- 1/11 Posted Bio.
- 1/15 Went over handbook.
- 1/20 Created account on Chameleon cloud, Github, futuresystems.
- 1/30 Cloud class survey
- 02/05 Technology abstract on Google doc.
- 02/10 Posted Rest assignment to Github
- 02/15-25 Technology abstarct .TEX document and various corrections.
- 02/18 Duplicated Swagger from Handbook.
- 3/05 Watch videos and slides for Cloud Computing from Handbook.
- 03/08 Gather information to write technology paper.
- 03/17 Submit paper
- 03/24 watch container videos
- 03/31 completed install of 3 Rpi's withh ssh keys and docker swarm.
- 03/31 submit tutorial
- Create tex document for project work.
- 01/19
- 01/28
- 02/06
- 02/12
- 02/19
- 02/28
- 03/15
- 04/02
- 01/20 Oracle Virtual Box.
- 01/25 Install Ubuntu, Python, Pyenv.
- 02/03 Reinstall Ubuntu, python, pyenv, sshfs
- 02/05 Install Eve, mongodb, python libraries.
- 01/24 - 01/28 Read Python data types.
- 01/20 - Read about Eve.
- 02/03 - 02/05 Python functions and looping.
- 02/08 - Read about Swagger.
- 02/10 - 02/16 Python modules and name spaces.
- 02/22 - Read and passed IU Plagiarism test.
- 02/18-02/28 Python Classes and scopes.