- use proper version of showdown
- allows custom delimiters for frontmatter
- allows optional start delimiter for frontmatter, instead of just ending one (note: must be at start of file
- allows YAML frontmatter parsing (at the task level right now, can't be specified per file)
- added test for custom markdown engine (marked in the example)
- Dustjs partials support (master templates are still used like handlebars, although the functionality could be replaced by partials).
- support Linkedin DustJS templates in addition to handlebars (use templateEngine option)
- less spammy output
- update grunt version
- added support for overriding template name in pages
- added grunt and gruntConfig objects to options to allow access to grunt configuration in templates/pages
- fix bug with partials
- changed how page metadata is accessed
- grunt 0.4.0 fixes and consistencies; better tests
- Initial Release