Get CNAME from heroku:
heroku domains -a coderbunker-timesheet
add CNAME to google domains
NAME TYPE TTL DATA data CNAME 1h data.coderbunker.com.herokudns.com.
Enable SSL automatically managed by heroku.
want to push an amended history with subtree push? sadly, does not support push.
create a local branch and force push that first:
git subtree split --prefix server -b backup-branch
git push -f heroku backup-branch:master
should now be back to normal...
Creating/updating schema on Heroku instance:
psql -v "ON_ERROR_STOP=1" -b -1 -e -f sql/PSQL.sql `heroku pg:credentials:url | tail -1`
Restarting the dyno (to load changes to the database for example)
heroku restart -a coderbunker-timesheet
Pushing the local database:
heroku pg:push timesheet postgresql-rigid-65921 --app coderbunker-timesheet
Pulling the Heroku database locally and making a copy before changing the pulled version (adjust date):
heroku pg:pull postgresql-rigid-65921 heroku-timesheet --app coderbunker-timesheet
psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE "heroku-timesheet-20180416" TEMPLATE "heroku-timesheet";' postgres