This project consists of two parts: first an [individual assignment][a1] (60%), then a [team assignment][a2] (40%). Both assignments get a grade (1-10) and both assignments have different weights in the calculation of the final grade of the project (60% for a1 individual, 40% for a2 team). The two assignments can compensate each other.
In the second part of the project, you will create a team of 3 students and combine your job stories into one complete dating app. It is important that your team makes decisions together based on consensus. And that everyone applies knowledge and skills acquired in backend and frontend. To illustrate, this means every team member works with templates. Not that one person does CSS and the person with pre-existing knowledge the whole backend. So split work per feature (such as liking) instead of per area (such as templating).
You will use Git and Github to have version control on your code. You will agree upon code standards and coding style. You will review code of others and will process pull requests from other developers yourself. You will document the project.
Presenting your work is a skill all by itself, make sure you prepare yourself properly. The best way is to treat it as public speaking and there are many books on public speaking available.
- Bring your own computer and a charger.
- Have the latest version of your code ready in your editor.
- Open up your docs inside of your GitHub repository.
- Have a live version up and running.
Make sure your repository stays online after the oral test is finished, we might want to check the code handed in on GitHub after the test. We also want to download and archive your project when it’s done.
Checklist |
Source code is available on GitHub |
Project is documented and has a |
Cites the sources used; either in code comments or APA style in readme |
Live version of the application is deployed |
Seperation of concerns (HTML, CSS & JS) |
Code validates and semantic HTML is used |
💁 We don’t like plagiarism and report it to our assessment committee (examencommissie in Dutch). See ¶ 6.1.2 of Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) 2019-20 (in Dutch: Onderwijs- en examenregeling, OER) for a full definition, but here are a few cases that count as plagiarism:
a. using or copying someone else’s texts, data or ideas without a full and correct acknowledgement of sources; b. presenting the structure or central ideas developed by someone else as your own work or ideas, even when a reference to other authors has been included;
e. copying (parts of) media files or other sources, software source codes, models and other diagrams of other people without acknowledgement and allowing it to be held as your own work;
g. copying the work of fellow-students and allowing it to be held as your own work;