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Testing and Debugging

Thiago edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 3 revisions

Running Tests

Via Command Line

From the project root: $ sh

Or alternatively:

$ chmod +x  # to make the file executable (this should be ran only once)
$ ./

Test Overview

Test Directory Structure

|---unit_tests: unit-y tests 
|               (there are some integration-like tests here)
|---integration_tests: tests of intents with network resources mocked
| contains some file_paths and mocked_return_values
|                      for patched functions in integration_tests modules
|---test_data: mostly unused for now, most of the relevant data has been 
               incorporated into

Creating an integration_test for

  1. import mycity.test.integration_tests.intent_test_mixins
    • contains common test functions like testing if response.output_speech has an error message, the card title is correctly configured, etc.
  2. import mycity.test.integration_tests.intent_base_case
    • does the setUp and tearDown common to all intents
    • if you need to do some function patching or some other setup, overwrite setUp and tearDown in child class, but don't forget to call super().setUp() and super().tearDown()
  3. if you need a return value for a mocked function, write and store it in mycity.test.test_constants and reference it as mycity.test.test_constants.SOME_VALUE.
class SomeIntentTestCase(mix_ins.RepromptTextTestMixIn,

    intent_to_test = "SomeIntent"
    returns_reprompt_text = False

    def setUp(self): 
	 ...patch whatever functions you need to
        (don't forget to start the patch/es)...

    def tearDown(self):
	...stop all your patches...

    def test_that_is_unique_to_this_intent(self): whatever you need to! Mixed-in tests will rely on your setUp 
	and tearDown for any needed patching tho

Debugging with CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch is an online monitoring tool that collects data from your application in form of logs, metrics, and events.

To get started, log into the CloudWatch tool here. Then, select Logs from the navigation bar on the left.

If you have run your skill at least once (either in the simulator or on a real device), a log group should be visible /aws/lambda/BostonData.

Select the log group to view the Log streams. At each log stream, you will be able to see all requests and responses between your voice commands and AWS Lambda.