Releases: cms-sw/hlt-confdb
This release
- forbids the saving of menus with modules on a task which are also directly on a sequence or path
- added proxy support for browserconverter which is used by hltGetConfiguration and friends
- updates deploy script to be more integrated with git and append the git hash to non production versions
This release:
disables the saving of menus with streams with unassigned paths
removes the ability to directly add a path to a stream
updates admins
fixes bugs:
- parsing now properly parses empty strings
- diff no longer fails if two objects have the same name but different type (eg module vs switch producer)
This bug fix release fixes a bug with a prematurely closing db in Open (different DB). It also improves the dialog handling of connecting to different DBs and checks if the release is present for import (different db) and gives and error if not
This is a bug fix release which ensures that the operation to remove a directory from a database succeeds before removing it from the gui. Before even if it failed, the gui treated it having succeeded with bad consequences.
This is the V03-00-04 release which was the initial mainsteam release of the confdb version supporting tasks, switchproducers and edaliases.
The V02-08 series was renamed V03-00 to reflect the major changes in this upgrade
DB IP Address Update
This small bug fix release updates the DB connection IP and documenation
V02-08-02: bug fix release
This is a bug fix release to the GPU branch.