issues Search Results · repo:code-iai/iai_robots language:CMake
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incode-iai/iai_robots (press backspace or delete to remove)I tried to create a MoveIt! config package for boxy with the moveit_setup_assistant. When i loaded
boxy_description.urdf.xacro the program crashed with the following error message:
*** Error in
`/opt/ros/indigo/lib/moveit_setup_assistant/moveit_setup_assistant ...
- ichumuh
- 2
- Opened on Feb 17, 2016
- #17
RViz complains about the WSG meshes by saying that Assymp cannot find them although they are present in the ROS package.
Can t say more about this but one thing is clear: RViz crashes when you try to visualize ...
- gaya-
- 2
- Opened on Sep 11, 2015
- #13
Right now, the KMS40 description both the sensor and our adaptor for the LWR 4+. For better re-use, we could split this
- airballking
- Opened on Feb 7, 2015
- #10
Currenly, we use only cylinders and boxes to construct the visuals of the iai-kms. The driver CD from the manifacturer
contained some STEP files. Maybe we can use them?
- [ ] connect Weiss GmbH to ask ...
- airballking
- Opened on Feb 7, 2015
- #9
The PR2 description uses meshes which have not been released in ROS Indigo. Hence, a work-around for us could be to copy
those packages with a iai prefix in here.
- kohrt
- Opened on Jan 7, 2015
- #6
The gripper should have two fingers, and they need joints. And possibly a tranmission linking them so that there is
really only 1 DOF.
- amaldo
- 3
- Opened on Nov 21, 2014
- #4
the following packages need collision meshes for Move-IT:
iai_boxy_base iai_boxy_torso
Make them really simple: boxes around the real features.
- amaldo
- 1
- Opened on Nov 21, 2014
- #3
We could write a node which watches the routing of the PR2 network (WIFI or wired LAN), and sends out a diagnostics
message. People could then configure their dashboard to show certain routings as errors, ...
- airballking
- Opened on Jul 29, 2014
- #2
The PR2 model with F/T sensor in the left arm appears to have a wrong l_gripper_motor_accelerator_link (see pictures):
- airballking
- Opened on Jun 5, 2014
- #1
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