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130 lines (111 loc) · 7.31 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (111 loc) · 7.31 KB


Transform a set of properties into a (possibly) new output.

Basically, the algorithm is:

  • determine destination (from initial_value or keep_input)
  • foreach property
    • get value(s) from the source(s) (from code, constant or set_null)
    • use additional transformers on the value
    • merge the property and its value into the destination (with merge_callback, the property accessor, or as a simple array index)

Task reference

  • Service: CleverAge\ProcessBundle\Transformer\MappingTransformer
  • Transformer code: mapping

Accepted inputs

array or object that can be accessed by the property accessor

Possible outputs

array or object (the "destination") containing the property manipulated by the transformer


Code Type Required Default Description
mapping array X List of property => sub-mapping options. The property code can be a single string to be used as an array index, or a writable property path
ignore_missing bool false Ignore property accessor errors for the whole mapping
keep_input bool false Use input as the mapping destination (takes precedence on initial_value). Keep in mind that due to PHP behavior, arrays are cloned while objects are passed by reference
initial_value any [] Set the mapping destination
merge_callback callable or null null Allow to change how a property can be set in the destination

Foreach property there is the following options.

Code Type Required Default Description
code string or array or null null A property path, or a list of property path. By default it would be the same as the destination property. Will be used as a source. The special value '.' access the whole object.
constant any null If not null, will be directly used as a source (takes precedence on code)
set_null bool false If true, null will be directly used as a source (takes precedence on code)
ignore_missing bool false Ignore property accessor errors for this source
transformers array [] List of sub-transformers, see TransformerTrait


  • Simple transformation, will output an array with keys "code", "label", "type", "reference", "required" and "slug"
    • required input: an array with keys "Code", "label", "Type", "Name" and "ID"
    • output: an array with keys "code", "label", "type", "reference", "required" and "slug"
# Transformer options level
    code:                                                   # Simple mapping from "Code" to "code"
      code: '[Code]'
    "[label]": ~                                            # Value from "label" will be kept with the same name
    type:                                                   # Get value from "type" and map values (with a default)
      code: '[Type]'
          ignore_missing: true
            TEXTE:            text
            NUMERIQUE:        number
            LISTE_DEROULANTE: simpleselect
            CHOIX_MULTIPLES:  multiselect
            DATE:             date
            value: unknown
    reference:                                              # "null" column
      set_null: true
    required:                                               # "true" column
      constant: true
    slug:                                                   # Get multiple sources, slugify them, and merge them
        name: '[Name]'
        id:   '[ID]'
            slugify: ~
          separator: '_'
  • Mapping in depth, using objects
    • required input: an object with an iterable property "productItems", containing objects with property "longName"
    • output: an array with key "items", containing a list of array with key "name"
# Transformer options level
mapping:                                         # Transformer code
  mapping:                                    # MappingTransformer options
    items:                                    # property code
      code: 'productItems'                    # property options
        array_map:                            # Transformer code
          transformers:                       # ArrayMapTransformer options
            mapping:                          # Transformer code
              mapping:                        # MappingTransformer options
                name:                         # property code
                  code: 'longName'            # property options
  • Advanced property setter
    • required input: an object with a property "address", containing an object with properties "postCode" and "customer", itself containing an object with property "hasFlag"
    • output: same object, with a modified "address.customer.hasFlag"
# Transformer options level
  keep_input: true
      code: address.postCode
          ignore_missing: true
            69005: true
          value: false