1.0.13 2017-09-11 11:22:32
- cef8a39 🐛 [bug]移除postcss-smart-import
1.0.12 2017-05-03 17:41:26
- 8c5cad3 ✨ [feature] 添加returnValue属性在Select组件上.
- 04cef46 ✨ [feature] 添加Autocomplete,Tirgger组件测试.
- 710d53e ✨ [feature] 添加coverage覆盖率检测.
- a87c05a 🐛 [bug]修改popup.js为Popup.js
- aaeae47 🐛 [bug]更新package依赖包版本.
- db8d341 🐛 [bug]更新yarn.lock配置.
- 0aa0fc4 🔧 [config] 添加yarn.lock,防止包版本不同.
- aa0a6f9 ✨ [feature] 添加.travis.yml位置.
- d5c18ff ✨ [feature] 添加jest测试用例.
- 37f2091 ✨ [feature] 添加FLow静态类型检测.
- 7c4fac4 📚 [document] 添加项目说明文档.
1.0.11 2017-04-10 19:04:21
- 6b9b133 🐛 [bug]解决没有暴露出Cascade组件的bug.
1.0.10 2017-04-10 18:06:20
- 48db065 📚 [document] 添加Select组件文档.
- 1f7150f 📚 [document] 添加Checkbox组件文档.
- 1082302 📚 [document] 添加InputGroup组件文档.
- 1c1772e 📚 [document] 添加Switch组件文档.
- 69691e0 📚 [document] 添加Tooltip组件文档.
- 5f388e0 📚 [document] 添加LazyImage组件文档.
- 7e57859 📚 [document] 添加Tabs组件文档.
- 6160304 📚 [document] 添加Pagination组件文档.
- 6ca1e84 📚 [document] 添加Tag组件文档.
- 53b395e 📚 [document] 添加Badge组件文档
- 627ce90 📚 [document] 添加Autocomplete组件文档
- 07db9bb 📚 [document] 添加FormItem组件文档.
- bc0a206 📚 [document] 添加Input组件文档.
- b7edf47 📚 [document] 添加Menu组件文档
- ae96c7d 📚 [document] 添加Table组件readme文档. (#10)
- 6b3f7bd 📚 [document] 更新dateSelect文档
- f5e72f3 📚 [document] 添加Alert组件文档 (#7)
1.0.9 2017-04-05 14:58:12
- b4c92c6 🐛 [bug]修复popup组件z-index问题.
1.0.8 2017-04-05 11:33:16
1.0.6 2017-04-04 09:43:13
- 57eac43 ✨ [feature] 发布npm包包括组件的md文档
1.0.5 2017-03-31 10:37:39
- 33cd421 ✨ [feature] 添加Switch组件.
- 04e3a73 📦 [refact] 更新表格组件固定标头功能。
- 49d2dcd ✨ [feature] 添加Table表格组件。
- 7007509 📦 [refact] 修复Tag组件的动画效果。
- 50bb841 ✨ [feature] 添加Tag标签组件.
- 394d58a ✨ [feature] 添加Pagination组件
- 2fcebff ✨ [feature] add ButtonGroup Component.
- 7557d31 📚 [document] 更新doc文档
- db1a98c ✨ [feature] add InputGroup Component.
- d46cab3 ✨ [feature] add Tabs Component.
- 6e73fb2 📚 [document] 增加date_select文档 reademe (#3)
- b0a9119 📚 [document] 更新Button组件文档 (#1)
- b0aeb77 📦 [refact] update Alert Component demo code.
1.0.4 2017-03-27 19:30:37
- e431ee9 ✨ [feature] add Alert Component.
- 3ed8886 ✨ [feature] add LazyImage Component.
- 2e045ed 📚 [document] update document.
- 9371dcf ✨ [feature] add Checkbox Component.
- d7d7b21 📦 [refact] update Input suffix style.
- 49a05d0 ✨ [feature] add Section Component.
- 1ea74bb ✨ [feature] add FormItem Component.
- 2b6ee83 📚 [document] update document.
- 09eb99f ✨ [feature] add maxRowNumber property for Select and CascadeSelect Component.
- a11f603 ✨ [feature] add CascadeSelect Component.
- ea18f21 ✨ [feature] add Badge Component.
- dbbb361 ✨ [feature] add Menu horizontal of mode for Navbar header.
- f89d4c3 ✨ [feature] npm run docs
1.0.3 2017-03-23 14:08:07
- dfc8454 📦 [refact] delete packge.json dependencies react field.
1.0.2 2017-03-23 12:53:15
- 816bba6 🐛 [bug]ignore some unused files when npm publish.
1.0.1 2017-03-23 12:41:33
- fbce920 🐛 [bug]fix font can not generate when build.
1.0.0 2017-03-23 11:53:57
- e270447 ✨ [feature] add fork me icon at top right corner.
- ee36b44 ✨ [feature] add DateSelect and DateRangeSelect Component.
- 6dbfc8c 🐛 [bug]fix font path error.
- 4e1089d 🐛 [bug]fix relactive path bug in index.html.
- a9e6ad1 📚 [document] add online page for all components.
- f133dd3 ✨ [feature] add confirm,success,warning and error Dialog method.
- f5612a0 ✨ [feature] add Sider Component.
- 5a67544 ✨ [feature] add layout components.
- e67b191 📦 [refact] update Tooltip Component.
- 5b69989 ✨ [feature] add Tooltip Component.
- d0f867e 📦 [refact] fix AutoComplete bug
- 39a0a78 ✨ [feature] add AutoComplete Component.
- 22da78d ✨ [feature] add Input Component.
- 6dad59b 🔧 [config] update SubMenu animate component.
- 0cd9ee5 🐛 [bug]update Popup component.
- e928d11 📦 [refact] edit document.
- 83e0d3f ✨ [feature] optimize popup component
- a79ecfa ✨ [feature] finish Dialog component
- 8b48cb9 ✨ [feature] finish Select component.