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File metadata and controls

163 lines (121 loc) · 4.71 KB

Advanced Git

Exercise One - Under The Hood of a Simple Commit


In this exercise, we'll create a simple commit, and then peek under the hood at the objects stored in our .git folder to gain some insight into how things work.


If you have a Mac with brew set up, install tree. This makes it easy to visualize the contents of your .git folder.


  1. Create a new folder and initialize it as a git repo
  2. Create a file, stage it, and commit it to your new repo
  3. Look at your .git folder, using tree if you have it
  4. Inspect the objects in your .git/objects folder using git cat-file. See if you can find the tree, blob, and commit objects for your recent commit.
  5. Look at your .git/HEAD and .git/refs/heads/master files and see if you can figure out where these references are pointing to.


Step 1 - Initialize the Repo

Create a new sample project folder. Run git status to see that it is not yet a git repository. Use git init to initialize it as a repository.

$> mkdir -p ~/projects/sample

$> cd ~/projects/sample

$> git status
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

$> git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/nnja/projects/sample/.git/

Step 2 - First Commit

Create a new document, stage it for a commit, then commit it to your repository.

$> echo 'Hello World!' > hello.txt

$> git add hello.txt

$> git commit -m "Initial commit"
[master (root-commit) aceb9e8] Initial commit
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 hello.txt

Step 3 - View the .git Folder

Using tree, look in your .git/objects folder, you should now see three objects, represented by long SHA1 hashes. These represent the tree, blob, and commit that we created in the last step.

$> tree .git

├── HEAD
├── config
├── description
├── index
├── info
│   └── exclude
├── logs
│   ├── HEAD
│   └── refs
│       └── heads
│           └── master
├── objects
│   ├── 43
│   │   └── 388fee19744e8893467331d7853a6475a227b8
│   ├── 58
│   │   └── 1caa0fe56cf01dc028cc0b089d364993e046b6
│   ├── 98
│   │   └── 0a0d5f19a64b4b30a87d4206aade58726b60e3
│   ├── info
│   └── pack
└── refs
    ├── heads
    │   └── master
    └── tags

Step 4 - Inspect the Objects:

Note: The SHA1 hash for your commit will be different than the one displayed here. The SHA1 hash for your blob and tree will be the same as mine, as long as the content is the same.

One of the objects should be a tree object. The tree contains the filename hello.txt and a pointer to the blob.

$> git cat-file -t 581caa

$> git cat-file -p 581caa
100644 blob 980a0d5f19a64b4b30a87d4206aade58726b60e3	hello.txt

The blob object, pointed to by the tree, contains the contents of the file hello.txt

$> git cat-file -t 980a0d5

$> git cat-file -p 980a0d5
Hello World!

The commit object contains a pointer to the tree, along with metadata for the commit, such as the author and commit message.

$> git cat-file -t 43388f

$> git cat-file -p 43388f
tree 581caa0fe56cf01dc028cc0b089d364993e046b6
author Nina Zakharenko <[email protected]> 1507168309 -0700
committer Nina Zakharenko <[email protected]> 1507168309 -0700

Initial commit

Because this is our very first commit, it doesn't have a parent. The next commit we make will point to our initial commit as the parent.

Step 5 - Look at refs

Let's look under the hood at our HEAD variable. HEAD is just git's pointer to "where you are now," usually referring to the current branch. More on this later. We can see that right now, it points to our current branch - master

Now, if we look at our master reference, we can see that it points to the latest commit.

$> cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/master

$> cat .git/refs/heads/master

43388f... is the hash of the commit we saw in the last step. You can confirm this by running git log

$> git log --oneline
43388f Initial commit

Git stores references in the .git/refs/heads/ directory, and the HEAD pointer in .git/HEAD

We can verify this by creating a new branch.

$> git branch new_branch

The git branch command will create a new branch without switching to it.

Now, if we look in .git/refs, we'll see two branches. The master branch, which is created by default, and new_branch.

$> tree .git/refs
├── heads
│   ├── master
│   └── new_branch
└── tags

End of Exercise One