task_id: | networkshortest |
Consider the network below.
.. tikz:: :libs: positioning, matrix, arrows \tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth] \tikzset{router/.style = {rectangle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, } \tikzset{host/.style = {circle, draw, text centered, minimum height=2em}, } \tikzset{ftable/.style={rectangle, dashed, draw} } \node[router] (R1) { R1 }; \node[router,right=of R1] (R2) {R2}; \node[router,below=of R1] (R3) {R3}; \node[router,below=of R2] (R4) {R4}; \path[draw,thick] (R1) edge node [midway,fill=white] {\em{3}} (R2) (R3) edge node [midway,fill=white] {\em{3}} (R2) (R1) edge node [midway, fill=white] {\em{2}} (R3) (R4) edge (R3) (R2) edge (R4);
.. question:: shortest1 :nb_prop: 3 :nb_pos: 2 Given the link weights shown in the figure above, which of the following affirmations about the shortest paths in this network are correct ? .. positive:: The shortest path from `R4` to `R1` is via `R3`. .. positive:: The shortest path from `R2` to `R3` is via `R4`. .. negative:: The shortest path from `R1` to `R2` is via `R3`. .. negative:: The shortest path from `R3` to `R2` is the direct link. .. positive:: The shortest path from `R3` to `R2` is via `R4`. .. negative:: The shortest path from `R1` to `R4` is via `R3`.