Releases: claudiowilson/LeagueJS
Releases · claudiowilson/LeagueJS
Update API
Thanks @matthewferderber!
Catch error when server is unreachable
0.4.6 merge pull request to die gracefully when server is unreachable
Update api versions
Merge pull request from @ssesfahani to bump versions
Fix issue #22
Merged pull request from @ChaoticLoki fixing issue #22
Add ability to set the endpoint for the API
Thank you to @passion4code for adding a pretty useful feature.
Users can now set the endpoints associated with the API.
Add static data api
Add functions required for static data
Update summoner api version
Bump API version to 1.4
Rate Limiter Added
Rate Limiter added by @Kubuxu, more tests too
Fix parameter name for freeToPlay, add getEntryData
Merged pull request by @ChaoticLoki
Fixed region and update endpoints
0.3.3 fixed require in app.js