diff --git a/web/thesauruses/c/17/strings.json b/web/thesauruses/c/17/strings.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5aaab5f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/thesauruses/c/17/strings.json @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +{ + "meta": { + "language": "c", + "language_version": "17", + "language_name": "C", + "structure": "strings" + }, + "concepts": { + "is_primitive_or_not": { + "code": "no", + "name": "Is this a built-in type in this language?" + }, + "import": { + "code": "#include", + "name": "Import the string header file" + }, + "default_string_byte_encoding": { + "code": "ASCII UTF-8", + "name": "Default byte encoding (ex: ASCII UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.)" + }, + "create_new_string": { + "code": [ + "char string[] = \"hello\";", + "char string[] = {'h','e','l','l','o','\\0'};" + ], + "name": "Create new string" + }, + "create_multiline_string": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Create new multi-line string" + }, + "assign_new_string": { + "code": [ + "char s[] = \"hello\";", + "char st[sizeof(s)];", + "strcpy(st, s);", + "printf(\"%s\",st);" + ], + "name": "Assign string from another string" + }, + "destroy_string": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Destroy string" + }, + "length_of_string": { + "code": [ + "chat str[] = \"hello\";", + "printf(\"%zu\",strlen(s));" + ], + "name": "Length of string" + }, + "max_length_of_string": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Maximum length of string" + }, + "clear_string": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Clear/empty string" + }, + "is_empty": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Is string empty?" + }, + "concatenate_two_strings": { + "code": [ + "char str1[] = \"hello\";", + "char str2[] = \" world\";", + "strcat(str1,str2);", + "puts(str1);" + ], + "comment":"this adds the content of str2 at the end of str1", + "name": "Concatenate/join two strings" + }, + "concatenate_many_strings": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Concatenate/join many strings" + }, + "is_all_alphabetical": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Is string all alphabetical characters?" + }, + "is_all_numerical": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Is string all numerical characters?" + }, + "is_all_alphanumeric": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Is string all alphanumeric characters?" + }, + "is_decimal": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Is string a decimal number?" + }, + "is_all_whitespaces": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Is string all whitespace characters?" + }, + "is_all_uppercase": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Is string all uppercase characters?" + }, + "is_all_lowercase": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Is string all lowercase characters?" + }, + "is_in_titlecase": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Is string formatted in title case?" + }, + "does_substring_exist": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Does a substring exist in a string?" + }, + "find_start_index_of_substring": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Find index of where a substring starts" + }, + "find_start_index_of_additional_substring": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Find index of an additional substring (or starting at another index)" + }, + "find_start_index_of_substring_from_end": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Find substring index starting at end" + }, + "count_occurrences_of_substring": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Find number of occurences of a substring" + }, + "get_leftmost_characters": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Get a specified number of characters from the left" + }, + "get_rightmost_characters": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Get a specified number of characters from the right" + }, + "get_substring_from_start_and_end_index": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Return a substring from a string based on starting and ending indices" + }, + "get_substring_from_start_index_and_length": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Return a substring from a string based on starting index and size of substring" + }, + "convert_to_uppercase": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Convert string to all uppercase" + }, + "convert_to_lowercase": { + "not-implemented":"true", + "name": "Convert string to all lowercase" + }, + "convert_to_title_case": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Convert string to title case" + }, + "capitalize_string": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Capitalize first letter of a string" + }, + "remove_whitespace": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Remove all whitespaces from string" + }, + "replace_substring": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Replace a substring with another string" + }, + "replace_all_substring": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Replace all substring matches with another string" + }, + "split_at_index": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Split string into a list of strings at a given index" + }, + "split_at_newlines": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Split string into a list of strings at every new line character" + }, + "split_at_substring": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Split string by locating all substrings" + }, + "merge_lists_into_string": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Merge a list of strings into one string" + }, + "encode_html_entities": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Encode HTML entities in a string (ex: ™ to ™)" + }, + "decode_html_entities": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Decode HTML entitles into characters" + }, + "encode_url_percent": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Encode URL percent encoding into string (ex: ' ' to %20)" + }, + "decode_url_percent": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Decode URL percent encoding" + }, + "encode_to_base64": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Encode string into Base64 format" + }, + "decode_from_base64": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Decode string from Base64 format" + }, + "format_string_function": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Function to format a string" + }, + "parameter_format_in_order": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Parameter used in format function if they're used in order" + }, + "parameter_format_numerical": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Parameter used in format function if they're numerically numbered" + }, + "parameter_format_by_name": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Paramater used in format function if they're named variables" + }, + "format_as_integer": { + "code":[ + "printf(\"%d\", age); // signed integer", + "printf(\"%u\", age); // unsigned integer" + ], + "name": "Format parameter as an integer" + }, + "format_as_decimal": { + "code":[ + "printf(\"%f\", result); // %lf for double" + ], + "name": "Format parameter as a decimal number" + }, + "format_as_fixed_decimal": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Format parameter as a fixed-point decimal number" + }, + "format_as_currency": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Format parameter as a currency number" + }, + "format_as_percentage": { + "code": " %% , this format specifier prints the '%' character", + "name": "Format parameter as a percentage number" + }, + "format_number_with_separators": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Format number with thousand separators" + }, + "format_number_with_positive_negative_sign": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Format number with positive/negative signs" + }, + "format_number_in_scientific_notation_little_e": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Format number with scientific notation with 'e'" + }, + "format_number_in_scientific_notation_big_e": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Format number with scientific notation with 'E'" + }, + "format_number_in_binary": { + "not-implemented": "true", + "name": "Format number into binary" + }, + "format_number_in_octal": { + "code": "printf(\"%o\", a); // int a = 67", + "name": "Format number into octal" + }, + "format_number_in_hexadecimal": { + "code": "printf(\"%x\", a); // int a = 15454", + "name": "Format number into hexadecimal" + } + } +}