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Type Traits

For brevity we will often write "the traits" instead of "the (corresponding/appropriate/whatever) specialisation of the traits class template".


The class template passed as Traits template parameter, most prominently to tao::json::basic_value<>, controls the interaction between the JSON library and other C++ types.

The library includes the Type Traits class template tao::json::traits<> with many specialisations that is used throughout the library as default. A custom Traits class (more precisely: class template) can be used to change the behaviour of the default Traits, and/or to add support for new types.

  • In the first case it is necessary to create a new Traits class template.
  • In the second case it is also possible to (partially) specialise tao::json::traits<> for the new types.

As is common, for any type T, the Type Traits class template instantiated with T as template argument is used as Type Traits class for T.

The default Type Traits use a second template parameter that defaults to void to selective enable or disable a particular (partial) specialisation via SFINAE. For this reason, any template that takes a Type Traits class template as template parameter should be templated over template< typename... > class Traits, rather than the more obvious template< typename > class Traits.

We will use the following class in the example implementations of the Type Traits functions.

struct my_type
   std::string title;
   std::vector< int > values;

While we could simply specialise tao::json::traits<> for my_type, we will prefer to define a new Type Traits class, an approach that also works when redefining Traits for types that the default Type Traits already cover.

template< typename T >
struct my_traits
   : public tao::json::traits< T >
   // Inherit the default traits by default,
   // otherwise we would have to implement
   // specialisations for ALL types (that we
   // want to use).

For convenience, we might add a using for the JSON Value class with the new Type Traits.

using my_value = tao::json::basic_value< my_traits >;

Note that all Type Traits functions are static member functions, and that, depending on the use cases, it is not necessary for a traits specialisation to implement all traits functions.

For many common use cases it is not necessary to manually implement the Traits functions, instead the Binding Traits can be used to generate them automatically.

Create Value from Type

The traits' assign() functions are used to create Value instances from any type T. We will use the implementation of assign() in the specialisation of my_traits for my_type as example.

struct my_traits< my_type >
   template< template< typename... > class Traits >
   static void assign( tao::json::basic_value< Traits >& v, const my_type& t )
      v = {
         { "title", t.title },
         { "values", t.values }

The first thing to note is that assign() is "templated over" the traits class template. If it weren't templated over the traits, the assign() function would only work with my_traits, but not when using a third traits class template that inherits from my_traits by default without changing the specialisation for my_type.

For greater flexibility and future compatibility, we recommend to always template over the traits, regardless of whether creating other traits class templates based on the traits in question is planned or not.

The second point of interest is that we have chosen to encode my_type as JSON Object with two sub-values, one for the title and one for the values, using the initialiser-list syntax for Objects as explained in the documentation of the Value class.

Nothing more needs to be done for t.title and t.values since the default traits already know how to create Values from std::string, std::vector<>, and int, and therefore also std::vector< int >. The default traits use JSON Arrays for vectors, lists and sets.

Given the above traits specialisation for my_type it is now possible to write all of the following.

const my_type a = make_my_type();
const my_value v1 = a;
const my_value v2 = {
   { "it's my type", a }

const std::list< my_type > l = make_list_of_my_type();
const my_value v3 = l;

As a performance optimisation it is possible to provide an additional overload of assign() for the case that the source my_type instance is move()-able. The moving assign() is of course only beneficial when there is data that can actually be moved, like title in the example. The vector values can not be moved to the JSON Value since it is a std::vector< int >, not one of the types used to represent data in a JSON Value.

struct my_traits< my_type >
   template< template< typename... > class Traits >
   static void assign( tao::json::basic_value< Traits >& v, my_type&& t )
      v = {
         { "title", std::move( t.title ) },
         { "values", t.values }

There are of course other possibilities for the JSON structure for my_type, for example it would be possible to create a flat JSON Array with the title as first element followed by the integers from values. In the following we will assume the implementation from above.

Convert Value into Type

The traits' as() and/or to() functions are used to convert Values into any type T.

If not particularly awkward or slow it is recommended to implement as(), which returns the T, rather than to().

The user-facing functions tao::json::basic_value<>::as()/to() are all available, regardless of which function(s) the traits implement, subject to the following limitation:

  • T needs to be copy-assignable to use the front-end to() when the traits only implement as().
  • T needs to be default-constructible to use the front-end as() when the traits only implement to().

Here both functions are shown even though a real-world traits class will typically only implement either one of them.

struct my_traits< my_type >
   template< template< typename... > class Traits >
   static void to( const tao::json::basic_value< Traits >& v, my_type& d )
      const auto& object = v.get_object();
      d.title = "title" ).template as< std::string >();
      d.values = "values" ).template as< std::vector< int > >();

   template< template< typename... > class Traits >
   static my_type as( const tao::json::basic_value< Traits >& v )
      my_type result;
      const auto& object = v.get_object();
      result.title = "title" ).template as< std::string >();
      result.values = "values" ).template as< std::vector< int > >();
      return result;

The as<>() and to() functions again template over the traits class, just like assign(), and for the same reasons.

The employed get_object(), as<>(), to<>() and at() functions will all throw an exception when something goes wrong, i.e. when the accessed JSON Value is not of the correct type, or when the indexed key does not exist.

Instead of manually calling the Traits' as()- and to()-functions it is recommended to use one of the following to create a T from a Value.

const tao::json::value v = ...;
const my_type mt =< my_type >();

Or alternatively:

const tao::json::value v = ...;
my_type mt; mt );

In this example no error is thrown when the top-level JSON Object contains additional keys beyond "title" and "values".

