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Dreamcast: dc load ip

cjcliffe edited this page Sep 23, 2012 · 3 revisions

Setting up dc-load-ip for network builds.


Ensure you have the packages 'wodim' and 'binutils-dev' or the compile will fail. You will also need to have a cd recorder ready and connected to the system with blank disc.

Downloading dc-load-ip with GIT

First clone the dc-load-ip GIT repository:

~$ cd /opt/toolchains
toolchains$ git clone git://
# .. repository cloned to /toolchains/dc-load-ip/ here .. 

###Prepare a path for the tool

By default /usr/local/dc/bin will be included in the binary PATH via KOS environment. We can use this to create a place for dc-load-ip to go.

Create folders and set permissions:

toolchains$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/dc
toolchains$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/dc/bin
toolchains$ sudo chown myusername:myusername /usr/local/dc/bin

###Set up the network configuration for the DC

It's preferable to use the ARP version to make sure the CD can be used with the DC on any network configuration. To configure ARP mode edit the Makefile.cfg file in the /opt/toolchains/dc-load-ip folder, and change the network section to look like the one below instead of the default. Also update the installation folder with the /usr/local/dc/bin path we created above.

# the ip of your dreamcast - set to if you want to use arp on pc

# dir to install dc-tool in
#TOOLINSTALLDIR  = /home/tim/dc
TOOLINSTALLDIR = /usr/local/dc/bin

###Build dc-load-ip

Change to dc-load-ip folder and build the project.

~$ cd /opt/toolchains/dc-load-ip
dc-load-ip$ make install
# ... compiling and installation goes here ...

###Burn the dc-load-ip disc

Make sure you have the 'wodim' packages installed on your system first. Insert a blank CD-R disc in your burner. If you have a tool that can burn DiscJuggler images, you can find a pre-built dc-load-ip disc here:


###Finding and setting your burner

Run the following to determine your recorder information, this is an example of what is used on my system, your device(s) may differ:

wodim --devices
wodim: Overview of accessible drives (1 found) :
 0  dev='/dev/scd0'	rwrw-- : 'PIONEER' 'DVD-RW  DVR-108'

Then take the dev='/dev/scd0' part and update the top part of the /opt/toolchains/dc-load-ip/make-cd/Makefile to match:

CDRECORD        = cdrecord dev='/dev/scd0' speed=1
SCRAMBLE        = ./scramble
DD              = dd
# ... rest of makefile ...

Save the scramble tool source to disk

The burning tool uses a tool called 'scramble' and will fail to burn without it, it's available in source form. The source is included here, copy/paste/download it from the following GIST into a file called /opt/toolchains/dc-load-ip/make-cd/scramble.c

Scramble.c GIST

Compile scramble

~$ cd /opt/toolchains/dc-load-ip/make-cd
make-cd$ gcc scramble.c -o scramble
# ... scramble tool built silently ...

Burning the disc

With a blank CD-R in the drive, run the following to burn the loader disc for DC:

~$ cd /opt/toolchains/dc-load-ip/make-cd
make-cd$ make
# ... disc burning goes here ...

Your system should now be prepared to run/debug applications via the network adapter.

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