more to come :)
#Release 2.1.0 - 2019/11/12
- [all] remove all junit 4 (test suites + Plateform)
- [quarto] removed K
- [ui] fix autocomplete
- [struts2] Fix : Cleaning memory when republishing in context
- [struts2] Renamed AppServletContextListener2 to AppServletContextList
- [ui] quasar update from 0.17 to 1.4.1
- [ui] Changed NamedComponent to support mono boolean attribute (like 'flat') in placeholders
- [ui] fix DefaultViewName can be disabled (if needed)
- [ui] Merge pull request #25 from nothingismagick/patch-1
- [ui] Added support of vu:content override attribute, and class concat
- [ui] Added support of contentItem getAttribute
- [ui] Added buttons-group component
- [ui] i18n in vue components
- [ui] Added required support on text-field
- [ui] ajax improvments
- [ui] fix internalization
- [ui] block has action slot
- [ui] add text-field-read-reactive
- [social] Fixed #27 Splitted SendMailPlugin and MailSessionConnector.
- [Social] Add userContent on notification : can be used for favorite or pin (per user features)
- [Social] Move MailManager from vertigo-mail to Vertigo-Social
- [Social] Fix comments memory plugin
- [Social] Fix comment sorting of memory plugin
- [Social] Updated Comment WS api : return Comment, when create or update
- [Ui] Add new frontend stack, modern Ui, great UX and DX, server side rendering Ui (SpringMvc, Thymeleaf and vueJs/Quasar web components)
- [Orchestra] Add default value for some params
- [Orchestra] On startup clean planifs of current node
- [Orchestra] Fix process termination on throwable (not only exception)
- [All] Rename URI to UDI
- [All] Add/Complete Manifest class of each modules (Features classes)
- [All] Update JUnit4 to JUnit 5
- [Ledger] Add new module to easily use blockchain's trust
- [Dashboard] Refactored to easily produce dashboard : timeseries database and awesome charts :)
- [Struts2] Update lib version
- [Struts2] Change some use of io.File to noi.Path
- [Geo] Add Ban (etatlab) plugin for free geoCodage api (france only)
- [Rules] Some refactoring
- [Workflow] Some refactoring, use PostgreSQL by default
- [Adapater] Some fix on IftttAdapter
- [Social] Fix #21 clean older notifications with time boxing : 10s every minute
Use this version for a java9+ project.
- [quarto] fix creation of final doc (medias etc...) (docx)
- [quarto] fix new paragraphs on line breaks (docx)
- [orchestra] fix params in memoryImpl
- [dashboard] some minor additions (bêta)
- [struts2] Added multiple file upload support
- [struts2] Alternative Struts2 multipart request parser for servlet 3
- [struts2] Added hash on sessionId to secure them
- [struts2] added remove in KActionContext
- [struts2] UiUtil now handle all types of UiList
- [all] update dependencies : org.apache.struts/struts2-core : -> 2.5.16, org.apache.strutsstruts2-spring-plugin : -> 2.5.16, org.eclipse.jetty/all : 9.4.7.v20170914 -> 9.4.9.v20180320, com.machinepublishers/jbrowserdriver : 0.17.9 -> 0.17.11
- [dashboard] added module dashboard (bêta)
- [struts2] Added multiple file upload support
- [quarto] Fixed #12 (LocalDate and DateTime)
- [all] Updated versions (javax.mail, lucene, selenium) : javaxmail 15.6 to 1.6.0, lucene 5.5.4 to 6.6.1
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
[All] Code cleaning, refactoring and documenting
[all] remove x in modules names
[all] one extensions -> one maven module
[all] all extensions have the same structure
[quarto] Fixed #6
[struts2] Added test tag label
[orchestra] remove unnecessary logger
[orchestra] move module in extensions
[orchestra] addded a simple fallback for migration from removed tempo (ProcessDefinition.legacyBuilder)
[orchestra] fix bug in memory impl
[orchestra] bug fix (for update for planif)
[orchestra] bug fix (multiple planif)
[orchestra] Fixed activities reservation : only waiting
[orchestra] Fixed some pb (reserve already reserved activities, lock )
[orchestra] Added MultiNode executors tests
[workflow] Moving definitions and mda in io/vertigo/workflow
[workflow] remove x in all names
[rules] Moving definitions and mda in io/vertigo/rules
[rules] remove x in all names
[social] Added notifications TTL support. With cleaner daemon and tests
[social] Notifications Fixed queue order
[social] move redis-conntector to vertigo-commons
[social] created new module to bundle comment, notification and more to come
[social] Fixed notifications Redis TTL
[mail] move tempo/mail into vertigo-mail
[stella] general refactoring (simpler + java8 primitives + master/worker)
[notification] moved to social
[comment] moved to social
[All] Updated dependencies versions org.assertj assertj-core 2.5.0 -> 3.8.0 com.sun.mail javax.mail 1.5.5 -> 1.5.6 com.h2database h2 1.4.193 -> 1.4.196 rest-assured 3.0.1 -> 3.0.3 org.apache.poi poi 3.15 -> 3.16 fr.opensagres.xdocreport * 1.0.6 -> 2.0.1 gson 1.7 -> 2.8.1 org.glassfish.jersey.core jersey-client 2.22.2 -> 2.25.1 org.eclipse.jetty * 9.3.6.v20151106 -> 9.4.6.v20170531 org.apache.lucene * 5.5.0 -> 5.5.4 org.slf4j slf4j-log4j12 1.7.21 -> 1.7.25 org.seleniumhq.selenium * 2.53.1 -> 3.4.0 com.machinepublishers jbrowserdriver 0.17.3 -> 0.17.8 commons-io commons-io 2.4 -> 2.5
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Code cleaning, refactoring and documenting (and Stream java8, Optionnal, Methods refs, ...)
- [All] Always use WrappedException (wrap & unwrap), and params order changed
- [All] Updating Workflow, Rules, Audit, Account with the latest sources from Kinetix
- [All] Moved impl package into extension's root package
- [All] Renamed vertigo-x-parent==> vertigo-extensions
- [WF] Added oom, crebase and DAO for WfEntities
- [WF] Refactored vertigo-x-workflow, many updates, tests and fixes
- [Account] fixed multi accounts with the same id
- [Notif] fixed multi notifs withe the same id
- [Notif] Standardization of Notification Center between Kinetix and Vertigo. Send Notification to a group is now deprecated. Please use send to a set of users instead.
- [Notif] Added Ws to remove many notifications
- [Notif] Refactored Ws routes
- [All] Refactored structures. Rename xxxManager to xxxService. Extension are little app so WebServices, Services, DAO.
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Updated to vertigo 0.9.3
- [All] Fixed URI and persistence on Data/Entity objects
- [All] Updated to java 8
- [Audit] Initial release for vertigo-x-audit
- [Workflow] Initial release for vertigo-x-workflow
- [Rules] Initial release for vertigo-x-rules
- [All] Updated jedis
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Updated to vertigo 0.9.2
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Updated to vertigo 0.9.1
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Code cleaning, refactoring and documentations
- [All] Updated to vertigo 0.9.0
- [Comment] Updated manager api : loggedUser is resolved in WebService not in Manager
- [Connector] Upgraded jedis to 2.8.0
- [Connector] Added redis database on RedisConnector
- [Connector] Merge pull request #3