Compare Value with Type

The comparison operators ==, !=, <, <=, > and >= in namespace tao::json that compare instances of basic_value<> with other types ideally use the traits' equal(), greater_than() and less_than() functions.

That is "ideally", because as long as the traits for the type in question have an assign() function, the comparison operators will still work -- by creating a temporary JSON Value and then compare the two Values. In other words, adding equal(), greater_than() and less_than() functions to traits is "only" a performance optimisation, it prevents the creation of the temporary JSON Value from the non-Value argument.

The equal() function has to check whether an instance d of the type for which the traits are specialised is equal to a Value. This check should be consistent with the other traits functions, i.e. the check should return true if and only if comparing the Value to a Value created with the traits' assign() function (or the traits' produce() function together with tao::json::events::to_value) would also return true.

struct my_traits< my_type >
   template< template< typename... > class Traits >
   static bool equal( const tao::json::basic_value< Traits >& v, const my_type& d ) noexcept
      if( !v.is_object() ) {
         return false;
      const auto& o = v.get_object();
      const auto i = o.find( "title" );
      const auto j = o.find( "values" );
      return ( o.size() == 2 )
          && ( i != o.end() )
          && ( i->second == d.title )
          && ( j != o.end() )
          && ( j->second == d.values );

The other two functions, less_than() and greater_than(), have the same signature, and need to return whether the first argument is less than, or greater than the second, respectively. The same consistency conditions as for equal() should be applied. When all traits functions are consistent which each other then the following assertions will never fail, regardless of the values of m and d.

const my_value m = some_value();

const my_type d = make_my_type();
const my_value v = d;

assert( ( d == m ) == ( v == m ) );
assert( ( d != m ) == ( v != m ) );
assert( ( d < m ) == ( v < m ) );
assert( ( d <= m ) == ( v <= m ) );
assert( ( d > m ) == ( v > m ) );
assert( ( d >= m ) == ( v >= m ) );

// When the traits have a produce() function:

const auto e = tao::json::produce::to_value< my_traits >( d );

assert( ( d == m ) == ( e == m ) );
assert( ( d != m ) == ( e != m ) );
assert( ( d < m ) == ( e < m ) );
assert( ( d <= m ) == ( e <= m ) );
assert( ( d > m ) == ( e > m ) );
assert( ( d >= m ) == ( e >= m ) );

Produce Events from Type

Producing JSON Events from a type is performed by the type's Traits' produce() function.

Implementing the produce() function is only required for some optimisation techniques, namely:

  1. To directly serialise any type to JSON or another supported external representation format.
  2. To create an Opaque pointer JSON Value instead of using building the JSON data structure for a type.

The produce() function receives an arbitrary Events Consumer as first argument, and can call any Events Functions on it.

It should/must again template over their traits, and, since there is no basic_value<> instance from which the traits can be derived, the traits produce() functions and the functions in namespace tao::json::produce need to be called with the traits class template as explicit template parameter.

struct my_traits< my_type >
   template< template< typename... > class Traits, typename Consumer >
   static void produce( Consumer& c, const my_type& d )
      c.begin_object( 2 );
      c.key( "title" );
      tao::json::produce< Traits >( c, d.title );
      c.key( "values" );
      tao::json::produce< Traits >( c, d.values );
      c.end_object( 2 );

For the first use case mentioned above, the following code snippet directly and efficiently generates the JSON representation of a my_type instance without creating any JSON Values along the way.

const my_type d = make_my_type();
const std::string json = tao::json::produce::to_string< my_traits >( d );

As with the assign() functions, and depending on which Events Consumers are used, it might be beneficial to provide a moving-version of produce() that moves strings and binary data.

Consume Type from Parser

Directly creating an instance of a type from a parser is performed by the type's Traits' consume() function.

Unlike all other similar parts of the library the consume() interface is not based on the Events Interface!

Instead ... TODO: Explain pull-interface of the parts parsers.

Similar to the Traits' as()-function there are two possibilities on how to implement this function, one that returns the value, and one that takes a mutable reference as second argument. Again it is not necessary to implement both functions, either one is sufficient, and when all is equal preference should be given to the version that returns the value.

struct my_traits< my_type >
   template< template< typename... > class Traits, typename Producer >
   static void consume( Producer& p, my_type& mt )
      // Easier to use the Binding Facilities to generate this function...

   template< template< typename... > class Traits, typename Producer >
   static my_type consume( Producer& p )
      // ...and not implement this one.

Creating instances of my_type can then be achieved by manually calling the Traits' consume() function, or more conveniently by using one of the global consume() functions. Both the one- and two-argument version of the global consume() function can be called regardless of which version the Traits implement.

const std::string json = ...;
tao::json::parts_parser pp( json, "source" );
const my_type mt = tao::json::consume< my_type, Traits >( pp );

Or alternatively:

const std::string json = ...;
tao::json::parts_parser pp( json, "source" );
my_type mt;
tao::json::consume< Traits>( pp, mt );

Default Key for Objects

The use of default keys is shown in the section on creating Values.

The default key for a type is a compile-time string that needs to be declared in the Traits specialisation.

struct my_traits< my_type >
   TAO_JSON_DEFAULT_KEY( "fraggle" );

Further uses of the default key are for object bindings and the polymorphic object factory (TODO: Links).

The default Traits supplied with the library do not define a default key for any type.

Batteries Included

The Type Traits correctly work with nested/composed types. Given that std::string, int, std::tuple, std::vector, std::shared_ptr, and std::map with std::string as key_type are supported (when including the additional Traits), so is for example the following type:

std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< std::vector< std::tuple< int, int, int > > >

Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey