecayProb, cellFunctionWeaponConnectionsMismatchPenalty and cellFunctionWeaponTokenPenalty
  • new simulation example: Maze.sim


  • keep metadata after copy & paste of patterns
  • replicators in Dark Forst.sim repaired
  • forbid digestion of barrier cells
  • crystals in Living Crystals.sim are stabilized
  • color code 6 (gray) in pattern editor is remember like the other colors

[3.1.0] - 2022-04-18


  • barrier cells introduced: indestructible and immobile
  • checkbox for setting/unsetting barriers in pattern editor, creator and inspection window
  • performance notice in Getting started window
  • new examples which use barriers: Soft Balls.sim and Multiverse.sim


  • file format contains program version (compatibility with old format remains!)


  • autosave bug fixed (led to long lags every 20minutes)

[3.0.0] - 2022-04-09


  • new engine with soft-body dynamics
  • new GPU-based editor (enables editing at all zoom levels)
  • new simulation and pattern examples
  • more modern looking user interface with imgui
  • sub-windows to group all simulator functions (temporal control, spatial control, simulation parameters etc.)
  • cross-platform support
  • spatially different simulation parameters and background colors via spots
  • flow generator
  • pin edit windows to multiple cells
  • statistics include cell processes and number of cells by colors
  • freehand drawings
  • display resolution and frame rate settings
  • automatic change of GPU array sizes for entities
  • compression of simulation files
  • system font size scaling is taken into account
  • enable/disable user interface


  • simulation parameters adapted to new engine


  • settings for array sizes
  • main window toolbar
  • bug reporting after crash
  • cell function for communication

[2.5.3] - 2021-06-12


  • more specific error message in case of cudaErrorUnsupportedPtxVersion
  • removed useless size info at the beginning in saved files (sim/parameters/...)


  • wrong view port size bug fixed
  • integration tests repaired

[2.5.2] - 2021-05-27


  • planet gaia example files


  • reduction of memory reservations in editor to prevent out-of-memory exceptions
  • prevent invalid-map-key exceptions in cases where the selection is no longer available in the editor
  • display more precise information in case of exceptions
  • layout in dialogs improved

[2.5.1] - 2021-05-21


  • important memory leak fixed
  • destruction of cell clusters corrected: looks now much nicer!
  • allow only full screen because of a Qt bug

[2.5.0] - 2021-05-19


  • navigation mode enables continuous zooming
  • new editing function: modifier key (CTRL) allows the precise selection of cells
  • new editing function: randomize cell function
  • new editing function: automatic generation of token branch numbers on cell cluster
  • new editing function: remove unused cell connections
  • selection of the graphics card with the highest compute capability, if more than one is found
  • checking for newer versions
  • display in the infobar when time steps per second are restricted


  • better rendering performance due to OpenGL-CUDA interoperability
  • better image quality for low zoom factors
  • motion blur filter
  • more intense glow filter
  • cells are represented in the vector view by a circle with a color gradient
  • two toolbar buttons (instead of one) for switching between editor and pixel/vector view
  • using flat design for main window
  • more beautiful progress bar
  • activated icons in the toolbar glow
  • simulation parameters renamed
  • meaningful error message in case the system requirements are not met
  • colors in editor more balanced
  • infobar is disabled by default
  • getting started info revised
  • logo reduced in size
  • startup example revised
  • collision example revised


  • prevent exception on closing

[2.4.7] - 2021-04-14


  • error messages improved (call stack and bad alloc message)

[2.4.6] - 2021-04-11


  • created cell have maximum bonds corresponding to simulation parameters

[2.4.5] - 2021-04-08


  • fixed exception on closing
  • negative energies prevented

[2.4.4] - 2021-04-04


  • fixed crash when minimum hardware requirements are not met

[2.4.3] - 2021-04-02


  • new simulation parameter "offspring token suppress memory copy" (default=false)


  • font in metadata tab from visual editor corrected

[2.4.2] - 2021-03-24


  • selected cells and particles have lighter colors and smaller sizes in the editor
  • border colors of cells and particles darkened
  • unused simulation parameter "cluster properties -> max size" removed

[2.4.1] - 2021-03-17


  • fix performance bug when using glow effect

[2.4.0] - 2021-03-05


  • disc-shaped structures can be created
  • selections can be colored


  • simulation parameters and symbol maps are saved in JSON format
  • saved simulations are divided into 4 files: *.sim, *.settings.json, *.parameters.json and *.symbols.json


  • second scrollbar in token editor avoided

[2.3.0] - 2021-02-21


  • infobar, which displays general information, monitor information and logging protocol
  • show bug report dialog after crash that allows to send reports to a server


  • using standard font in dialogs and most widgets
  • requirements of the examples lowered


  • fix runtime problems for cells with constructor function

[2.2.2] - 2021-02-10


  • upgrade to CUDA 11.2, Qt 6.0.1, boost 1.75.0 and VS 2019
  • parallel console window is not opened
  • examples renamed


  • timeout problem during simulation run
  • fix crash when monitor is open and simulation or general settings are changed
  • fix crash after inserting collection

[2.2.1] - 2021-02-05


  • fixed crash at display resolutions higher than Full HD

[2.2.0] - 2021-02-03


  • vector graphic view mode is active from zoom level 4 onwards
  • startup screen shows version
  • validation of values in "General settings" and "New simulation" dialog
  • examples (simulation and collections)


  • info banner shows rendering mode
  • "Computation settings" dialog restructured and renamed to "General settings"
  • startup simulation changed


  • experimental feature "Web access" disabled (will be enabled when finished)


  • showing messages in case of CUDA errors instead of immediate termination
  • fix typos

[2.1.0] - 2021-01-17


  • usability: showing first steps window after startup
  • allow moving objects with the mouse pointer
  • ability to connect to a server and send simulation real-time data (still experimental)
  • automatic switching between editor and pixel view depending on zoom level
  • new examples


  • nicer and larger toolbar icons
  • new logo
  • disable editor for low zoom levels


  • fix empty simulation after "step backward" or "restore snapshot"
  • fix center scroll position after startup