A simple datepicker component build with date-fns and Chakra-UI.
You need to install date-fns and chakra-ui in order to use this library.
yarn add date-fns
To install chakra-ui follow their guide here.
After install these dependencies you can now install the library and use this as below:
yarn add @uselessdev/datepicker
Before to use this you can create your own theme or use the default one.
import { ChakraProvider } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import {
} from '@uselessdev/datepicker'
export function App() {
const [dates, setDates] = useState()
const handleSelectDate = (values) => setDates(values)
return (
return (
<ChakraProvider theme={CalendarDefaultTheme}>
<Calendar value={dates} onSelectDate={handleSelectDate}>
<CalendarPrevButton />
<CalendarNextButton />
<CalendarMonthName />
<CalendarWeek />
<CalendarDays />
note that the example above doens't render an input but only the calendar
If you want to use this with inputs and a popover you can see this example
You can fully customize the Calendar component using the extendTheme
provided by chakra-ui, you can see an example below.
In your theme you can overrides the default theme (you can see all available components keys for theme customization here)
import { extendTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { CalendarDefaultTheme } from '@uselessdev/datepicker'
export const theme = extendTheme(CalendarDefaultTheme, {
components: {
Calendar: {
parts: ['calendar'],
baseStyle: {
calendar: {
borderWidth: '6px',
borderColor: 'pink.400',
rounded: 'none',
shadow: 'none',
boxShadow: '32px 16px 0 6px #3B4DCC'
CalendarControl: {
parts: ['button'],
baseStyle: {
button: {
h: 6,
px: 2,
rounded: 'none',
fontSize: 'sm',
color: 'white',
bgColor: 'pink.400',
_hover: {
bgColor: 'pink.200',
_focus: {
outline: 'none',
Now you can use this theme in ChakraProvider
import { ChakraProvider } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { theme } from './theme'
function App() {
return (
<ChakraProvider theme={theme}>
{/* children... */}
Theses changes will produce the following results in Calendar:
Key name | Description | Parts |
Calendar | A multipart component this is reponsible for the calendar it self. | calendar , months |
CalendarMonth | Responsible to style one month block. | month , name , week , weekday , days |
CalendarDay | Applies styles to individual day. This is the only single part component. | -- |
CalendarControl | Applies styles to prev and next months. | controls , button |
This code is under the Apache-2.0 License
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Wallace Batista 💻 🤔 |
Leonardo Elias 💻 |
kivi 💻 |
Guilherme Teixeira 💻 |
Brano Zavracky 💻 |
O. Qudah 📖 |
Tom Chen 📖 💻 |
Alexandre Stahmer 💻 |
Raphael da Rocha Pinto Barboza 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!